I did this at home on the last day I had off from work , while the Mrs. was at work. ...
I sorted a few dozen chrome/nickle cartidge cases because they are easy to track & keep seperate from the regular reloads. I ended up with about 40 of them , and made a promise to throw out all chromed brass in the future to avoid mixing them up. Because they are not going to be safe for reloads after this ...
Drilled out , to enlarge the primer hole with an 1/8th inch bit.
melted wax in a little pan. Adding candle bits until it was a half inch deep. When it was hard again , almost , I "cookie cuttered" the wax with the prepped brass.
Then I primed them , and loaded them in my Sig P220.
I opened my front door from the outside , coming in. Draw and fire double action at a paper plate diagonally across the room.
It's quieter than a kid's cap gun. the paper plate was backed by a copy of Investors Business Daily. the wax slug penetrated the paper plate and newspaper , but didn't leave a mark on the wall behind it. Of course it won't cycle an auto. But the idea is to train for that first ,DA, shot.
A: I mostly shoot paper bullseyes. NOT Sighting in this drill took a lot of effort.
B: after a dozen repititions I saw a marked improvement in hits and speed.
C: I need a lot more work.
D: after a dozen shots , there was a little wax built up in the barrel , cleaned right out , no problem.
E: Yes. It was fun.
I sorted a few dozen chrome/nickle cartidge cases because they are easy to track & keep seperate from the regular reloads. I ended up with about 40 of them , and made a promise to throw out all chromed brass in the future to avoid mixing them up. Because they are not going to be safe for reloads after this ...
Drilled out , to enlarge the primer hole with an 1/8th inch bit.
melted wax in a little pan. Adding candle bits until it was a half inch deep. When it was hard again , almost , I "cookie cuttered" the wax with the prepped brass.
Then I primed them , and loaded them in my Sig P220.
I opened my front door from the outside , coming in. Draw and fire double action at a paper plate diagonally across the room.
It's quieter than a kid's cap gun. the paper plate was backed by a copy of Investors Business Daily. the wax slug penetrated the paper plate and newspaper , but didn't leave a mark on the wall behind it. Of course it won't cycle an auto. But the idea is to train for that first ,DA, shot.
A: I mostly shoot paper bullseyes. NOT Sighting in this drill took a lot of effort.
B: after a dozen repititions I saw a marked improvement in hits and speed.
C: I need a lot more work.
D: after a dozen shots , there was a little wax built up in the barrel , cleaned right out , no problem.
E: Yes. It was fun.