Witnesses say many dead, injured in shooting at New Zealand mosque

Of course, data that supports gun control is accurate and data that doesn’t is suspect. And even if true, it’s because the new gun control laws only work if everyone everywhere has the same new laws too. And if they all do have the same laws, if the laws don’t work, we just haven’t waited long enough yet.
"Follow the science!"

Science leads to unconvenient results.

"Stop following the science! The science is already settled!"
You're only allowed to follow the science that fits the narrative they're pushing. If it doesn't fit it's not science and it doesn't exist.

ETA: The most passive-aggressive thing I've done on Wikipedia to date
was to add a "See also: Falsifiability" to some dumbass article about
the Global Warmening of some totally random Rectangular Flyover State.
Which isn't encountering any Global Warmening,
and probably won't until the entire state disappears into the ravening maw
of the next Yellowstone Caldera.
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