White House Backs Right to Arms Outside Obama Events

""We're well aware of the subjects that are showing up at these events with firearms," he said."

What's up with the secret service guy calling people subjects? We're citizens you ******.

In LE terms:

"subject" = person of "interest" or person being investigated ("subject of investigation")

It has nothing to do with the Constitution or difference between "citizen" and "subject".

When my Wife and I both worked for DEC, I worked in Engineering while she worked in a multitude of jobs (Education, Logistics, Accounting, Immigration, etc.). I was a bit surprised but became educated that some terms and abbreviations that we commonly used in Engineering had TOTALLY DIFFERENT meanings in the world of Education/Logistics/Accounting/Immigration/etc.

So no need to feel insulted here.
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I guess I can at least give the Obama admin a point for actually trying to respect gun laws (or lack thereof) of the states. Obviously still won't get them out of "F" grade territory, though. [laugh]

"Armed men", "men carrying firearms"...

Time to get some ladies out there.

Hear! Hear! I concur fully.

Some soccer mom types packing heat and pushing baby carriages around would help us a lot, too.

Some soccer mom types packing heat and pushing baby carriages around would help us a lot, too.

I'm in favor of women participating, but as a driver who actually knows how to drive (meaning pay attention, not on cell phone, not in a SUV that seats 30 with 1 child), I am against soccer moms. They are as dangerous as a man with a rifle at a political event!


(No, but seriously, soccer moms are a road hazard.)
Wow, Gibbs actually said something intelligent? This is a first. And Obama pissing off the Brady Campaign... priceless! It just shows you how out of touch the Brady's are if even he doesn't agree with them.
Obama I believe will SAY and DO ANYTHING to keep himself in office and to appear to portray to the public he is in command as President, No LIE, FABRICATION, DISTORTION of TRUTH, TURNAROUND, FLIP, SPIN, Nothing at all... is above or below him to say...

If your morals you think are the same as Obama's and the crew he is fronting for, you are so screwed and sadly harshly deceived (IMHO).

His Pol #'s are tanking, Look for another "Good" War, Staged Terror Bombing,
even a Jericho styled G.D. Nuke attack in a American City and a call for martial law in Public Support arround himself, the arrogant SOB Smiley Faced American Hating Robber.

Really...any president that allows VOODOO Santeria to be practiced in the whitehouse....OMG...the chicken blood and feathers everywhere???? [grin]
That's too much for me at my age.
IMHO, It is nice to see they can't skirt around the state laws...YET. I have said in a previous post that, all it will take is some wingnut to pop off a few rounds at a political event, and a new era in " we be F'd" by the Congress and/or the POTUS will befall us.

I whole heartedly agree we should protest in an armed peaceful manner, it is our right too. I just hope that it will be all level headed people who are doing it. We certainly do not need the back lash of an a-hole, or fruit loop, to set us back. I cherish it when I see it, but always am affraid that it will only take one screw ball to screw it up. Honestly, I think that is what their hoping for, then they could claim it is all the justification they need to bring the axe down on the rest of us. I don't know if you see it that way, but I always keep it in mind.

You had me until the 3rd para.

Welcome to NES BTW.

Obama I believe will SAY and DO ANYTHING to keep himself in office and to appear to portray to the public he is in command as President, No LIE, FABRICATION, DISTORTION of TRUTH, TURNAROUND, FLIP, SPIN, Nothing at all... is above or below him to say...

If your morals you think are the same as Obama's and the crew he is fronting for, you are so screwed and sadly harshly deceived (IMHO).

His Pol #'s are tanking, Look for another "Good" War, Staged Terror Bombing,
even a Jericho styled G.D. Nuke attack in a American City and a call for martial law in Public Support arround himself, the arrogant SOB Smiley Faced American Hating Robber.

Really...any president that allows VOODOO Santeria to be practiced in the whitehouse....OMG...the chicken blood and feathers everywhere???? [grin]
That's too much for me at my age.
This article is great! As you can see in the Men tote assault rifles at Obama event thread, when it's used as an argument against a Fudd/Liberal/Anti, they come up at a total loss and completely avoid even acknowledging the article, as John C. did in that thread, because it completely decimates their argument. I'm gonna be having fun with this one on various boards for awhile!
Gibbs comments on the fact that those armed were WITHIN THE LAW, and the Brady Campaigns response is that he was 'WRONG'.

Their basis for him being wrong is that it's 'Crazy' to allow guns in the crowd.

Just more Leftists ill prepared to let facts, reason, or the LAW get in the way of their emotions or feelings!

"Bringing loaded firearms to any Presidential event endangers all in attendance. Even though our weak national and state gun laws may allow this dangerous behavior, we should use a little common sense.

"Individuals carrying loaded weapons at these events require constant attention from police and Secret Service officers, thus stretching their protective efforts even thinner. The possibility that these weapons might be grabbed or stolen or accidentally mishandled increases the risks of serious injury or death to all in attendance.

"The National Rifle Association and other 'gun rights' groups need to send a message about 'gun responsibilities' to their members and all gun owners. Loaded weapons at political forums endanger all involved, distract law enforcement, and end up stifling debate. Presidential protesters need to leave their firearms at home - no exceptions."


I love the logic:

1. We should be unarmed as the police have to watch us closely and can't watch criminals.
2. We should be unarmed so we don't lose our guns, have them stolen or accidentally shoot someone.
3. If we want to participate in politics we have to relinquish our constitutional rights.

I do recall an early SCOTUS decision banning armed groups, not identified as recognized militia units or such, from marching through streets at public forums, but that's well different than the topic at hand.

The Brady news release then follows with several "incidents" where no ill-intent was claimed nor anyone harmed by people bringing guns to various political events. Hopefully they will continue to compile the list as it's handy data for the pro-gun stance.
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