Alabama removes toddler from Michigan family found with marijuana

Alabama removing a child for the parents possessing a firearm would be big news in Alabama, and someone would probably lose their job.
I should have been more specific. Replace both "marijuana" with "gun" and "Alabama" with "Massachusetts" or "New York"
u think people's kids should be taken away over weed?
If they are driving around with toddlers in the car stoned? Yeah. Drunk too. And I have very little beef with alcohol or weed, more with the former than the latter.

There is clearly a lot missing from this story. Why were the cops called, what was the disturbance, and what kind of POS is "riding dirty" with a toddler?
I know tons of people who smoke weed and over the years I've never heard of any of them hesitating to hop in a car and drive after smoking. I've also never heard of any of them getting into any accidents or any other trouble. I suspect most of the people who liken it to drunk driving really don't have much experience smoking, and they don't spend much time around people who do.
I know tons of people who smoke weed and over the years I've never heard of any of them hesitating to hop in a car and drive after smoking. I've also never heard of any of them getting into any accidents or any other trouble. I suspect most of the people who liken it to drunk driving really don't have much experience smoking, and they don't spend much time around people who do.
Oh yeah, smoke bowls and drive- great idea. Stats indicate otherwise.
Oh yeah, smoke bowls and drive- great idea. Stats indicate otherwise.

Just saying that it's not what a lot of people think it is. And I'll take my chances in a car driven by someone who smoked over anyone at all who uses their smartphone while driving.
Just saying that it's not what a lot of people think it is. And I'll take my chances in a car driven by someone who smoked over anyone at all who uses their smartphone while driving.
Agreed on the smartphone problem. Regarding intoxication- I'm sure it's a matter of degrees. Smoke a little or drink a beer- no real issues. Stoned out of your gourd? No better than drunk.

LOL on a similar topic my dad was a Marine pilot and after that a pilot for one of the majors- not someone who smokes or does drugs. He always said he'd rather other drivers be on coke than on booze.
What I don’t understand is in Massachusetts you can’t buy menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, or even flavored Vape pens. But you could buy all the jelly beans, brownies, cookies, gummy bears..

Having those around the house is how a kid would actually get exposed assuming you don’t smoke around them.. The entire things retarded

What I don’t like about edibles is that they always look enticing to kids. I fully support weed being legal, but people should be keeping their weed gummy bears well hidden or locked in the safe.

By MA “logic”…You shouldn’t be able to buy anything but Budweiser and straight booze. No energy drinks or wine coolers. Because those are all marketed towards children right?
Agreed on the smartphone problem. Regarding intoxication- I'm sure it's a matter of degrees. Smoke a little or drink a beer- no real issues. Stoned out of your gourd? No better than drunk.

LOL on a similar topic my dad was a Marine pilot and after that a pilot for one of the majors- not someone who smokes or does drugs. He always said he'd rather other drivers be on coke than on booze.

It is a matter of degrees, to a degree. [smile]

I think I'm with your dad on the coke v booze thing. I'm sure there are drugs out there that are worse than booze when it comes to driving intoxicated (I'm looking at you, hallucinogens), but it's not coke. Booze just makes people so sloppy - it's tough to beat.
What I don’t understand is in Massachusetts you can’t buy menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, or even flavored Vape pens. But you could buy all the jelly beans, brownies, cookies, gummy bears..

Having those around the house is how a kid would actually get exposed assuming you don’t smoke around them.. The entire things retarded

By MA “logic”…You shouldn’t be able to buy anything but Budweiser and straight booze. No energy drinks or wine coolers. Because those are all marketed towards children right?
It's the same reason there is a whitelist for handguns here, because daddy government knows better than you do citizen.
What about urban city dwellers?

They are riddled with crack and they have children.

Nobody ever bothers them.
“Felony chemical endangerment”…Which is usually use for meth labs or drugs that you could actually die from.

That’s a pretty lame charge especially with everybody eating all these edibles now.

I don’t think you can even consumer enough marijuana to die…That’s just pretty rude to charge them with…

All that being said he should’ve never told him that he had weed in the car

You literally can't consume enough to die. Trust me, it's impossible.
It is a matter of degrees, to a degree. [smile]

I think I'm with your dad on the coke v booze thing. I'm sure there are drugs out there that are worse than booze when it comes to driving intoxicated (I'm looking at you, hallucinogens), but it's not coke. Booze just makes people so sloppy - it's tough to beat.

hallucinogens like lsd make your eyes not work, at high enough doses you're not seeing what's in front of your face
disociatives like ketamine and ghb can seemingly randomly put you into a hole, one second you're fine and the next you're almost narcoleptic
smack is really popular and even if you're really experienced you can still nod off behind the wheel, happens all the time
then there's all the people out there on xanax and mixing with alcohol, those people will rear end you and not know what just happened

but i agree booze is (almost) king for causing accidents, second only to cell phone usage

i think the trucking industry has it right, the best drug for driving is amphetamine
What I don’t understand is in Massachusetts you can’t buy menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, or even flavored Vape pens. But you could buy all the jelly beans, brownies, cookies, gummy bears..

Having those around the house is how a kid would actually get exposed assuming you don’t smoke around them.. The entire things retarded

By MA “logic”…You shouldn’t be able to buy anything but Budweiser and straight booze. No energy drinks or wine coolers. Because those are all marketed towards children right?
When my oldest was a little tot, he got into my melon flavored snus and swallowed a couple
Pouches. Didn’t realize he had done so until he yakked them up. I payed closer attention to my dip can after that and he always remembered they were “yucky”.

The tobacco law is stupid as long as kids are being carded. The problem with tobacco is that it’s actually geared towards kids. Who here decided one day in their 40’s that they wanted to smoke a cigarette because it made them look cool?
You literally can't consume enough to die. Trust me, it's impossible.

I’ve seen it and I’ve heard of several instances of dogs eating marijuana…I always laugh when these people take them to the vet and pay outrageous bills.
I get it if they didn’t know their dog got into their stash. But I know people who are fully aware of it and still bring it to the vet.

Give your dog some treats, sit them on a towel so they don’t piss your couch, Then turn on animal planet for him. All likelihood he’ll be asleep in 45 minutes or less.

This one guy was trying to give his dog ipecac or some hydrogen peroxide..
To make it throw up whatever ate….

I shake my head. You let your dog injest a bunch of drugs and the dogs freaking out so you decide you’re really going to enhance his mellow by making them throw up…

I am curious where the case will go with these two parents…Time will tell I guess
u think people's kids should be taken away over weed?
Were they hiding in the kids car seat? Were they driving high? Would it be better than driving drunk? Lots of questions. We dont know why the kid was taken away other than the parents are stupid.
what else would you expect?
IT’S friggin Alabama

did I say it’s Alabama
you know we’re talking about a place that is backwards

Be Woke 🙈
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