Worth joining the NRA?


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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Is it worth joining the NRA, or would that $35 be better spent donating to GOAL in MA?
Is it worth joining the NRA, or would that $35 be better spent donating to GOAL in MA?

This question gets asked religiously at least once every six months.

The answer is "Yes". To both. Join both. They work in different arenas but both work to protect our rights.
It's worth it more than ever. Listen to the people who say to join both. If your not part of the solution you're part of the problem.
It's worth it more than ever. Listen to the people who say to join both. If your not part of the solution you're part of the problem. If you're not a member of the NRA and GOAL than you're one of the types of people who are sitting around enjoying what little freedoms that we can hang onto by the sacrafices made by a few percentage of total gun owners around here. If the rest of us gun owners were members we might be able to be playing the game of expanding our rights rather than stuggling to maintain them.

When it comes to NRA vs. GOAL, you have to join both. I said it again. GOAL is a must for obvious local reasons, and now with the elections and congress being run by a flaming moonbat and the new assault weapon bill, fighting this on a federal level is a must as well. So the NRA is just as important.
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I belong to both, although I don't live up there. However, if I did live up there, and could only do one - it would be GOAL. It is "closer to home", so to speak, and I could participate in activities. The NRA is a great org. but impersonal.
The question is why not become a life member if the cost is a measly $300 if you get someone to do the gift thing.

I'd be surprised if they refuse someones $300. They never say a nickle they were not in love with.


They refused my $300, and said it was $1000. I threatened to not resub for another year then, and they said it was my prerogative, but don't complain to them if my gun rights were taken away. When I went online to resub (since it was $2 or 3 off), it was 750 for life.
It's important to join a few memberships. GOA or NRA are at the national level. GOAL represents Massachusetts (and perhaps extended to those who work/travel through Mass.) gun owners. Do both.

United we stand. Divided we fall. Sign up tonight.
Somewhat on topic, somewhat off topic, but someone was ragging on the NRA on another board the other day, and this is part of my reply.

I have reached out to all the major gun rights organizations in the country to offer assistance and to network for the benefit of LA gun owners. You want to guess which is the only organization that returned a single call or email? Yep- the NRA. When guns are seized unlawfully from citizens in LA, you want to guess who calls me to get information so that they can give these events national exposure? The SAF? The GOA? No, the NRA, again. Want to guess which CEO personally gave me his contact information so that I could alert him to outrages in LA next time they come up? Wayne LaPierre. You want to know who the Democrats hate for having the clout to muddle up their unconstitutional gun bills? Yep, the NRA again. You get my point. I have dealt with it first hand.

Now, on the flip side- to be fair, from a hard line 2A "shall not be infringed" mindset like I personally have- the NRA just about sucks. They have dropped the ball many times, and could be doing a vast amount more than they are currently, or have in the past. They don't even attempt a fraction of the things that they should be pushing for, considering their history and available resources. But, while I am an idealist who pushes for the ultimate goal of an unhindered armed free populace, you and I must understand that we are dealing with people. Also, we are dealing with a large organization that is made up of many people who have not "seen the light" so to speak, as we have. The NRA Board of Directors is an elected body- elected by guys like you and me, but also by guys like Barney up the road who "doesn't see why anyone needs those black guns or more than five rounds in a magazine." Even if you or I were elected to the BoD tomorrow, we would be constrained by those around us.

Those people who make the decisions are not infallible. I know they tried to derail Heller at every turn, and only got on board when they saw there was no other way. I know they were a part of writing horrible bills that immorally abridge our rights to this day. However, I would caution you to forego passing judgment until you are sure you have all the info. How do you KNOW that the bills we live with would not have been WORSE without NRA members pulling strings to get the current working, instead of what may have been much worse (like a '94 AWB with NO sunset, instead of a 10 year expiration)? There are many times when an all or nothing stance will get you nothing- more often than not, I would venture to guess.

I do not have rose colored lenses that thinks whatever the NRA does is right, far from it. I have said before that their shortcomings are numerous. However, I put forth that it may be a result of some folks wearing dark lenses if everywhere they turn they see people who are just "in it for the money, and are willing to pass any bill they can to trample the 2A, as long as it keeps donations coming in." I know just enough about politics to say that it is very hard to know what goes on behind closed doors, and what seems to be a conspiracy may simply be people- fallible people without all the information or a complete understanding of the facts and/or morals of what they are a party to- doing the bet they know how to do.

Just like I am human in my endeavors to foster the 2A in my State, the NRA is made up of humans as well. Not all good, not all bad- and attaching yourself to the idea that they are one or the other will leave you with very little understanding of the realities of what is going on around you.

I am thankful for those who are awake enough to see how much more the NRA should be doing. There are many many people in this country with a little plastic membership card in their pocket that don't have the first clue that the Second Amendment has nearly nothing to do with hunting. But my challenge to those people is to get active and do everything they can to improve the situation- while being patient with those around them who may not have as deep an understanding of the RKBA as them- instead of jumping right to bitch mode. It may just be that your energy is what is needed at a critical time. If you feel like you are not able to do enough- don't give up! Keep trying, and put additional effort into getting involved in State and local organizations who probably also desperately need your help and insight.

I do know this- it is easy to Monday Morning Quarterback what others are doing. It is a drudging, time consuming, thankless task doing anything about it. I will continue giving people the benefit of the doubt and keep my criticisms private, unless absolutely forced to do otherwise.

Just something to think about.
Definitely get a NRA membership, it is worth the money. I personally have a NRA membership but keep on forgetting to send in my GOAL membership. But I do intend to get both, if you have GOAL but not NRA then get the NRA to.
Well OK, I signed up for an NRA membership.

I'm a little skeptical after their less than sterling performance in the Heller case.
Well OK, I signed up for an NRA membership.

I'm a little skeptical after their less than sterling performance in the Heller case.

Here is a copy of the 41 page Amicus the NRA filed in the Heller case. What is the less that sterling performance you are talking about? The fact that Heller had to get his own attorney?

My problem with the NRA is after I joined and got the Cap, the sticker, the magazine, then all the renewall notices. Over the next 12 months I received 9 renewal notices and 4 invitations to join. So I know where my $35 dollars went. Now I like to write to the NRA each January explaining the saga and ask for assurance that this doesn't happen anymore. I never get a response.

Its been 10 years now.

I am a life member of GOAL and continually support them.

I have even contacted GOAL for them to give me a good contact at the NRA with no replys on the NRA's part.

Its tough for me to give them any money.[sad2]
Here is a copy of the 41 page Amicus the NRA filed in the Heller case. What is the less that sterling performance you are talking about? The fact that Heller had to get his own attorney?

He probably refers to the fact that the NRA initially tried to derail the case when initially brought, including its working to merely change the District's laws instead of having them overturned.

In short, the NRA blinked when the time came to roll the dice. The Heller's attorney didn't and the result is history.
If you're not a NRA guy, there's always GOA. At a time when Democrats threaten to a have a commanding, filibuster-proof majority in both houses of Congress and the White House, it's never been more important. If SCOTUS justice Robert's health forces a resignation, it'll only get worse.
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