18 year old football QB tackles girl with gun on bus...

I wonder what video games she plays? [wink]

In all seriousness that kid is awesome for stepping up and taking control of the situation!!
That was an awesome story. I am sure the Queen Martha Coakley would disapprove but who cares, she's a clam.
Glad the cop had his back when the reporter asked him if he felt he did the right thing there. So many times in these situations you here police tell you that your just sapose to sit and wait for the police to defuse the situation and not take matters into your own hand. If more people stood up and tackled idiots like that girl when they did crazy stuff like that maybe they'd think twice before they did. +1 to him and glad he got himself out and everyone else out safe.
Nice job by the kid. Hard to tell from the video if there was one in the pipe. You can see her put the mag in, but I couldn't tell if she racked the slide -- or if there was already one in there.

Not that it diminishes one spec what the kid did. He couldn't tell and stepped up.

Just my own anal curiosity...
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We try to discourage self help. He should have left her alone, and then after a few students get shot, we can pass a law saying that it's illegal to carry handguns on a bus.

She wasn't 21, had no permit for a concealed weapon, and most likely was on school property, but I'm sure one more law would have helped.
nice to see things like this in mainstream media w/o some Ahole saying the kid was wrong and should have waited for the police.
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