A question about Prescription CoPays with the VA


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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I have searched the VA site, and couldn't find an answer to this question, so maybe someone here can
How often do you get billed for your co pays?

I started receiving Meds back in March, and got a bill for co pays in April, but haven't received any other bills since then.
I am worried that maybe a bill got lost in the mail.
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I get a bill around 30 days later.
I have been getting refills every month since March, but never recveived any other bills.

Maybe they changed my status, and I don't owe co pays now.....I don't know.

I have to say I am impressed though. The other day my daughter helped me clean up my work table and trash
and she accidentally threw away a one month supply of my Blood Thinner. I called the VA, and they immediately sent
out a replacement. (A one month supply would cost me about $350 if I didn't have the VA!)
None of my meds are for anything service connected, and I am not rated for any disability at this time.

'Sky' cancer for smoking is a slam dunk for Vietnam service connection, yes, wounded twice, check. You may not believe it but you earned it Bro. I tell all the Vets I help...'Ya paid in advance. don't think they're giving you anything'...you'll be fast tracked. Get your mind right.

Sorry I've been too many deserving guys get effed not to be upset.

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None of my meds are for anything service connected, and I am not rated for any disability at this time.

I guess I will have to wait and see.......
Get in there and get you some of that disability.

seriously though, get rated if not for the extra cabbage, for any treatment needed down the road.
Sorry, cant take advice from a loser like that!
If i met him face to face i would punch him in the face for his presumptive opinions about Vietnam Vets! Not all of us are losers with mental health problems!
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Not saying every Vietnam Veteran does...but from my experience those that those with the 'creds' protest the most that they don't have it, often do. Just an observation based on many experiences both personal and listening to hundreds of guys.

Went to the Vet center to get some paperwork for trial and started to jaw with the new vet center Doc; hell he didn't know, or didn't learn, that a lot of guys with PTSD don't exhibit any overt symptoms until they retire. The mind protects itself in mysterious, but observable ways.
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Not saying every Vietnam Veteran does...but from my experience those that those with the 'creds' protest the most that they don't have it, ofter do. Just an observation based on many experiences both personal and listening to hundreds of guys.

Yeah, well.......I guess I will remain in denial.........I am happier this way! [smile]
Get in there and get you some of that disability.

seriously though, get rated if not for the extra cabbage, for any treatment needed down the road.
It is MUCH easier than I had anticipated. After hearing all of the stories about what a nightmare the VA was, I met with a VSO in my county the other day. In about 15-20 minutes she had all of my stuff in the VA’s system for my claims. Good looking young lady, too. Sky, your taxes are already paying these VSO’s to handle all the VA shot for you, only takes a few minutes out of a day to have them get you set up with ratings so you won’t have any co-pays to worry about. And a check every month to boot.
They stopped sending the monthly bills during the Covid crisis. You’re still being charged, and the bill is getting bigger every time time you get copay meds. I was told last month that the billing will resume Jan 1. You can call the VA and make a full or partial payment at any time, or wait for the bill.
Whatever happened to Tri Care for Life? Is that still a thing?

Still there but not everyone who served is eligible.TRICARE For Life | TRICARE
Someone who did a tour in the armed forces or did not even complete that tour, maybe eligible for a disability but not Tricare.
You might be eligible for Tricare for life and still file for and qualify for a VA disability. Two different things, especially as the VA disability may pay you a tax free benefit.
Tricare is for retirees. VA takes care of veterans. If you are not service connected they use a priority rating to determine if you will receive services. Once you are in the system, no co-pays for 50% disabled, service connected disabilities, and low income veterans. (less than $33.6K/yr) ChampVA takes care of VA qualified dependents.
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