Wax slugs / 1st shot drill

May 1, 2005
Marblehead , PRM.
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I did this at home on the last day I had off from work , while the Mrs. was at work. ...

I sorted a few dozen chrome/nickle cartidge cases because they are easy to track & keep seperate from the regular reloads. I ended up with about 40 of them , and made a promise to throw out all chromed brass in the future to avoid mixing them up. Because they are not going to be safe for reloads after this ...

Drilled out , to enlarge the primer hole with an 1/8th inch bit.
melted wax in a little pan. Adding candle bits until it was a half inch deep. When it was hard again , almost , I "cookie cuttered" the wax with the prepped brass.

Then I primed them , and loaded them in my Sig P220.

I opened my front door from the outside , coming in. Draw and fire double action at a paper plate diagonally across the room.

It's quieter than a kid's cap gun. the paper plate was backed by a copy of Investors Business Daily. the wax slug penetrated the paper plate and newspaper , but didn't leave a mark on the wall behind it. Of course it won't cycle an auto. But the idea is to train for that first ,DA, shot.

A: I mostly shoot paper bullseyes. NOT Sighting in this drill took a lot of effort.

B: after a dozen repititions I saw a marked improvement in hits and speed.

C: I need a lot more work.

D: after a dozen shots , there was a little wax built up in the barrel , cleaned right out , no problem.

E: Yes. It was fun.
I find it much easier to just buy an Airsoft gun. And you can't mistakenly load a real round in your airsoft gun.
M1911 said:
I find it much easier to just buy an Airsoft gun. And you can't mistakenly load a real round in your airsoft gun.

Wow, those wax bullets are cool!! Great drill. I shoot DA/SA also, so I can appreciate the need to work on the fast DA pull

Do the airsoft's have trigger pulls simliar to the real deal?

Did that for a .357mag revolver, the wax bullet thing. I didn't drill out the primer pocket though. Fun to shoot, but stinky inside. Good to practice a TON.

Why are you running through front door in DA? Now, assuming you are LE, in such a situation where you expect trouble right after entry, wouldn't it be better to go to SA? Most SWAT guys carry SA 1911s when doing entry, right?

Or, if you are training for home defense, why would you run in? Or I'm way off base and you are training to take part IN a home invasion :-p
On the health side of this, I would be careful how often you run this drill. "..the chemical commonly used in primers is lead styphnate, and detonating the primer discharges a cloud of molecular lead compounds." This is quoted from http://www.utexas.edu/safety/ehs/msds/lead.html.

I think there was some discussion about this on NES in another thread, I'll do a search & see if I can find it.

Just a heads up.

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