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White Turkey


NES Member
Feb 27, 2005
Plymouth, MA
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
Was driving home with the wife around dusk a few weeks ago and saw a white turkey on the side of the road where I normally see them. I was sure surprised. I figured that he was an escapee from some someone's backyard. I checked with one of the guys at work who hunts turkey and he says that it was more than likely a wild bird. Somewhat of a rarity. He was pretty excited, wanted to know just where and when I saw him.
I agree with you. Must be an escapee. I have a friend who raises them. He says the domestics are the only white turkeys.
I've been watching for him but no sightings of late. My neighbor across the street (a hunter) saw him too and wants him! I've only seen wild birds in that same area since and nothing of "Whitey".
Where's Whitey?!?!?!
The Lakota Sioux Indians have a legend about the White Buffalo and that it's return means the the various tribes would be re-united.

I wonder what a White Turkey meanss?

I know what Wild Turkey means.
Been readign that albino turkeys are not all that rare.
One of the Jakes today had a pretty long beard.
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