What have you seen lately?

This guy's family have been living in our neighborhood for years.

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Bring that to Kinfolk BBQ in Taunton and he'll fry it up. LOL. (Yes they do serve rabbit about 1x a month and it's pretty good. It's like dark meat chicken but the bones are in teh wrong spots.)

Was driving home from church when the car in front of me slowed down, then stopped completely. Was bout to honk when these guys beat me to it. We have at least two families living in our town.

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F them birds. Full time mASS residents. They can go F themselves. They crap all over everything.

This morning. Black Squirrel in Sandwich, MA.

Allegedly, they are becoming more and more prevalent. Steve Rinella says that the % he sees is massive compared to the expert 1-in-10K #. Like 10%. Which is crazy.

At work today, we had a Cooper's hawk circling with every bird in the vicinity of the office airborne. I'm hoping it was looking for feathered food. I'm further hoping it found the seagull nest on teh next building and ate some eggs. The stupid building owner doesn't care. So they fly in and out for 10-12 weeks, crapping all over everything. Started 2 weeks ago. Ugh. Once they lay, you can't mess with them as they are protected. F'ing seagulls. A nice predatory bird helps immensely. They can set up shop somewhere else next year.

It was funny to see every seagull in about 5 square blocks and clouds of pigeons all racing around panicking.
What are you using for cameras? You seem to have a serious bear problem, stating the obvious.
CONNECTICUT has a serious bear problem, cuz they adamantly refuse to open a bear season. Consequently overpopulation, and they're getting increasingly aggressive.

The cameras are garden-variety Ring.
CONNECTICUT has a serious bear problem, cuz they adamantly refuse to open a bear season. Consequently overpopulation, and they're getting increasingly aggressive.

The cameras are garden-variety Ring.

Yeah. That no-bear thing is whack. Isn't NJ the same way???? "Oh poor Boo-Boo." LOL

This morning's ride companion:

Actually, the Larkin was a critterfest this morning: those guys, red efts, turkeys, deer, ... (And two legged critters jogging or riding bikes.) No horses, but plenty of poop.

Edit: moar critterz:

We saw a couple of snapping turtles swimming around while fishing on Sat. Hard to get pix ever. Not the biggest I've seen, but pretty big.
Saturday I saw a baby moose for the first time. I was on a dirt road in Jefferson NH, going slow. Momma Moose had already crossed the road and waiting for the spindly-legged baby to catch up.

My phone was in drive mode and I couldn't unlock it fast enough for a picture. Mostly because all I could do was point and say, "Baby moose! Baby moose! Baby moose!"
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