Which lower jig?

You lost me at "CC statement" and "register".

I'd say you need to familiarize yourself with the terrain. Take a pair of reading glasses and visit a gift card kiosk.

They can be found in Walmart, in many grocery stores, CVS, and Walgreens to name a few. They have different terms and conditions and $$ maximums.

You can figure this out.
I just ran the 5D Jig (big one with the holder and works on AR-15 & AR-10).

I have experience with the Modulus and liked that one fine, but the smaller router deflected the further down you went and the trigger slot looked funky.

The 5D does not have this issue, and the cut quality is superior (and the bit still looks brand new - larger diameter than the modulus).

It took me a little over an hour to turn out a sweet lower.

The minuses
Drill Bits - don’t seem to want to cut, compared to the Milwaukee bits I have.
The Starter hole is on the small side compared to end mill. I found myself hunting for the hole when starting.

My suggestions:
I have a couple of those old milling jigs that turn the FCG area into Swiss cheese before milling, I’ll do that next time. I’ll also drill the starter hole bigger (but not through the bottom) to make startup easier.
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