Another Mass Non-Resident LTC Question

Jun 19, 2006
southern nh
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Hello Everyone:

this is my first post on this board, so please accept my apology if it seems i'm asking a newbie-level question.

i just moved from massachusetts to nh and am putting the finishing touches on my mass. non-resident ltc question. for those of you who have gone through this application process recently, how did you answer the question on the application asking for the type of license for which you're applying? i know that i'm applying for a class-a, all lawful purposes. but the application now calls for the applicant to write a reason for applying for the class-a, alp. if some recent applicants are willing to share what they wrote as the reason on this question, it would be much appreciated.

i did do a few searches on this topic but didn't find quite the advice i was looking for.

thank you for anyone taking the time to help me out.

Welcome to the forum jwk. What DPM said is correct. It doesn't matter how many lines they give you to write a reason, "All lawful purposes" comes from the MGL's. It covers everything, no matter what the reason.
Welcome to the forum, we hope you enjoy it here.

Congrats on escaping MA! Long live your freedom in NH!
It probably would serious hurt your application, but you could just tell the truth and put:

'Because your F***in' state requires a F***in' license to do any F***in' thing with a F***in' gun, F***in' ammo, or even a F***in' Pez dispenser that F***in' offers up a tasty F***in' cartridge. Come to F***in' think of it, you can F***in' keep your F***in' state and it's F***in' politics and F***in' high crime, cause I don't F***in' like to hang my F***in' freedom every F***in' time I F***in' cross the F***in' border.

Like I said, it's the truth, but I seriously doubt it would help your application.

(although you might have a clerk looking up to see if you managed to equal the number of times a certain word was used compared to the South Park Movie.)
As a Massachusetts resident the way you answer that question can impact what sort of license you'll get. As a non-resident, you don't have that problem to face. The state police aren't bothering with restricted licenses. Ask for ALP and you'll get it unless you're disqualified by statute.

Chris said:
It probably would serious hurt your application, but you could just tell the truth and put:

'Because your F***in' state requires a F***in' license to do any F***in' thing with a F***in' gun, F***in' ammo, or even a F***in' Pez dispenser that F***in' offers up a tasty F***in' cartridge. Come to F***in' think of it, you can F***in' keep your F***in' state and it's F***in' politics and F***in' high crime, cause I don't F***in' like to hang my F***in' freedom every F***in' time I F***in' cross the F***in' border.

Like I said, it's the truth, but I seriously doubt it would help your application.

(although you might have a clerk looking up to see if you managed to equal the number of times a certain word was used compared to the South Park Movie.)

Holy shit dude! [rofl2] [rofl2]
My formula text: "In my job, I frequently travel in MA to poorly lit and unpatrolled industrial areas after normal working hours, carrying expensive electronics and large sums of money."

Relative statement of judgement - all true in my perspective. My iPod is expensive electronics and I carry some $20 or so on me, which is a big part of the allowance my wife gives me. I sometimes stop and buy gas at a Stop & Rob after dark, but rarely. No armed security guards visible.

I've never had a problem, other than the time that I paper-clipped the stamp for return of the LTC-A to the self-addressed envelope. They lost it and sent the whole package back to me (costing the state $1.30). I returned it with a stamp stuck on the envelope and they sent my LTC-A the next week.
Hi, Everyone:

thank you to everyone who took the time to post an answer. i appreciate the advice. i agree wholeheartedly with chris' suggestion! [smile]

i'll post back the results of my application. i hope the wait is shorter than maverick's. sorry to hear about the two month wait, maverick.

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