223 Bandoleer question

Aug 8, 2008
Central MA, Worcester area
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Sorry for the simple question possibly in the wrong forum but I do not know where to ask and have had no luck with google.

Any instructions??

How is the 4 pocket bandoleer for 223 stripper clips put together? I know the 3 strippers go into the cardboard boxes and they go into the 4 pouches, but the pouch top seems to not be very secure over the top of the ammo. Does the opening on the box go towards the opening or backwards? What in heck is the diaper pin for? Any reason for the strip of cloth at the bottom of the bandoleer? How was the bandoleer used / worn?

sorry for the simplistic questions but I was curious after getting the ammo on the clips and putting them boxed into the bandoliers as to the rest of the story on this.

Sorry for the simple question possibly in the wrong forum but I do not know where to ask and have had no luck with google.

Any instructions??

How is the 4 pocket bandoleer for 223 stripper clips put together? I know the 3 strippers go into the cardboard boxes and they go into the 4 pouches, but the pouch top seems to not be very secure over the top of the ammo. Does the opening on the box go towards the opening or backwards?
Opening up.

What in heck is the diaper pin for? Any reason for the strip of cloth at the bottom of the bandoleer? How was the bandoleer used / worn?

Usually worn over the shoulder/across the chest. The pin is used to hold it in position.

After the bando is empty, pull out the white thread, and the pockets will then be large enough to hold the full 30 round mags.

sorry for the simplistic questions but I was curious after getting the ammo on the clips and putting them boxed into the bandoliers as to the rest of the story on this.


No problem. This is why we are here.
The pin is to attach the bandoleer to your jacket so it doesn't flop up and hit you in the face while you are dodging zombies.
What in heck is the diaper pin for?

Well, to understand the use of the diaper pin, you have to look at the history of the M16. The first .mil to buy in to the rifle was, after all, the Air Force. So, the need for support equipment for tactical diaper changes would seem obvious!!


After 19 years in the Air Guard, I just can't seem to pass up a shot at USAF......sue me.

Well, to understand the use of the diaper pin, you have to look at the history of the M16. The first .mil to buy in to the rifle was, after all, the Air Force. So, the need for support equipment for tactical diaper changes would seem obvious!!


After 19 years in the Air Guard, I just can't seem to pass up a shot at USAF......sue me.


Disgruntled, are we?

USAF JAG 1984 - 1988, Vandenberg AFB.
So we can safely assume that you're still completely and undeniably gruntled?


Absolutely - I was gruntling just this morning, until security made me stop!!! Those disgruntled types just can't stand being around the gruntled.

I'm a long term gruntler, too...I'm the Air Guard Technician in the middle of that pic.

What is the proper Smiley for "thread spinning out of control"?
Disgruntled? No, but I've been a member of the least 'military' group of military groups for long enough that I love an Air Force joke. Maybe it's an Air Guard tradition - our JAG knows more lawyer jokes than anyone I've ever met.

Air Guard Technicians at work

So, you're a Technician? Funny about that one, I'm a Tech on the Army Guard side. Yup, that picture was about right, not much work going on there that day.

Re: the bandoliers, if you're looking for them to store stripper clips, consider going to the 7 pocket bando's. They hold 140 rounds, and 3 of them will totally fill 2 "basic loads" (210 rounds each). Save the 4 pocket bado's for carrying spare mags, over the 6 in your web gear.
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