2014 Hunting Megathread

I'm not going back to find what coyote33 said but are you saying if a guy shot a deer and it ran toward you and died you'd keep it because you got to it first?

No he's commenting on how yet another bow hunter found a way to sneak in a snide comment about how much more betterer they are than gun hunters
I'm too embarrassed to post a pic of my little skipper after the wife brought this home:


My little 50 pound dressed button buck yielded 30 pounds of meat. I'm thinking hers will be 90 pounds.......amazing. THe rack on this guy is interesting......going to look into a European mount for it so she can have a keep sake. The wife and I had a blast getting ready do try this whole hunting thing. Glad we did.......family time.......good experience.......the wife went waaaaay outside her comfort zone on this and proved to herself what she can do! Amazed.
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I'm too embarrassed to post a pic of my little skipper after the wife brought this home:

View attachment 121779

My little 50 pound dressed button buck yielded 30 pounds of meat. I'm thinking hers will be 90 pounds.......amazing. THe rack on this guy is interesting......going to look into a European mount for it so she can have a keep sake. The wife and I had a blast getting ready do try this whole hunting thing. Glad we did.......family time.......good experience.......the wife went waaaaay outside her comfort zone on this and proved to herself what she can do! Amazed.

the whole program yesterday was great. all the girls were psyched for your wife and the other lady who got a buck. they were both taken shortly after sunup. a few other girls saw deer they had to pass on. we were all cold and wet but thoroughly enjoyed the day. and i now know why you guys say you're "going out for a sit" when you go hunting......
any of you other dudes out there who want your lady to try hunting, encourage them to sign up for the guided, ladies-only hunts that mass wildlife puts on. turkey in spring and deer in late fall. the info is on the mass fish and game website. look for the becoming an outdoorswoman (BOW) page. the guides and volunteers involved with the program are beyond enthusiastic as well as extremely helpful and non-judgmental. nice to see such wonderful ambassadors for the sport.
That's so cool. Congratulations to you both.
What was she using for hardware? We need the hunt backstory.
She picked up a 20G Mossberg 500 up at KTP a few months ago to get ready (I actually borrowed hers to get my deer last week). We spent quite a bit of range time getting her comfortable with that gun.......she took the marksmanship part VERY seriously. Went into this with the mindset that if she didnt' feel comfortable with a one shot kill she wasn't even gonna hunt. She got very good with that gun out to 50 yards so that was her limit on taking a shot. She preferred iron sights because she did not like the feeling of trying to "acquire" the target through the scope. We tried quite a few different sabots through it (its rifled) but actually found the remmy basic foster slugs worked very well in that gun. So that is what we both used. 30 minutes into her day this buck came walking down the trail straight at her (kudos to the BOW (becoming outdoor woman) program for the awesome guides. She took aim and waited a bit.......he was head on and she said it was too "skinney" of a target to hit but she waited till he got to within 30 yards (they paced it out for her).....told her self the second he turns a little she'd shoot. Well......just as he started to turn she fired. Slug entered upper right chest area......she said he jumped and kicked once and fell . She approached as he was still kicking and put a second round in the back of the head to finish him off. She's a trooper. She is one happy proud exhilarated woman today! Very proud of her!
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the whole program yesterday was great. all the girls were psyched for your wife and the other lady who got a buck. they were both taken shortly after sunup. a few other girls saw deer they had to pass on. we were all cold and wet but thoroughly enjoyed the day. and i now know why you guys say you're "going out for a sit" when you go hunting......
any of you other dudes out there who want your lady to try hunting, encourage them to sign up for the guided, ladies-only hunts that mass wildlife puts on. turkey in spring and deer in late fall. the info is on the mass fish and game website. look for the becoming an outdoorswoman (BOW) page. the guides and volunteers involved with the program are beyond enthusiastic as well as extremely helpful and non-judgmental. nice to see such wonderful ambassadors for the sport.

My wife loooooved that program! SHe keeps saying she feels bad that more of you girls didn't get to shoot.
Where does this guided hunt take place? I remember seeing an ad for this class and hunt and then got really bummed out that it was for women only. I need something like this to get me started in the right direction... damn feminist pigs.
congrats Mr + Mrs Whacko! Not sure where you are located but I'm in the springfield area...got a euro done on the buck I shot in november by three arrows taxidermy in ludlow mass. Vinny did a great job...3 week turn around...$135

Where does this guided hunt take place? I remember seeing an ad for this class and hunt and then got really bummed out that it was for women only. I need something like this to get me started in the right direction... damn feminist pigs.

If it is the one I am thinking of it is over on Devens. This is also one of the locations they hold the para hunt at.

The folks from F&G and volunteers from the Shirley rod and gun assist the para weekend but I am not sure if they (Shirley group) also does the woman's day. They are a great bunch of guys.
The guided deal at Devens consists of a classroom/range day at Shirley, in Sept. The hunt was yesterday. My wife did it, and loved it. Although, she was one of the fifteen that did not get a deer. They certainley learned about preparing and dressing for the weather though!! And yes it is women only, and newbie women at that. Cool program, the guide only walks them in and leaves them, it is really all on them as far as hunting.
I'm too embarrassed to post a pic of my little skipper after the wife brought this home:

View attachment 121779

My little 50 pound dressed button buck yielded 30 pounds of meat. I'm thinking hers will be 90 pounds.......amazing. THe rack on this guy is interesting......going to look into a European mount for it so she can have a keep sake. The wife and I had a blast getting ready do try this whole hunting thing. Glad we did.......family time.......good experience.......the wife went waaaaay outside her comfort zone on this and proved to herself what she can do! Amazed.

Impressive. I cant get my wife to go to the range....
I'm too embarrassed to post a pic of my little skipper after the wife brought this home:

View attachment 121779

My little 50 pound dressed button buck yielded 30 pounds of meat. I'm thinking hers will be 90 pounds.......amazing. THe rack on this guy is interesting......going to look into a European mount for it so she can have a keep sake. The wife and I had a blast getting ready do try this whole hunting thing. Glad we did.......family time.......good experience.......the wife went waaaaay outside her comfort zone on this and proved to herself what she can do! Amazed.

It's OK that your wife is a better hunter than you. [devil]
It's OK that your wife is a better hunter than you. [devil]
Yes......it......is.......specially seeing as a family we'll have probably 120 pounds of meat in the freezer! In fact there is venison stew in the crock pot now......waiting for the pats game to start!!!!![devil]

I was actually hoping she got a big one.....she put in a lot of time at the range and a lot of thought into the actual act of harvesting a deer. She deserves it.
If it is the one I am thinking of it is over on Devens. This is also one of the locations they hold the para hunt at.

The folks from F&G and volunteers from the Shirley rod and gun assist the para weekend but I am not sure if they (Shirley group) also does the woman's day. They are a great bunch of guys.
It was the devens hunt and yes the volunteers were great to my wife.
Yes......it......is.......specially seeing as a family we'll have probably 120 pounds of meat in the freezer! In fact there is venison stew in the crock pot now......waiting for the pats game to start!!!!![devil]

I was actually hoping she got a big one.....she put in a lot of time at the range and a lot of thought into the actual act of harvesting a deer. She deserves it.

Hehe, venison stew rocks! Next to the backstraps on the grill, it's one of my favorite things to make with venison.
Where does this guided hunt take place? I remember seeing an ad for this class and hunt and then got really bummed out that it was for women only. I need something like this to get me started in the right direction... damn feminist pigs.
the guy who acted as my guide mentioned that there is a possibility of the program becoming completely co-ed. right now men can attend the required pre-hunt seminar (and a few did) but the hunt has traditionally been women only. that may change so keep an eye out. and i really hope the feminist comment was in jest because there are plenty of women who would other wise be apprehensive or never have this type of opportunity if the program didn't exist.

If it is the one I am thinking of it is over on Devens. This is also one of the locations they hold the para hunt at.

The folks from F&G and volunteers from the Shirley rod and gun assist the para weekend but I am not sure if they (Shirley group) also does the woman's day. They are a great bunch of guys.
my hunting guide was also one of the guides at the para hunt and was one of the "instructors" at the seminar. to hear these guys talk, they enjoy the hell out of getting other people into the woods....
dave, tim, dick, jack, tom, anne and bonnie (and i am missing a few more) were all at shirley for the BOW seminar and at devens for the BOW hunt. any names ring a bell?
Yes a few ring a bell. And you a correct that they love the chance to get folks out in the woods for at least a chance at a deer.

This was my third year going and I had great chances that I blew but they put me where the deer were coming through which is all you can ask for.

Great bunch of folks from the Shirley club! All ready looking forward to next years hunt.
There seems to be a lot of deer this year. My nephew hunts in a party of 12 and they got 11 deer on Monday, 7 of them bucks. They went out again on Tuesday and got six more. I went out tonight behind my house walking my dogs and jumped two less than 200 yds into my walk. They didn't even really run away but loped off. It was a weekday it was an easy shot for two. Seems almost everyone I've talked to has either seen or gotten one this year.
You and Coyote33 must be annual Special Olympics Gold Medal runners up in the category of "don't know jack shit about anything, but feel the need to comment anyway."

Glad you know me so well. In my 30 years of hunting experience gun and bowhunting and taking over 100 deer with gun and bow.

Its good to know i know jack shit. Thanks.

Congrats to you guys getting the women involved and congrats to mrs wacko

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There seems to be a lot of deer this year. My nephew hunts in a party of 12 and they got 11 deer on Monday, 7 of them bucks. They went out again on Tuesday and got six more. I went out tonight behind my house walking my dogs and jumped two less than 200 yds into my walk. They didn't even really run away but loped off. It was a weekday it was an easy shot for two. Seems almost everyone I've talked to has either seen or gotten one this year.
That is insane. They certainly found a spot that holds some deer..........good stuff.
Took the first 3 days of shotgun off to hunt with the usual group, plus a few new guys. The only time any of us actually saw a deer was when I spotted one moving through the corner of a field, about 180 yards away. It would have been a hail Marry shot with my smooth bore setup so I let it pass. Others may have flung a shot at it... I don't pull the trigger if I'm not confident I can at least put a shot in the vitals.

Went out with a total of 8 guys this past Saturday, pushed a lot of woods and none of us ever saw anything. A few of the pushers heard something moving around behind them, so yeah, deer constantly outsmart you (or outmaneuver you at least) and it can get a little frustrating when other groups of guys are tagging out no problem. I always have fun either way and it's certainly good exercise struggling through pricker bushes and over thick undergrowth.

I'm in the final stages of closing on my first home so the rest of this month is going to be pretty busy even if I only hunt another few days. We'll be hitting it again hard this coming Saturday and then for me at least, the only other day I'll be hunting a full day will be the last Saturday of primitive. Congrats to all who've filled tags so far!
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