We have your President and Congress - NRA

Nov 14, 2005
Massachusetts Live Free or Here!
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By Michael Levenson, Globe Staff | July 10, 2007

It looks like a ransom note, but it is not being sent by kidnappers. It is being promoted by the Patrick administration, the Boston Police Department, and the State Police, and delivered to drivers on the Massachusetts Turnpike courtesy of John Rosenthal, a provocative gun control activist from Newton.

"We have your President and Congress," declares the message in letters that look as if they had been snipped from a newspaper. It is signed simply, NRA, referring to the National Rifle Association, and will be unveiled today on a 252-foot billboard on the Mass. Turnpike near Fenway Park.
Lt Gov Tim Murray speaks at an anti-handgun event sponsored by Stop Handgun Violence

At 10:00AM today.....Lt. Gov. Tim Murray speaks at an anti-handgun violence event sponsored by Stop Handgun Violence.....Art Institute of Boston, 601 Newbury St., 3rd Floor, Boston
If THIS doesn’t motivate you to call the Governor’s Office, to attend Lt. Gov. Murray’s event, to write your local Representative or Senator then I don’t know what it’s going to take.

BTW, the NCL is now asking for donations to help fight this fight. Just click this Donate! link to make your non-tax deductable donation of $25.00.
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Rosenthal was on Michael Graham's show this morning, pushing his idea to ban all private sales of firearms and enact a national 5-day waiting period.

Can't you just hear the crime rate in Boston's inner-city neighborhoods plummeting?

His *only* statistical ammo is his statement that Massachusetts has one of the lowest "firearms fatality rates" in the country.

He conveniently fails to mention that nearly every gang-related shooting in the city of Boston occurs within spitting distance of Boston Medical Center, home to one of the best trauma centers in the nation.

I wonder what would happen to their firearms fatality rate if every gunshot victim in Boston had to be driven to a hospital in Woburn. During rush hour.

Things he also "forgets" to mention:

- MA has the highest violent crime rate of all six New England states.
- Following the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1998, incidents of firearms-related injuries went up considerably, while the number of licensed gun owners decreased significantly.
- Handguns are used every day by ordinary citizens to save lives. Would Rosenthal rather have these people killed by their assailants and chalk up their deaths as "the price to pay" to achieve his gun-free Utopia?

Unfortunately, Graham didn't have the right questions ready to go when he had him on the air. He's got John Lott on the air now. Gotta go listen.
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The article by Michael Levenson, Globe Staff has the following quotes:

“Davis said gang members from Massachusetts have been known to travel as far away as California to take advantage of less stringent gun laws, making it more difficult to regulate the flow of guns into some of Boston's most violent neighborhoods.”

If Commissioner Edward Davis, actually made this exact statement, then the City Of Boston needs a new Commissioner. California and Massachusetts have nearly identical handgun laws and would be impossible for someone to do what he’s suggesting. Long-guns in California are a slightly different story, but you don’t read about rifles and shotguns being used in Dorchester or Fitchburg.
Assclowns all.

Rosenthal's statements regarding the the absense of background checks were totally misleading and were only actually stated correctly ONE time. Every other phrase and statement he used the standard liberal mantra of overgerneralization.

However, his logic is not faulty on that one point. If you beleive that background checks are a good thing for gun ownership, then it is tough to reconcile that private sales do not require them.

Don't get all crazy and jump on my post about the whole "but the only way to do that in MA is for both folks to be licensed, which means they have had them..." stuff. I know.

And one must actually have buy in to the first part of the logic proposition, which I do recognize does not have universal acceptance.

Oh yeah, and of course, you have to make the leap that CRIMIMALS will not cirumvent the current law to get their guns from another source.....say....like shipped in from another country.....just like all those drugs, and people, and other goods that are illegally enterening the US that we do such a bang up job of preventing.
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Whether a state requires background checks for private sales is irrelevant for the most part.

It is AGAINST THE LAW for anyone to purchase a handgun from outside their home state. It is AGAINST THE LAW to smuggle stolen or illegally purchased firearms across state lines.

More gun laws will do NOTHING to curb gang-related violence.

Rosenthal knows it.

Of course, curbing said violence s not the goal of his organization.

Cold, dead fingers, pal.
I'm sure most here know this, but it bears repeating: Rosenthal is the driving force behind the American Hunters and Shooters Association, a sham operation that purports to be an NRA-alternative gun rights group but is in fact no better than the Brady Bunch. They do a very good job of making themselves look like a pro-gun lobbying operation, so have quite possibly fooled some pro-2nd Amendment types into joining. Their web site is here: http://www.huntersandshooters.com/index.php and you can use the "contact us" function to send them an email letting them know how you feel about Rosenthal and the billboard, which I just did. I also let them know that I'd be sending a small contribution to the NRA in their honor.
If that goes without retaliation from the NRA.. then that shows just how little they care about this state.

I will once again be writing the Gov. & lt. Gov. and voicing my concern... again... I expect no response.
Assclowns all.

Rosenthal's statements regarding the the absense of background checks were totally misleading and were only actually stated correctly ONE time. Every other phrase and statement he used the standard liberal mantra of overgerneralization.

However, his logic is not faulty on that one point. If you beleive that background checks are a good thing for gun ownership, then it is tough to reconcile that private sales do not require them.

Don't get all crazy and jump on my post about the whole "but the only way to do that in MA is for both folks to be licensed, which means they have had them..." stuff. I know.

And one must actually have buy in to the first part of the logic proposition, which I do recognize does not have universal acceptance.

Oh yeah, and of course, you have to make the leap that CRIMIMALS will not cirumvent the current law to get their guns from another source.....say....like shipped in from another country.....just like all those drugs, and people, and other goods that are illegally enterening the US that we do such a bang up job of preventing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought (in NH at least) that private sales are OK providing the seller is aware of the buyer's criminal status. If I sell to a person who I suspect is a criminal (or even if I am unaware, but is later found to be forbidden) I can be held liable.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought (in NH at least) that private sales are OK providing the seller is aware of the buyer's criminal status. If I sell to a person who I suspect is a criminal (or even if I am unaware, but is later found to be forbidden) I can be held liable.

You better read up on Fed Law, or you risk spending a lot of time in the "gray bar hotel" with 3 hots and a cot and a new boyfriend known as Bubba! [rolleyes]

HiNT: The correct answers are in the Gun Laws forum if you want to read about them.
The Iraqi leaders are urging people to arm themselves to reduce crime. Patrick and Menino are telling everyone to disarm to protect themselves. [angry]
You better read up on Fed Law, or you risk spending a lot of time in the "gray bar hotel" with 3 hots and a cot and a new boyfriend known as Bubba! [rolleyes]

HiNT: The correct answers are in the Gun Laws forum if you want to read about them.


IANAL...but for NH does this means it's OK to sell PROVIDING I know the person I'm selling to?

159:14. Exemption. None of the provisions of
this chapter shall prohibit an individual not licensed
under the provisions thereof who is not
engaged in the business of selling pistols or revolvers
from selling a pistol or revolver to a person
licensed under this chapter or to a person
personally known to him.
That's the whole problem with living in MA... Your politicians do not care what you want... Period end of story...

They do care but you have to make yourself heard time and time again there are over 275K legal gun owners in Mass. the trouble is we don't work together like we should.

In part I think GOAL needs to really pull all the local pistol and rifle clubs together and start to post all the info they can at the clubs and get out there more to keep people in the game and calling there Reps.

I mean yeah GOAL has info on there site but start phone chains and mailings and some TV ads to get the Msg. out when there a new gun bill on the hill!

I will let you guys know when the house bill comes into play again like I said right now its on the back burning. Which seems to be due to the Rep that made the bill left the hill for a better job, and your calls do make a impact if the Gov office gets alot of calls.

Office of the Governor
Office of the Lt. Governor
Room 360
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617.725.4005

There is his # and room # if your in the area stop by his office and ask for him which he is never here so you get some aide but they should take your name and address so that they can mail a response if they don't you can count on that your getting blown off.

But whatever you do be nice if you call or walk in and start flipping out thats not going to look good for gun owners.
If that goes without retaliation from the NRA.. then that shows just how little they care about this state.

That's not really the issue as Rosenthal is pushing his agenda as a national/federal problem...

"Guns kill 83 people every day in the US. Demand federal laws for background checks on all gun sales."

I'm also ticked-off that he's using the age old scare tactic of including firearms related suicides in his numbers (30,295). Currently, the ratio of firearms related suicides to homicides is roughly around %57/%40 ( (unintentional deaths ... %3).
GOAL update....

Hopefully the recent new hire (sorry, I'll let Jim do the introductions) will help with the 'news' as the position we were interviewing for was "Director of Communications".

The hope is that this position will be able to "spread the word" in a more timely manner.

my point was more really that no law will stop a CRIMINAL from obtaining a firearm illegally.....including a full ban of guns.....cause they could just import those too.

Don't they already? The illegal guns follow the illegal drugs and use the same smuggling routes.
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