Wife's friends calls her - crying hysterically that TRUMP WILL DRAFT HER SON

Aug 6, 2018
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Ok, I am demented.

I watch Cable News and listen to the News over ten hours a day. It consumes me.

Still, when my wife informed me her friend called her, hysterical, that President Trump would soon DRAFT her son, I was mystified.

I've heard or read a LOT of Crazed Crap, but this was a new one.

Friend claims it was announced on local TV.

Anyone else have any info on this ?

Trump is no War Monger, AND how the hell do you Draft U.S. Citizens when you have a country overflowing with ILLEGAL ALIENS that would be totally exempt ?

There is no known cure for TDS.

But, it does serve a purpose in society.

It keeps the rest of us entertained!

This reminds me of the guy who called me the day after the election and asked me to talk his wife out of listing the house and moving to Canada. That wife is still not healthy. Never was, never will be. Feel bad for the husband.
Think of the millions of mothers prior to Nixon ending the draft in 1973 who silently and patriotically dealt with this same fear because that's the way it was and had been since 1940. What self centered snowflakes some have become.

However, if it had been Obama who wanted to reinstitute the draft, this woman would have driven her kid to the door of the draft board and walked him in.
Only results I was able to find from "Trump reinstates draft" are like 2 years old. However he made a speech at the NRA conference which was on the same day as the NFL draft so maybe OP's wifes friend is a little confused. [laugh] Does her son play football? Maybe this is a good thing for her?
I’m a Local Board member of the Selective Service and get numerous emails and nothing new has been mentioned. I would think they would have had us come in for more training if something was going to happen.
Trump should enact the draft. To honor the me too movement only women for the next 100 years!
Tell your friend the best way to beat the draft is to enlist. That way they can pick the service. Considering the mother, I would recommend the Marines. They’ll straighten that poor kid right out.
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Lol, the Chinese are teaching their armed forces to drop the front hand because it makes the kick 'faster'. This is some old kung fu BS that is still taught in strip mall karate schools today, but you would think govt training would be better.

You know you're in range, and you're so sure your kick is going to not only connect but knock your opponent down, so sure that you stop protecting your face.

Try dropping your hand like this against an actual trained fighter and see how fast you get checkmated.
my wife informed me her friend called her, hysterical, that President Trump would soon DRAFT her son
You get significant extra credit if you can find all the Donk sponsors
of the most recent going-nowhere bill to reactivate the draft.

That used to be Charlie Rangel's shtick, but he's at the dog track now.
I can't swear the current session of Congress has a bill,
but I can't rule out someone doing it after he retired.

I’m a Local Board member of the Selective Service ...
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