An educated college student writes:


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Aug 24, 2005
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Better lighting and stakeouts more effective than pistols and bullets
By Jeffrey Dobereiner

Obsessing over safety is by no means cool, but having to live in fear is quite unpleasant. I am forced to ask, then, why Brandeis Public Safety dedicates itself wholeheartedly to the wrong things, while leaving gaps which affect the student body.

Brandeis is a pretty safe campus. We don’t have security guards stationed in all of our dorms, we don’t have random ID checks, and we don’t need these things. We have the fastest parking ticket response time in the country, and we don’t need that either. But most of all, we don’t need officers with guns.

What threat could possibly strike our campus which would require our police officers to fire upon someone? Guns are tools of fear and intimidation, and the presence of officers wielding firearms will doubtlessly have a subduing effect on campus speech and student spirit.

Recently, Andrew Meyer was tased relentlessly and without merit by campus police officers at the University of Florida, simply for asking too long a question of John Kerry. Last year, UCLA police did the same thing to a student at the Powell Library because he wasn’t fast enough showing his ID. And that was non-lethal weaponry! Brandeis boldly skipped tasers, and went right from pepper spray to pistols.

This knee jerk reaction to the Virginia Tech tragedy involved little to no input from the students it claims to protect, and is being adopted far too hastily. A small panel during the summer months, with student views represented by Union insiders, hardly qualifies as open dialogue. The answer to diminished gun violence is not more guns – it’s the implementation of better mental health facilities for the student body. While the terrible actions of Seung-Hui Cho can’t be forgotten, or overstated, giving our police more lethal weapons is not the way to prevent such an incident. The police at Virginia Tech were, at the time of the massacre, carrying firearms.

That is not to say there aren’t ways to make our campus a safer place to live. Recently, there have been massive numbers of cars broken into in J lot and around the Charles River apartments. An officer told me that the break-ins are continuing, and as I walked back to my Grad today, I saw a friend of mine’s driver-side window knocked out. This means that there are criminals, presumably from off campus, coming here regularly. They have no fear of capture, and why should they? The few closed circuit cameras set up to watch our cars clearly aren’t cutting it. Ah, but, here’s what guns will do for us:

Thief one: “Man, let’s rob the cars on the Brandeis Campus. We can go unarmed because those cops don’t have guns. We’ll just run if we’re seen.”

Thief two: “Dude, I heard they’re going to start arming their cops with pistols.”

Thief one: “Well hell, I guess we’ll have to bring our guns, then!”

(High Five)

We’re pumping $100,000 into weapons training and shiny pistols for our cops. With just one hundredth of that, I know how to stop the thief. Hire a security guard (or a ninja) to stand behind a tree near J lot. When they see someone about to shatter a window have them run out and throw a net on the criminal! Then they can call the Brandeis Police, and the problem will be resolved. In all seriousness, paying a couple of officers overtime to stake out the parking lot would be prudent.

Overzealous security steps like giving pistols to our police officers don’t compensate for glaring oversights like a lack of sufficient cameras in J-lot, or low numbers of patrols.

The addition of firearms will make us less safe by bringing the number of guns on our campus from zero to many. Let’s allocate these resources to things that will actually make us safe, like better lighting on the sketchy walk to J-lot. Or a ninja. Our endowment has been “growing at record rates” - the least our administration can do for us is ensure we don’t get robbed while parking on their property.
Monday October 1, 2007
Jeffrey Dobereiner is a moron and a coward. If he were a man I'd punch him right in the grill.
The libtards don't even want the police to have guns now... how pathetic.

Guns are tools of fear and intimidation, and the presence of officers wielding firearms will doubtlessly have a subduing effect on campus speech and student spirit.

Does this sound like one of the reasons for the 2nd amendment and perhaps an example of why we should all be armed.

Now I can see making the argument that police and military shouldn't be armed if ordinary citizens can't be armed.
"Let’s allocate these resources to things that will actually make us safe, like better lighting on the sketchy walk to J-lot."

I could be wrong but wouldn't better lighting only increase the illumination of the are allowing the BG's to more quickly pick up the exact whereabouts of these spoiled little rich kids?

If so, then I say spend the money on better lighting to "J" lot!!!!!!!
"Let’s allocate these resources to things that will actually make us safe, like better lighting on the sketchy walk to J-lot. Or a ninja"

Any chemical plants near Brandeis?
What would make someone think like that? Never mind to spew that drivel!
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Better lighting and stakeouts more effective than pistols and bullets
By Jeffrey Dobereiner

. . .

The answer to diminished gun violence is not more guns – it’s the implementation of better mental health facilities for the student body. While the terrible actions of Seung-Hui Cho can’t be forgotten, or overstated, giving our police more lethal weapons is not the way to prevent such an incident. The police at Virginia Tech were, at the time of the massacre, carrying firearms.

Nothing on earth -- certainly not more pyschobabbling handholding -- can prevent such an incident from occurring in Waltham. The issue of the day is how to terminate such an action, should it be initiated, before it has run its full course of destruction.

Young Jeffrey should be asked, "If it occurs, are you prepared to run, unarmed, at the shooter and tackle him?" If the answer is anything but "Yes," he should be dismissed as irrelevant.
"Let’s allocate these resources to things that will actually make us safe, like better lighting on the sketchy walk to J-lot."

I could be wrong but wouldn't better lighting only increase the illumination of the are allowing the BG's to more quickly pick up the exact whereabouts of these spoiled little rich kids?

If so, then I say spend the money on better lighting to "J" lot!!!!!!!

I was thinking more to allow the goblins a better view of their rape victims. [puke2]

Odd how there was a rape every weekend (often many) when I was at UMaine, but you're rarely read about anything more than a bar fight in Orono and the surrounding bergs.

I'm sure drugs, alcohol, and age demographics played some part in this, but you can't overlook how heavily armed the average Orono, Veazi, or Bangor resident is.
I don't know how Brandeis works but from my experience at another college the campus police spent a lot of time responding to tripped silent alarms. Unless this butthead wants to volunteer to respond to these alarms alone and unarmed in the middle of the night, he should shut up and let the police do their job.
I've been a student at three seperate schools (BC, UNH for a semester, now Tufts-NEMC/Boston). All were armed, and none of the students appear to be oppressed or downtrodden due to the presence of armed police (hell, at Tufts-NEMC they're vital considering the neighborhood).

I remember that last year, BCPD saw a suspicious vehicle, investigated, and arrested/disarmed a non-student (think he was a drug dealer) who was illegally carrying a loaded pistol in his car on campus. My question to Jeffrey is, what happens when some drug dealer gets into a dispute at Brandeis and starts shooting people? Do you really expect unarmed public safety officers to run towards the guy and tackle him unarmed?

My younger sister goes to Virginia Tech. Down there, the community is still solidly pro-gun, even if the administration is not.
This guy thinks that if someone wants to steal a car, they'll go find a gun to bring if they know that campus security is carrying?

I wish the hoot was an open forum.
By the way, is the continual disparagment of college students/graduates really necessary? There are plenty of college graduates on this forum. Sure, a lot of today's most obnoxious college students are liberal retards, but even in Massachusetts there are plenty of conservatives on campuses as well. They just tend not to make such big fools of themselves that everyone hears about them in the news.

I am referring to the title of the thread, in case that is not clear.

Ok I see the point this kid is saying, guns may not solve the problems for the parking area he's discussing. I agree with the ninja, er police/campus police patrol of the area. I am all about arming people go ahead but I think fiscally it would be more responsible to just put 2 more people out there strolling around to keep an eye on things. Then you can eyeball when shit happens. Does a guy need to get shot for robbing cd's from a kids car? naw, dont think so. Should the cops have guns sure why not but in this instance I dont think it will make ANY difference at all for those people doing these acts. The whole point is that they break in when no ones looking, so even if they are armed if they arent there they cant do squat. Maybe a small reduction of break ins on second thought, (intimidation factor) but not as much as having flesh and blood in the immediate area to tase the shit out of people, breaking into cars.[laugh2] "Dont tase me bro!!"[rofl]
I mentioned this to my fiancee this morning, she used to work at Brandeis. Car break ins are quite common there. Students have a habit of leaving laptops, cd players, mp3 players etc. out in the open on the seat of the car, sometimes with windows down and/or doors unlocked. Stuff was posted and emailed all the time and in most cases the cars weren't actually "broken" into.

There was one case where a girl left her iPod and books on a table in the library, left to get a snack when she came back her iPod had been stolen.

A little common sense will go along way in preventing many of the thefts at Brandeis.

ETA: oh and J lot is "pretty sketchy".
A little common sense will go along way in preventing many of the thefts at Brandeis.

ETA: oh and J lot is "pretty sketchy".

When you grow up as a liberal in MA you believe that everybody is a good person and bad guys are a fictional element of the right wing used to scare people in to voting conservative.
Students have a habit of leaving laptops, cd players, mp3 players etc. out in the open on the seat of the car, sometimes with windows down and/or doors unlocked.

There was one case where a girl left her iPod and books on a table in the library, left to get a snack when she came back her iPod had been stolen.

And anyone who has this flagrant disregard for their own belongings should not be suprised when they are stolen. In a way, I think they deserve it for not understanding and reacting to the fact that there are BG's everywhere, and that they WILL victimize these "Educated" lib-tards if given the opportunity. And yes I AM blasting these particular college students. I am not, however inferring that all college students are this naive, but I would bet my bottom dollar that someone with some "street smarts" would NOT leave any valuables unattended like this. I know I don't.
Ok I see the point this kid is saying, guns may not solve the problems for the parking area he's discussing.

I don't think anyone suggested that it would solve any
problems- it does address, at least partially, the fact that
unarmed security guards on campus are basically cannon fodder
for anyone that wants to inflict real harm. What happens if
a campus officer stumbles upon a student gettring raped by an
armed attacker? Do you really expect the unarmed security
droid to do something in that circumstance? Yes, he should
jump up and down and wave his hands (as the british suggest)
to try to scare the BG away. [rolleyes]

I still find it amazing that so many people advocate the use of 911 for crime assistance. But what does 911 do? It brings people to your aid. And what is the one thing those people have with them that most of your 911 advocates do not?


And no disrespect to those on the list as I know there are exceptions, but for the most part, your average LEO has only a fraction of the actual firearm training and experience that your average enthusiast shooter does.

But none of that matters to the true liberal. Because in their eyes, if it feels good, it must be right. And it sure feels good to declare a campus totally gun free to them. The fact that it just creates a target rich environment for any scumbag is simply incomprehensible.

The very fact that most of these people see no legitimate use for firearms is a clear indication that they truly are clueless. And yet, they see this as a positive feature.

This so learned student should go talk to the Waltham Police about what kind of animals exist in the small city his school is a part. Or better, take a walk from the campus down along the Charles River to Moody St some night. I hope he brings some friends.
I still find it amazing that so many people advocate the use of 911 for crime assistance. But what does 911 do? It brings people to your aid. And what is the one thing those people have with them that most of your 911 advocates do not?



911 is still a good way to hail EMS and it does work to report crimes. EMTs and Paramedics have way more first aid training than I will probably ever have. Personally I'd rather their services be required for the attacker than the victim.

The police are there to solve crimes. Samuel Colt, Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson are there to prevent them.

Jeffrey Dobereiner is a moron and a coward. If he were a man I'd punch him right in the grill.
Shows what a college education gets you. Ignorance. Someday this kid will leave the Ivory Academic world of Brandeis and have to face the meanies in the big, bad world. Good Luck.
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