Active Shooter at Navy Yard in DC

WTF?!? I really hope this proves to be untrue.

Multiple sources in the Capitol Police department have told the BBC that its highly trained and heavily armed four-man Containment and Emergency Response Team (Cert) was near the Navy Yard when the initial report of an active shooter came in about 8:20 local time.The officers, wearing full tactical gear and armed with HK-416 assault weapons, arrived outside Building 197 a few minutes later, an official with knowledge of the incident told the BBC.

'A different outcome'

According to a Capitol Police source, an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Washington DC's main municipal force, told the Capitol Cert officers they were the only police on the site equipped with long guns and requested their help stopping the gunman. When the Capitol Police team radioed their superiors, they were told by a watch commander to leave the scene, the BBC was told.
The gunman, Aaron Alexis, was reported killed after 9:00.

Several Capitol Police sources who spoke to the BBC asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal.

BBC News - Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting scene
Me too. It raises a number of questions if it is true. Some more...interesting...than others.

Like, if they were ordered to stand down, what is their purpose? Why do they even exist in the first place? In what situation would they ever be used in?

Or worse, were they ordered to stand down to allow for this to continue?

Or anything in between. The answer to any of these questions seems hard to accept, which is why it is hard to believe what you mentioned could be true. I agree, I sure hope it is not.
I can see I'll have to rename my shotgun.

It wouldnt surprise me to hear of them trying to rationalize shotguns as being automatic weapons since they fire multiple projectiles with a single squeeze of the trigger. Maybe I shouldnt give them any ideas.
Because we all know that who's jurisdiction it is is far more important than actually doing something about the situation in a timely and effective manner. As long as they got that right, and not have to sort out extra paperwork, that is what is important. The dozens shot in the mean time, no biggie.
Because we all know that who's jurisdiction it is is far more important than actually doing something about the situation in a timely and effective manner. As long as they got that right, and not have to sort out extra paperwork, that is what is important. The dozens shot in the mean time, no biggie.

But there's the little problem of 12 dead bodies.
Am I just missing it, or does it seem that this has completely dropped out of the media now that it is confirmed it no longer suits their agenda?
It was an antique black powder coach gun loaded with pebbles.

How many more , Mistah speaker ? Time to close the black powder loophole ! [rolleyes]

We'll keep the victims in our prayers.

MSM still got the message out with all that disinformation that the weapon was an AR-15, so even though it was not the weapon of choice, the message of "military grade fully automatic evil black killy assault rifles" = bad, and should be banned for civilian use was broadcast loud and clear and reinforced in the minds of even the most passive television viewer.
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Am I just missing it, or does it seem that this has completely dropped out of the media now that it is confirmed it no longer suits their agenda?

I was just thinking the same thing. No evil black rifle to focus on, so time to go back to important stuff, like the latest fashion statement from Hollywood.
I think you are supposing there even is a solution in the first place. I don't know about jasons, but I'm not sure there is one. Regardless of laws, people are still going to do evil. The history of human kind supports this.

The reality is, there isn't anything that will prevent all wrongdoings. This is hard for people to accept. But it is a reality. What happens is, people want to believe that they can create laws that will prevent all wrong doings. This is why gun control and other forms of laws are constantly being pushed to control people, for the children, etc. There is a point where the returns are diminished, or start to go the wrong way. I think that point was reached quite a while ago.

Instead of creating more and more laws, we need to get back to teaching personal responsibility, return to real parenting, and give people their freedoms back. People will be happier, and they won't be reliant on the government to tell them what is right and what is wrong. They may end up with real morals again.

I'd prefer to see that then simply put a bandaid on things and say "well heck, as long as we prohibit person X from legally owning a gun we done good."

Yes, I know. I said that was obvious. Gun control advocates say the same thing about guns and gun violence. Most people reject that as being a solution to violence. I'm not sure why you seem to think that idea is any better when it comes to government workers. Unless you are suggesting that only government workers commit violence, or that if they are not government workers they will no longer be violent. I reject those notions.

This post makes way too much sense, therefore it will never fly![laugh]

In addition to the above quote, I might add that our population has doubled in this century, both from longer life spans, higher birth rates, and immigration which is out of control both legally and illegally. Along with the sharp rise in population, more crime is just a natural byproduct even when the percentages stay the same relative to the population density.
I was just thinking the same thing. No evil black rifle to focus on, so time to go back to important stuff, like the latest fashion statement from Hollywood.

Oh they are still focusing on AR15's, but in a different (but typical) gun grabber, round about way; now saying that because Virginia does not allow purchasing of AR15's to non Virgina Residents (not sure if true), Alexis bought a shotgun instead and because of this, he only killed 12 people instead of 40,000 people if he had an AR15, so AR15's should still be banned.
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Important Active Shooter Safety Tips


“I practice each step in the office twice a day.

1. Hide behind pole Bugs Bunny style; if your boss sees you: dead.

2. Put on glasses and leave without telling anyone.

3. Clear everything off of desk, take off glasses, look for glasses.

4. Put monitor back on desk, put glasses on AGAIN, listen to Boys2Men, ponder your own death until it’s time to go home.”

[^ Above witty comments 'borrowed' from another site, but too funny not to share here on NES]
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