Anti-Gun conversation Video

yeah. just thought it would be funny. coulda been better but ddid really quick while i was sick today[wink]
LOL, it gets pretty funny when they start talking about machine guns that shoot down airplanes and bullets that go around corners.
i got a kick out of that thank you MJM, you should have added my personal favorite "You know that you are more likley to shoot a family member then a criminal." My response is "No I have only accidentally shot 3 family members, and I have shot 4 criminals" or "Funny, I have never shot anyone so how can this statistic prove what I personally am more likley to do, even if this statistic was true it would have to be worded One is more likley to shoot a family member seeing as there is not data about me"

Maybe if MJM doesnt mind, we can add a few more, i know this could be improved upon.

I need some of those bullets that go around corners.

Here ya go, not a bullet that does it but close.
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