Why hasn't anyone redefined Assault Weapon?

I was thinking of emailing the guy just to set him straight on the terms he's throwing around like he knows WTF he's talking about. Should I even bother?
Its a political term, not a gun term. Would it be that difficult for one of our senators to redefine it? The general public thinks they are full-auto rifles. The majority don't know a thing about evil features.

Assault Rifle:
A rifle designed for no other purpose than assault, that uses high power rounds that have no other purpose than killing humans, capable of firing such rounds in fully automatic mode, and using magazines with more rounds than the standard capacity of modern sport riles.

All this nonsense about grips, bayonet lugs, adjustable stocks, barrel length, normal capacity magazines, flash suppressors, and so forth are meaningless to John Q public. John Q public believes that assault rifles are fully automatic weapons that take plutonium tipped projectiles. Shouldn't we agree with them and redefine the term? I doubt there would be resistance.

If you redefine the term to describe what it implies, there would not be such a misconception about any rifle currently on the market and readily available for purchase.

The democrats are assaulting the 2nd amendment from so many angles to see what sticks, why isn't there an equal backlash?

Obviously you've not been paying attention.
Somebody call up the Antis and tell them we prefer to cal them civilian legal arms , or whatever.
They will tell you the PC term is weapon of mass destruction.

The reason we can't redefine the term is because there is no longer an independent neutral press in America. The non-government organization of leftist propaganda has been relabeled with the cute term called Journalism.

I wish I was being sarcastic.
Obviously you've not been paying attention.
Well, I have and the more I hear, the more the term "assault weapon" comes up to describe the common firearms we have. See Ben Shapiro debating Morgan Pierce falling into the trap of calling a variety of rifles "assault weapons." Look at the senate debates with advocates of the second amendment calling common firearms "assault weapons." I read the posts of firearm owners every day associating "assault weapon" with common firearms they have. I see the interviews with the general public when asked what AR stands for in AR15.

One thing is certain. Whoever coined the term "assault weapon" hit a grand slam home run. That term alone has done more damage to the second amendment and the public perception of guns and gun owners than anything else in the last 20 years. It has allowed the propagation of tremendous misinformation about firearms. It needs to be killed or neutered. Perhaps the best way is to make it backfire and define something that does not exist, the mythical, general public's understanding that has been perpetuated by the anti-gun crowd. What commonly available gun indiscriminately shoots "high power" rounds, in auto mode, using "high capacity" "clips," sold with no background check at gun shows across America, and used in mass shootings? That's how the anti-gun crowd has marketed the "assault weapon" term and demonized hundreds of every day firearms. None of the firearms on Feinstein's list fit their own marketing description. They fit the BS "feature" description. People are passionately against the marketing description and have no idea of the features or their significance.
Well, I have and the more I hear, the more the term "assault weapon" comes up to describe the common firearms we have. See Ben Shapiro debating Morgan Pierce falling into the trap of calling a variety of rifles "assault weapons." Look at the senate debates with advocates of the second amendment calling common firearms "assault weapons." I read the posts of firearm owners every day associating "assault weapon" with common firearms they have. I see the interviews with the general public when asked what AR stands for in AR15.

One thing is certain. Whoever coined the term "assault weapon" hit a grand slam home run.
The term was no doubt "sound bite friendly" but understand it was not just one sound bit that did it. It was years of TV and movies leading up to that point. It was an all-out media blitz at the time to sell this term and its ban.

It was a propaganda campaign that would have made Goebbels and the KGB blush and it worked.

Which is what we need to understand now. The assassinations of the 60's scarred the American psyche and progressive played off of that patiently for years. The NRA was on their heels trying to soft-pedal 2A and not talk about icky, bloody self defense and tyranny...

It peaked in many ways with "McGyver - the hero who didn't need a gun..." in the popular medium and then went to Congress and the media to bring it home to the AWB which was then and is now, "just the beginning."
"Assault Weapon" is a completely bullshit term that needs to die, not be redefined. It was invented by antis to make firearms sound "more scary" to people than they actually are- by demonizing them with menacing terms. It's never had any kind of legitimate use in the industry.


This. ALL guns are "assault weapons" in the wrong hands. Didn't Lincoln get shot with a single shot Derringer?

I own a 9mm, a .45, an AR-15, a 12-gauge shotgun, and a 10/22. But NO weapons. Go figure.
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