Annoyed with Wally World

Raynham on rte 138. It just makes no sense to me... I wasn't leaving the country or taking out a mortgage!!

Ask to see the written policy explaining why a driver's license is required. I live in NC now, so this is moot for me, but the social justice warrior in me wouldn't let that go. I'd want to know why WalMart is demanding it, and if it's from Raynham PD I'd be calling the chief to inquire as to the legitimacy of this policy.

MA has preemption laws. This should not stand.
There are only two things that you should ever be "carded" for...

Booze and cigarettes.

I don't smoke and I'm very flexible on the booze...

Considering any enterprising 12 year old can brew alcohol in the barn without anybody finding out about it (don't ask) I see little point in carding for booze either. You know what, though? Devise some sort of parental consent card and let the kid by all the booze and butts they want, with mom and dad's permission. Put it on the permitting authority that it belongs on.
Hence the incessant calls for common-sense barn control.

I'd much rather see a Twelve-Year Old reloading 9mm in a Barn than have him turned away at a Wally... [smile]
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