“Suicide and Guns” Ploy Funded by Top Anti-Gun Groups

Long before there were guns, people were killing themselves, and killing others. Campaigns like this one just distract folks from the real problems. Someone ill enough to kill themselves will do so by any means necessary.

It's really a shame that they are wasting money on this instead of spending it on education. But I guess ignorance is pervasive.

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found this while researching this:


From the article:
"Who Is Behind This?
Unfortunately, if one follows the money trail it ends up that two of the nation’s top anti-gun-rights activist foundations are helping to fund the project. The cover letter dated August 16, 2011 that dealers received in their packets states at the bottom that “This project is funded by: Community Health and Healing Fund, NAMI NH; Bureau of Behavioral Health, NH DHHS; Harvard School of Public Health; Injury Prevention Center at Dartmouth; and Riley’s Gun Shop.” The letter may be viewed here: http://pgnh.org/nhfsc_letter_0 ."
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You going to take all the rope and extension cords out of their house, too?

If you think someone is that dangerous that you "have to keep guns away from them" then they probably belong in a mental hospital of some sort or another.


I think most of you are not completely understanding what I'm saying. I wasn't talking talking about someone that was depressed I was talking about someone that has made attempts on their life or have made threats on their life. Taking away some ones firearms that is suicidal would not be my first nor my only action. If a loved one was suicidal my first action would be to encourage psychiatric help. After many attempts to help the root of the problem I would then encourage them to hand over there firearms. The difference between extension cords, ropes,and tall buildings is firearms can be dangerous to others around the suicidal person. I agree that if some one wants to take there life they'll do it regardless what you take away. My concern is in the people around the person that is suicidal. I think a good comparison would be taking away the drivers license from an elderly person that clearly no longer has the reaction time to safely operate a vehicle. Not just because it's dangerous for them behind the wheel but its also dangerous to every one else on the road.
I think most of you are not completely understanding what I'm saying. I wasn't talking talking about someone that was depressed I was talking about someone that has made attempts on their life or have made threats on their life. Taking away some ones firearms that is suicidal would not be my first nor my only action.
Anyone with concern for friends and family doesn't need propaganda posters in gun shops to teach them how to be a human being.

These posters are anti-gun propaganda, pure and simple.
I am not quite sure what to make of this. Perhaps an effort to stroke the antis to keep them at bay. Or maybe just an effort to improve public image to non gun owners. Their "screening and analysis" of buyers could only potentially work for first time purchasers. It wouldn't do a thing for a suicidal individual who already owns a firearm or twenty.
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Working as a Security Officer for a hospital in Boston, I can tell you first-hand most of the attempts are bogus. They cut too shallow, take too few pills, ect... . I think the reason the firearms statistics are higher is because there's not really much of a way to half-ass it. Although, we did have a legitimate attempt with a firearm in the emergency room, which failed.
Working as a Security Officer for a hospital in Boston, I can tell you first-hand most of the attempts are bogus. They cut too shallow, take too few pills, ect... . I think the reason the firearms statistics are higher is because there's not really much of a way to half-ass it. Although, we did have a legitimate attempt with a firearm in the emergency room, which failed.
True, it's hard to "woops, didn't die" cover up an attempted firearm suicide. Someone likely heard it... If they didn't and you lived, you are in need of some medical care at which point the police will be involved.

Pills or blades you can just wake up the next morning and either realize that was a bad idea or start planning the next one.

Bottom line is we have plenty of data from adjacent states in this union as well as around the world that show clearly that access to firearms whether legal or not simply does not factor into the suicide rate.
In the vain of "there's no such thing as bad publicity" (e.g. million moms org boycotting Ben & Jerry's Schweddy Balls has resulted in HUGE sales & increased production for B&J) this organization's tactic could bring attention to the fact that guns ARE an effective tool to commit suicide.

Someone who might have been considering any number of methods, or perhaps wasn't even thinking of HOW, but only "whether" could make their ultimately fatal decision based on the power of suggestion provided by these posters...
People should be free to end their lives, as long as they don't physically hurt other people.

Does it make a difference if they use pills, rope, a gun or jump off a building?
than attempts with other methods

There's a very logical reason for this. There are 2 kinds of suicide attempts. The ones that are looking for attention, and botch it on purpose (Oh, I've taken 8 aspirin and chased it with tequila...goodbye cruel world!). Then there are the one who really mean business. I'm willing to bet 99% of people who "attempt" suicide with a gun mean business.
Guns are really good at what they do. Just like any tool if it makes the job easier you want to have it. Guns can protect lives and take them just the same. I do no condone suicide but if it is going to happen you might was well use the best tool.
Guns are really good at what they do. Just like any tool if it makes the job easier you want to have it. Guns can protect lives and take them just the same. I do no condone suicide but if it is going to happen you might was well use the best tool.
A I said two years ago, this is a false assessment of guns' impact on suicide rates. If one looks globally or even nationally, the availability or legality of firearms does not even correlate with suicide rates.

This is a red herring. Just another excuse for incremental attacks of gun ownership.
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A I said two years ago, this is a false assessment of guns' impact on suicide rates. If one looks globally or even nationally, the availability or legality of firearms does not even correlate with suicide rates.

This is a red herring. Just another excuse for incremental attacks of gun ownership.

I agree with you. I thought is was interesting to read the follow-up. A flyer about suicide in a gun shop is not likely to deter me from making a gun purchase anymore than a flyer in the liquor store about alcoholism
would deter me from buying an adult beverage. The ploy is as you have said, "Just another excuse for incremental attacks of gun ownership."
Best regards.
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