Abington Murder

I never said it did, I just thought it was a strange thing to post publicly on myspace
Hey, how else were they going to find more partners? [wink]
Here's another:
Tassinari told police “his wife had been cheating on him and he shot her more than 12 times,” said Smith.
Ok, maybe he didn't do it after all. I'll wait for the trial to form an opinion.
OK, NOW you can form an opinion. You didn't have that info before, unless you just didn't bother to mention it.
Here's an update to the earlier report. It has quite a bit more information. I'm relieved to read that the victim's brother had a clear enough head to not follow through on his "threat" to kill the guy who killed his sister. Perhaps the police showed up in time to intervene but I'd like to think the brother kept himself controled. The husband accused the wife of cheating on him prior to killing her.

Wow, that was close. It's too bad the officer was there so fast.

Barbara Tassinari’s brother, Frank Scolano, lives next door to the couple on Pilgrim Street and heard the blasts. Scolano grabbed his .32-caliber silver pistol and ran outside to try to help his sister, according to a police report.

Scolano met John Tassinari, who said his wife had been unfaithful, according to the report. Twenty-nine-year-old Barbara lay dead on the driveway with apparent gunshot wounds to her head, police said.

"I'm gonna to kill you," Scolano yelled, according to the report. "You killed my sister, you shot my sister."

Scolano took John Tassinari to the ground, according to report, and pressed the silver pistol to the back of his head. At that moment, Officer Ronald Sweeney pulled up in his police cruiser, drew his firearm, and ordered Scolano to put down his gun, the report states.
Just TV report where he appears quite muscular -- which would mean nothing, except we have a guy who just allegedly flipped out and in a rage shot his wife _multiple_ times (and she doesn't seem to have been shooting back). On top of that there is male-pattern baldness on a 29yr -- again means nothing of itself, but with the rest...

Many people do not "remain faithful", lots of them own guns. Few murder.

Just looking for an explanation.
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Wow, that was close. It's too bad the officer was there so fast.

I disagree. The kids will need someone to live with. It's either they go with a relative or the taxpayers are paying for foster care which will screw them up even more.
Wow, that was close. It's too bad the officer was there so fast.
Derek, I understand the sentiment but I disagree that it would be a better outcome.
The officer's arrival may have stopped another murder. If the brother had killed his sister's killer he'd be just has morally deplorable as the original murderer. The brother remained in control and obeyed the police order. His sister was already dead, the brother has no justifiable reason to take a life at that point.
Revenge can be sweet but not in this case. Imagine the anti-gun sentiment that would gush forth if the brother had actually killed his sister's killer.
Best Regards.
Channel 4 News, "He had up to 7 guns and wait until you hear what he said about those guns on his My Space page."
I sure hope YOU'RE not called for jury duty any time soon, Dave...

Like jhblaze1 points out, folks - he's been ARRESTED, not CONVICTED. G-d, we MA gunowners really DO eat our young. [rolleyes] Let's try and wait for some more evidence, shall we?

Well I had a long response that I deleted somehow. Suffice to say that I am stating my belief based on the data I have... I'll go with my gut. Wanna bet some cash on the outcome? Yeah- I'd hate like hell to be on a jury.

Oh, and your comment on MA gun owners eating their young. Why would I treat anyone different just because they OWN a gun legally? Scum comes in all shapes and sizes. I'd be a fool to stand behind him just because he owned a gun.
Anyone know what club he uses? Just curious cause he claimed to be an instructor, just got back from Hanson and no one knew him there...maybe holbrook???Its right next door (yeh I'm from the bing town too, but never met saw this guy before)
I disagree. The kids will need someone to live with. It's either they go with a relative or the taxpayers are paying for foster care which will screw them up even more.

I'm sure her brother would have been cleared if he did what some of us wish he would have done. Sucks.
Anyone know what club he uses? Just curious cause he claimed to be an instructor, just got back from Hanson and no one knew him there...maybe holbrook???Its right next door (yeh I'm from the bing town too, but never met saw this guy before)

Says he's an "engineer", WPI grad, 2000 (Mechanical Engineering). Hmmm ... He sure likes to post a lot of photos of himself. Wonder if someone will put the mug shot up on his MySpace.

(His wife's Myspace ... I think it's the late wife ... says she's "preparing for a fun-packed day" ... )

MySpace can be a window into the soul ...

"I'm an engineer, a firearms safety instructor, and a proud parent. Besides my family, I love cars, guns, motorcycles, vodka, and A/V equipment. As a virgo, I get too wrapped up in the small details of life, and Barbara helps me remember to step back and enjoy it all. Thanks honey. :) "
As a first year law student I agree with the need to remember that this person is innocent until proven guilty. However the facts are what they are and even though this man has not been convicted I see nothing wrong to condemning him the facts being what they are. I would however, like to address another aspect of this case that is his reported myspace pages with quotes such as "rock out with my glock out."
I am a seemingly rare breed, a liberal gun owner (Card carrying member of the ACLU, NOT the NRA). While I am new to the sport I have noticed an alarming trend, especially amongst those closer to my age of 23. It seems to me as many people seem to wear thier gun as an extension of thier manhood. These are the types of people who not only walk around armed at all times but do so without any legitimate fear behind thier choice to carry and in many ways advertize this fact. These are the types of people who tend to get thier liscence and start carrying immediatly and fail to see the type of responsibility that comes with gun ownership. Perhaps it is just an overall reflection of my generation as I do not see as much of this mentallity amongst old timers. But this mentallity represents the true fear of most liberals and make them unwilling to listen to the responsible gun owners.
I am not condemning all of those who chose to carry. Indeed I got my liscence because, besides enjoying target shooting, I hope to work as a public defender in places like Springfield, Holyoke, Lawrence , and Roxbury. Places where there is a great need, high crime, and I am a minority. However, when I chose to get my liscence 2 years before I plan to carry so that I will have enough practice to be safe and effective if the time ever comes. The problem is many do not have this mentallity.
The media no doubt will be all over the fact that this monster was a gun owner, but the lesson that needs to come from this is for us gun owners and as such educators to look at why we choose to keep and bear and how we go about doing this. This is the crux of responsible gun ownership. Perhaps if this firearm were locked up, he would have had an extra second to consider the magnitude of what he was doing we may never know but in the end it is up to US to educate both the public as well as members of our own ranks as to WHY and HOW we should execute our rights. Maybe then we can end this phallic connection to our guns. Only then can we be accepted in a state where we are held in the same regard as this monster
This shit is just SAD! Its so weird to see her myspace and see that it shows her last login was just yeserday and as "theGringo" says above, she says "Babs is preparing for a fun packed day". This kind of shit is just plane eerie. May she rest in peace.

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Oh, and your comment on MA gun owners eating their young. Why would I treat anyone different just because they OWN a gun legally? Scum comes in all shapes and sizes. I'd be a fool to stand behind him just because he owned a gun.

+1 Exactly what I thought. Just as I am not going to be any more negative toward this guy because he owns guns, I am sure as hell not going to cut him any more slack because of it either. He's sure not "my young".

If the original story had said "knife" instead of every place it said "gun" and "stabbed" every place it said "shot", I would come down just as hard on him.

If anything, I am going to be more critical of someone with a gun because his jackass actions alone could possibly, though the chain of events and opinion, result in hundreds or thousands (or worse) people being denied permits and that may end up costing more lives because someone else will be denied the opportunity -- no, the right -- to use a gun for good to protect their family.
I'm sure her brother would have been cleared if he did what some of us wish he would have done. Sucks.

I think there's a less than 50% chance that the brother would be found not guilty if he had killed the killer. Suppose he was found not guilty and the number one killer has a brother or sister who decided to exact revenge. If they were successful, would you think they should be a good candidate for acquittal?
I understand the desire for revenge but one should carefully think about how the other person's family or friends are going to react to that decision.
Best regards.
As a first year law student I agree with the need to remember that this person is innocent until proven guilty. However the facts are what they are and even though this man has not been convicted I see nothing wrong to condemning him the facts being what they are. I would however, like to address another aspect of this case that is his reported myspace pages with quotes such as "rock out with my glock out."
I am a seemingly rare breed, a liberal gun owner (Card carrying member of the ACLU, NOT the NRA). While I am new to the sport I have noticed an alarming trend, especially amongst those closer to my age of 23. It seems to me as many people seem to wear thier gun as an extension of thier manhood. These are the types of people who not only walk around armed at all times but do so without any legitimate fear behind thier choice to carry and in many ways advertize this fact. These are the types of people who tend to get thier liscence and start carrying immediatly and fail to see the type of responsibility that comes with gun ownership. Perhaps it is just an overall reflection of my generation as I do not see as much of this mentallity amongst old timers. But this mentallity represents the true fear of most liberals and make them unwilling to listen to the responsible gun owners.
I am not condemning all of those who chose to carry. Indeed I got my liscence because, besides enjoying target shooting, I hope to work as a public defender in places like Springfield, Holyoke, Lawrence , and Roxbury. Places where there is a great need, high crime, and I am a minority. However, when I chose to get my liscence 2 years before I plan to carry so that I will have enough practice to be safe and effective if the time ever comes. The problem is many do not have this mentallity.
The media no doubt will be all over the fact that this monster was a gun owner, but the lesson that needs to come from this is for us gun owners and as such educators to look at why we choose to keep and bear and how we go about doing this. This is the crux of responsible gun ownership. Perhaps if this firearm were locked up, he would have had an extra second to consider the magnitude of what he was doing we may never know but in the end it is up to US to educate both the public as well as members of our own ranks as to WHY and HOW we should execute our rights. Maybe then we can end this phallic connection to our guns. Only then can we be accepted in a state where we are held in the same regard as this monster

Arrrrrrgh....I do not know where to start!!
so much for innocent until proven guilty 'round these parts...

Wait a minute: didn't the dude call the police, admit that he had shot and killed his wife, and state that he had done so as retribution for her unfaithfulness? What is left to "prove"?
The more I look at that page, the less surprised I am by the whole thing.

Not because of the bondage or "Rock out with your Glock out" or any other particular thing in itself.

Hard time putting my finger on it -- I guess it's just the "hey look at me" aspect of putting all that stuff in public. A bit too full of himself I guess?

Says the person posting their thoughts on a public forum...

(and pointed out by a dude - with male pattern baldness and a helluva lot more than 7 guns - who not only posts on the same public forum but links [shamelessly] to his own blog...)

Wait a minute: didn't the dude call the police, admit that he had shot and killed his wife, and state that he had done so as retribution for her unfaithfulness? What is left to "prove"?

In his defense RKG, the original story didn't have that information. There was little to no info.
Thanks a lot a**h***!

I just saw this on Fox news and they mention he used a Glock 45ACP. Yeah, probably the same type of Glock 45ACP I bough home today from Zero Hour.

My wife and I were watching the news story - wanna talk about an uneasy silence? [thinking]
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I'm sure her brother would have been cleared if he did what some of us wish he would have done. Sucks.

I don't know about that, but I'd place a fair wager the jury would probably cut him a fair amount of slack, and the DA would have to back off from "murder" and likely only hit him with manslaughter in the end, suspend his sentence, or something like that, or water it down quite a bit.

Also, who knows if the brother has kids, etc.... they might have flashed in front of his eyes when he had the gun to the back of the guy's head... eg- "If I kill this guy and go to jail then what about my family?" etc.

Even if he got cleared completely there still exists the possibility that he could have been financially ruined. If he had blown the guys brains
out though, I can't say that I would have blamed him. I won't pretend to MMQB the guy, though. I can only imagine what was going through his head... Bad juju all around...

[rofl] Great picture I found on his MySpace page.


Don't worry buddy. Ya gonna get all the black shlong you can handle once they lock you up in the big house.
As a first year law student...


It's nice to see that you have taken the time from what must be an extremely busy schedule to share your thoughts on the murder in Abington. I respectfully suggest though, that you need to keep in mind several things: 1.Holdling membership in the ACLU and the NRA is not mutually exclusive 2. Gun ownership is a civil rights issue that transcends labels i.e. liberal or conservative 3. If you tout a higher education (there is nothing wrong with that) then you immediately are held by many of us to a higher degree of literacy so it is incumbent upon you to proof read and edit your work for typographical errors. I would hate to see you misspell the word license on any work you submitted in class. The fact that you were admitted to law school suggests or implies that you have mastered the use of English as it is written to a higher degree than most of us.

Oh, and above all else, please try not to be too patronizing...the first rule of effective writing: Know your audience! You would do well to study the posts of Scrivner, a practicing attorney, who writes with brevity, grammatical correctness and with a degree of wit. There is much to admire in his style despite his propensity to shit on newbies.

Best wishes for your continued success in your legal studies.

Mark L.
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i know that guy he used to hang out across the street from my buddys housein abington i havnet seen him in a while but that diffently him

It's nice to see that you have taken the time from what must be an extremely busy schedule to share your thoughts on the murder in Abington. I respectfully suggest though, that you need to keep in mind several things: 1.Holdling membership in the ACLU and the NRA is not mutually exclusive 2. Gun ownership is a civil rights issue that transcends labels i.e. liberal or conservative 3. If you tout a higher education (there is nothing wrong with that) then you immediately are held by many of us to a higher degree of literacy so it is incumbent upon you to proof read and edit your work for typographical errors. I would hate to see you misspell the word license on any work you submitted in class. The fact that you were admitted to law school suggests or implies that you have mastered the use of English as it is written to a higher degree than most of us.

Oh, and above all else, please try not to be too patronizing...the first rule of effective writing: Know your audience! You would do well to study the posts of Scrivner, a practicing attorney, who writes with brevity, grammatical correctness and with a degree of wit. There is much to admire in his style despite his propensity to shit on newbies.

Best wishes for your continued success in your legal studies.

Mark L.

Blah blah blah. I would ask that you please consider PM'ing your next sermon so the rest of us don't confuse it with an on-topic post. Perhaps at a minimum you might consider slipping in some gratuitous topic-related comment.
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