69 today!!!

Yes, there was a reporter from the Oregonian sitting next to me most of the meeting. We'll see what take he has. I'm going to bombard the media too with my version! I got home last night at 2 am and spend two hours winding down [might have flirted with Lumpy196 a little too [roll]. Poor Lumpy] and now I can hardly get my butt up off my chair! Patty
I can remember driving through that part of Oregon even in the summer it could be windy. Sorry you Keep the ash your way not wanting ANY of it. :D
MrsWildweasel said:
Darn, that sounded like fun,wish I could have been there.

I wish you were too. I didn't tell you but I showed a little leg at the meeting too! [lol] The nutty woman asked "Why would you ever shoot a cougar" I hiked up my dress and showed two teeth marks on my leg and said "because they're not a lot of fun and they don't purr."

Patty [I need you to come keep me in line.]
I don't know about keeping you in line,cause I can be just as bad. Really I can. :D The EPO's won't even acknowledge that we have mountain lions here. We had two just behind the highschool here,which is not very far from our house. At least here they are still afraid of humans,I know when I was in Idaho there was some natural hot springs we would go to,and they would actually be around the rock ledges of the springs,but they never bothered anyone. We also camped around their area,but they let us know all night that they were not happy we were camping near by. I was young and dumb.
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