Anti-Handgun Rally in Boston this Saturday

they don't say who or what... do we have to attend the rally to find out? gee whiz the suspense is killing me. with a bullet. let me shit on the constitution now.
Apparently they have a local 'victim' speaking too...

Resident to Speak at Pro Gun Control Rally - Westborough, MA Patch

Personal History: One Woman?s Lifetime Of Losses From Gun Violence | CommonHealth

My grandfather, Hans Wachtel, escaped from Nazi Germany and became an obstetrician-gynecologist in Chicago. He received a Bronze Star for his bravery as a medic in the United States Army during World War II and, according to my family, he was one of the first white doctors in the Chicago area to treat African-American patients after the War. My grandfather made a successful life for himself, his American-born wife, and their five children (2 of whom he adopted after their birth parents died).

In 1977 my grandfather suspected that one of the doctors in his OB-GYN practice was performing unnecessary Cesarean sections on low-income women in order to get more money from Medicaid. When my grandfather confronted the other doctor, the doctor hired two people who shot my grandfather as he got into his car one cold February morning on his way to work.

For $2,000 two men killed my wonderful grandfather — a heroic, generous man who truly loved his family, his patients and life. One of the killers gave my grandmother “the finger” when he was being led out of the courtroom during their trial. Since there was no death penalty in Illinois in 1977, the killers sit in prison to this day. Every couple of years my parents have to plead with the Illinois Prisoner Review Board to deny them parole – and have to relive the grisly facts. Violent deaths certainly endure.

ETA more but not the whole article.
On July 1, 1993, my life — and the lives of so many others — was turned upside down again. A man with a semi-automatic TEC-9 walked into a San Francisco office building, took the elevator to the 34th floor and started shooting. Eight people were killed and six were injured before police closed in and the gunman killed himself.
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So I am really confused now. Is she protesting guns or murder for hire? I'm not sure how this relates to gun violence as the killers could have put a bomb in his car, stabbed him, beat him with a pipe, or used any number of methods to accomplish their goal.

Kind of an interesting tactic to use a victim who had to flee Nazi Germany when we all know how well gun control worked out there!

So I am really confused now. Is she protesting guns or murder for hire? I'm not sure how this relates to gun violence as the killers could have put a bomb in his car, stabbed him, beat him with a pipe, or used any number of methods to accomplish their goal.

Kind of an interesting tactic to use a victim who had to flee Nazi Germany when we all know how well gun control worked out there!

It is all in the attached article. I can't copy the whoe thing.

On July 1, 1993, my life — and the lives of so many others — was turned upside down again. A man with a semi-automatic TEC-9 walked into a San Francisco office building, took the elevator to the 34th floor and started shooting. Eight people were killed and six were injured before police closed in and the gunman killed himself.
Here's the follow-up e-mail after the rally I got from the anti-gun lunatic who sent the email I printed in the first post:

Dear MA friends,
Gun violence is insidious. It makes us fearful and suspicious. It empowers bullies. If the guy in the white SUV who wanted our parking space had had a gun I might not be writing this today.

We in MA think this isn't our issue because our elected officials are already on the side of reason when it comes to guns. Last week's rally in Boston had some surprising and sobering facts. Nearly 100% of the calls/emails/letters that Gov. Patrick and MA congressional reps receive are pro-gun. Callers/writers conflate 2nd Amendment rights with a rear of government intruding in people's personal lives. They threaten our elected officials with political demise unless they change their votes on this one issue.

What makes this barrage of pro-gun sentiment so unusual is that 8% of MA citizens have gun licenses.The massacre of babies in CT and the resultant upsurge in gun sales and NRA rhetoric have made it clear that silence can be mis-read as apathy. We who believe the tide needs to be turned have to be as persistent and vocal as those who are flooding the mails with paranoid messages about limiting restrictions on gun use.

To make it easy for us to have a voice, there is this organization:
Demand a Plan - Home
Letters and calls to Pres. Obama, Gov. Patrick, our various representatives and senators, on the state and national level are urgently needed. Like the NRA's minions, we need to write, and then 3 days later, to write again. We need to let our elected officials know we'll work to ensure their political demise unless they bring us back from the brink of mayhem.

Standing there on the Boston Common, I remembered being at early anti-Vietnam rallies, and seeing how the crowds grew in a few short years to a major movement. Who would have thought cigarette smoking could have gone from cool to NOT in a few short years? Gun control is like these movements and Boston, home of the original tea party (that launched the American Revolution) is a natural place for this one to begin.

Thanks for reading this. And thanks for helping turn the tide.

Looks like it is not going so well for them, except that the guy in the SUV who stole her parking spot didn't have a concealed carry permit.
Drivel about babies. No doubt the author is also a raving "pro-choice" lunatic as well. I don't have figures, but I'll bet at least 20 abortions were performed on December 14 in CT, and on every day since. I'm likely off by an order of magnitude on my numbers.

What an upside down world we live in where 20 kids are killed by a madman and we all have to pay for it with our God-given human rights, yet buckets of baby parts vacuumed out of their mothers are distilled down for their collagen and it's an inalienable right.
Great report DR.

One very minor thing though. MA does not have a concealed carry permit. There is nothing in MA law requiring concealment. If we could ever get the suitability stuff taken care of, there would be no legal impediment to OC. Just an FYI.

Thanks again. Great OR.

Most likely many of you are familiar with the following Peter Griffin (Family Guy) quote (or some form of it):

"Well sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

I am of the opinion that a slightly modified version of this quote should end up on a banner (or banners) held by Pro-2A folks at all of the "Anti" rallies.

What better way to silently protest their cause while at the same time advancing ours and the assertion that the Second Amendment protects and guarantees the first.
We have to be careful that the media doesn't make it look like we are part of that group just to make their numbers look better. I don't trust the media not to do something like that.

You need to learn to play the game, if you are afraid to show up because you might be counted with them, then make sure you are counted with them and carry a message that makes them look insane. Make signs that would make even bloomberg cringe. Maybe "Cops in england dont have guns, neither should ours", "Only politicians deserve guns for protection.", "No one was shot by a civilian in china today, F**k the constitution", "Execute all gun owners immediately". "Disarm america, some people standing here right now will kill you if they had a gun", ect ect.

If you get anywhere near a tv camera go for the full retard spaz on executing all gun owners while swearing relentlessly.
You mean like when MSM filmed a black man carrying an AR, cropped out any hint of his skin and ran with the story about racists and their rifles at a political rally?

@cekim, that was horrible what MSNBC did with that footage. Even that moron Toure was calling it racist. Bet that dope feels stupid now.
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