What's the deal with auto insurance ?

What you are seeing being "advertised" is nothing short of "terrorist tactics" so that the system gets left as is, with no changes.

If MA was "open rating" more companies would do business here (bad - competition for the handful of companies now doing business here), each company could set their own rates (some will be higher than you pay now, others may be lower), groups could offer substantial discounts (now limited to 5%), etc. NONE of this is what the insurance industry wants to happen. Check to see how many MA registered lobbyists the insurance industry has here in MA now and how much they are paid! They pad the legislators pockets and their own, and no way that they will let true competitive (democratic) system rates happen here.

Right now, the insurance companies have people INSIDE the RMV that can access your records. Who knows what they do with the info that they glean. They also can request credit histories and probably medical histories for anyone they insure (or requests insurance). People even currently do get turned down and have to go in the assigned risk pool. AFAIK there is no appeal process currently. None of this stuff really sounds like it will change, it just sounds like they are telling us what they already do and "threatening us with it" to get the legislature to shoot it down.

Regardless, almost nothing that Romney asks for gets passed. They override all his vetoes and there is actually a tracking poll for politicians to brag about what %-age of defeats they have handed Romney during his term. Such as it is in a one-party system state!
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