WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 2, 2005
North Central MA
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
Ok, you guys have listened to me complain for EXACTLY 100 days. Well, this is the official end of it!!

I had called my senator's office a while back (thanks for the tip Lynne) and they were very sympathetic to me, but I hadn't heard anything.

Well, I recieved a phone message today from Senator Brewer's office saying "you should recieve a phone call today from your PD to tell you your LTC is ready to be picked up."

A little while later my wife called saying the PD said to come get my LTC!!

So I stopped in tonight, and low and behold, it REALLY WAS THERE!!!

There will be one more gun owner in MA tomorrow!

Thanks for listenening to me and all the advice.

edit: gave me class A, H&T
7 DAYS!!! That's amazing! Congrats.

Coincidentally, I FINALLY got my MA permit last week, on none other than precisely the 100th day! Ridiculous.

I thought it was going to be painful waiting the 40 days, then they told me 60... then 90... UGH
No 7-10 days for NH is typical. They do NOT do any background check on applicants there, but rely on your underlying permit (you have to send them a copy of another state's permit to get a NH permit). So they are just shuffling paper quickly and cashing checks in NH.
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