Warning to travelers

this hasn't been anything new. We were told about this during ITAR training years ago and instructed to take burner laptops and phones when travelling with the presumption that both could be taken and cloned against our will.
So with the NES app on my home screen, would that label me as an extremist? I like the burner phone idea.
OP's heads up is very concerning as I am frequently overseas for work. So now it's looking like our government is the #2 freak show right behind China? Stocking up on popcorn while I wait for more detail / facts.

I don't buy into all the conjecture about the need for burner phones etc. Use a VPN for your browsing, clear your cache and history periodically, and GTG. I had no problem getting gmail nor even NES and other firearm enthusiast sites in China via VPN. Over the last 10 years I've regularly visited over 30 countries including Russia and China and am usually well into the interior of these countries. China was getting awful in terms of surveillance cameras everywhere, no acceptance of 'Western' credit cards at businesses anywhere else on the planet would accept them, and some other crap I don't miss. I have had many great trips there and my team has been very successful, but I hope I never need to go back. Everywhere else was fine and in many or most cases significantly better in terms of security than any of our Dem controlled shithole cities. Keep in mind I'm going to countries with a good industrial base and am not going anywhere on the African continent nor to the 'stans.
Whether or not you are employing a vpn, your phone will by tied to your name eventually. Unless you can get a homeless dude to anonymously buy a phone with cash and no questions asked. Then and only then will you be invisible. The first time you contact a known individual via text, email, or a call, your location is always tracked as cell towers triangulate to keep you in their service. And if you bring the phone near your location it will be tied to your home network. WiFi is a bad idea as well.

Maybe this is all bs I made up.
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