Why don't pics show up on my computer?

Yup, the picture shows up for me in IE, but only a link to the jpg file in FF (IFF I am not logged in). If I log in with FF, I see only what you saw, no opportunity to open the jpg.

It's no doubt a security feature in FF to avoid bad things from a malicious graphic opening up without you doing it intentionally. But I'm not sure what FF wants you to do . . . all settings I chose didn't change this behavior.
I had the same thing happening a couple of months ago, also using Firefox. It turns out that was some subtle thing in the way the browser was interacting with the server software. Here's what I did to solve the problem:

I displayed one of the pages where the problem was occurring, then Viewed the Page Source and located the HTML code that was trying to display the image. (The code will contain an ALT tag with the text that you're seeing displayed in place of the image.) I then selected and copied the URL for the image into my browser window, and hit enter.

Here's where I discovered what the problem was. Rather than get the image, I got a message asking me to log in. Rather confusing, since I had been logged in all along, but I went ahead and re-entered my log-in information. The image was then displayed, and I haven't had the problem reoccur since then.

Talk about strange!

That worked with FF for me, at least for now.

Talk about "user friendly"! . . . NOT!
Firefox seems to have a quirk that sometimes fails to display images hosted on the NES server. It's probably a security setting in Firefox causing this.
The same pages usually display OK on a subsequent visit to the same page.
Aslo the images sometimes take quite a while to display, leading you to believe that it has failed, but will appear minutes later.
One fix is to set the NES forum pages to ALWAYS open in IE. I haven't bothered as it is only a very minor annoyance.
KMaurer said:
I had the same thing happening a couple of months ago, also using Firefox. It turns out that was some subtle thing in the way the browser was interacting with the server software. Here's what I did to solve the problem:

I displayed one of the pages where the problem was occurring, then Viewed the Page Source and located the HTML code that was trying to display the image. (The code will contain an ALT tag with the text that you're seeing displayed in place of the image.) I then selected and copied the URL for the image into my browser window, and hit enter.

Here's where I discovered what the problem was. Rather than get the image, I got a message asking me to log in. Rather confusing, since I had been logged in all along, but I went ahead and re-entered my log-in information. The image was then displayed, and I haven't had the problem reoccur since then.


Thanks Ken,

Like LenS it worked for me as well.

It worked for me too!! Thanks guys- I thought I had some funky setting on my computer and had given up on it

When I did the fix that Ken noted, I was able to see images again. However, in a few new threads, I am seeing something like this

Name: DSCN2018.JPG Views: 7 Size: 54.5 KB

When I view the page source and locate the ALt tag, the text is not formatted as a URL. If you copy and paste it into a browser, a message gets returned saying the name is not a registered protocol. Any suggestions?

The thread I am talking about is the following one:
I suspect there is a bug on the server side, which is failing to recognize the login cookie for some reason -- perhaps the images are hosted on a different physical server or something?
mousing over the text, right click, properties, copy url, then paste it into the address bar works as well. It will prompt you to log in again like others have said then display the image.

I run into this problem here and there. I don't have the problem enough that I worry about it. If it is a problem for others, someone said load NES in IE. Install the IE tab plug-in into firefox and then add it to the list. It will load NES into IE for you within firefox. I cannot confirm whether loading it in IE will fix it but IE tab is a very valuable plug-in as some pages will not render properly in firefox.
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