Anti-gun Senator that has a CCW, gets carjacked.

Mar 4, 2006
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Perata is a gun grabber of the highest order (think in terms of Jarrett Barrios and Cheryl Jaques), yet he's one of the privileged powerful that has an elusive CA CCW... figure that one out.

12-29) 04:00 PST Oakland -- State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata was carjacked at gunpoint from his state car in North Oakland Saturday.

Perata, 62, of Oakland was unharmed in the incident, which happened at about 1:45 p.m. as he was stopped in his state-leased red 2006 Dodge Charger at a red light at 51st Street and Shattuck Avenue.

"It's nothing that I want anybody else to go through," Perata said Saturday. "It just happened so fast. It certainly ruins your day."

Perata said he was waiting for the light to change when, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a man walking up to him. The senator, who has campaigned against assault weapons and crime, said he mistook the man for a panhandler at first.

But then the man began pulling a mask over his nose and pointed an automatic handgun at him "gangster style" - holding it sideways - before tapping it on his window and bellowing at him, "Get out of the m- car."

"And after that, I just lost interest in his face and I just stared at the gun," Perata said.

Perata jumped out of the car, which police say may have been targeted for its 22-inch rims. The man got inside and took off. He was followed by an apparent accomplice in a gold 2000 Chevrolet Camaro that had been stolen earlier Saturday, police said.

The two cars got onto Interstate 980, and witnesses said they saw the cars exit Park Boulevard from eastbound Interstate 580, said Oakland police Lt. Lawrence Green.

Green said police believe at least two men were in the Camaro when it pulled up alongside Perata. The senator told officers that he believed he saw the men at a Union 76 gas station minutes earlier on Broadway Terrace, so it was possible that they followed him to 51st and Shattuck before carjacking him, Green said.

Also taken was Perata's cell phone.

Perata said he was preparing to get onto the freeway when he was carjacked. The gunman was no more than three feet away, and at one point Perata said he feared that if the assailant panicked and fired a round, "that would have been the end of me."

The gunman was described as a black man in his late 20s, 5-foot-8, with a thin, muscular build, last seen wearing a black mask and dark clothing. Perata's vehicle has a state-exempt plate of 1166961, and the stolen Camaro's license plate is 5UBN288.

"Sometimes the holidays bring out desperate times for people, and he did the safe thing and just gave up the car," said Perata spokeswoman Alicia Trost. "It's just unfortunate, but we're very happy that he's uninjured."

Perata said he was grateful for the assistance of Oakland police officers, including Sgts. Todd Mork and Randy Bandino.

Perata, who has campaigned against crime in Oakland and the East Bay, joked that he started the day at age 62 but now felt somewhere between 70 and 75.

"I've been around this stuff for a while, but this is the first time I've ever had a gun pointed at me," said Perata, an Oakland Democrat who sponsored the assault weapons ban signed into law in 1999.

Don Perata has been one of the leading "Gun Control" advocates in California for many years. One of his biggest, and most draconian pieces of legislation was the notorious SB 23 in 1999. I highly suggest you read about this bill, as it resulted in one of the largest ever setbacks in Californian RKBA restoration efforts.

He has continued to author even more "Gun Control" bills since then. One of the bills he authored was SCA 12, which was a ridiculous bill that would add a 5 cent tax per cartridge or component. This of course, is a completely irrelevant bill that would obviously only harm target shooters and those who use their weapons for sporting purposes This would have virtually no effect on criminals as criminals require very little ammunition to commit crimes.

Some other bills that Perata authored were SB 682 and SB 1490.

OK... Let's break this down:

But then the man began pulling a mask over his nose and pointed an automatic handgun at him "gangster style" - holding it sideways - before tapping it on his window and bellowing at him, "Get out of the m- car."

Automatic! WOW!!! How did they know the handgun was an AUTOMATIC pistol?

Tools [angry] Time to ban those automatic pistols!

...his state-leased red 2006 Dodge Charger

Nice to see that ALL hacks get political perks. Just like the Devaluator and the fleet of Cadillacs. [thinking]
And ya know...who foots the bill for another car? I say he does, since he should have been carrying! IMHO he was negligent.

Perata, who has campaigned against crime in Oakland and the East Bay, joked that he started the day at age 62 but now felt somewhere between 70 and 75.

"I've been around this stuff for a while, but this is the first time I've ever had a gun pointed at me," said Perata, an Oakland Democrat who sponsored the assault weapons ban signed into law in 1999.

Smarten up jacka**. All I want to know is, how did it feel to look at the business end of a pistol? Kind of sucked, huh? Well, try having that happen several times and see what you feel like. You can ban all of the guns in the world, but you cannot ban criminals.

My reason for seeking renewal is as it has been in previous applications: my public policy efforts to seek rational regulation of firearms have engendered the enmity of some individuals who have made overt threats on my life and well-being of my family. The rapidly expanding access and anonymous use of the Internet have measurably added to this problem.

My response as the CCR Officer in charge of licenses

"At this time, we see no valid reason to grant you the license to carry concealed firearms. If you have had credible threats against your life in the past, you should bring all of the evidence to the proper authorities and have those individuals brought to justice.

Given the laws you have enacted, thankfully there are no threats to any California citizen that would warrant a license to carry at this time. The availability for any criminal to obtain a gun is minimal, and the likelihood of an armed confrontation has been avoided. Statistically, gun owners are the most law abiding citizens of this country, and I have a hard time believing that your laws have pushed those individuals to desperate measures, since those weapons have been banned. As this is a free country, those people would have left this state, and so to the population that keeps our crime in check.

Furthermore, we do not see the First Amendment and the Internet as a valid reason. Again, if someone has made a credible threat to your life, you need to bring that to the attention to the proper authorities and bring those individuals to justice.

Here is a suggestion: Now that you have tried to ban all firearms in the state, you should ban the freedom of speech. Once you have done that, you can override my veto to your license to carry. Until then, you are as safe as the rest of the civilians in the State of California, and do not have the right to self defense."

AMF and KMA: How does it feel now you POS.
What a sickening piece of low life, scum sucking horse dung!
I watched my language here![angry]

SO, um, the state fleet vehicle had 22" rims, huh?

Always glad to get a refresher what exactly higher taxes actually end up funding.
Apparently this major A-Hole has not learned his lesson:

The carjacker told him to get out of the car, and Perata said everything happened so quickly that he didn't feel fear. He immediately complied and got out on the street. He was not injured.

"My only concern was that he was fiddling with his mask. I was thinking, 'I hope he doesn't get one motor skill confused with another and shoot me,"' Perata said.

First off, I cannot believe that this guy did not need to change his liberal shorts when the gun was pulled on him. LOL. Yea, right, he did not feel fear: He was thinking up the next set of laws to cook up.

Thus, when women get raped and car jacked and molested in the State of Kalifornia, they can look to the shining example of Perata: Do not feel fear, comply with the attacker, and do not forget, it was YOUR fault for being attacked.

I cannot wait to see the next set of gun laws that are passed in that state...

This is a punctuation mark on what I've been doing for 20 years. There are too many guns out there," he said.

No sir, you are a s*it bag, scum bucket, piece of s*it, old f*cking FART, A**hole. YOU KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!!??

As you stated in you license to carry, the one section of population that was NOT present in the car jacking was the law abiding citizens of your state! And those were the ones you feared for your life!!! You are a communist sir, a f*cking piece of s*it. This was not done by a law abiding citizen, this was done by a CRIMINAL.

(As Yoda would say) And that, is where you fail.
Too bad the jacker didn't pull the trigger.

Rarely do they.......
Messes up the interior of the vheilce, who wants to sit in a pile of brains? Actually the perp might have been safe on this by choosing a politician, but would have had to sit in a pile of s##t instead!
Perata is a gun grabber of the highest order (think in terms of Jarrett Barrios and Cheryl Jaques), yet he's one of the privileged powerful that has an elusive CA CCW... figure that one out.

I am sure some place it exists, but is there a list of anti gun politicians who have a CCW? I think that's a list that should be used more often. Link anyone?

"Politicians who think their life is more important than yours" followed by all the names is a very powerful statement no doubt to use with anti gun types.
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