Walmart starts selling BLM clothing and actually a monthly planner book

Saying "all lives matter" is about as dumb as picking a fight with someone that has a Breast Cancer ribbon on because ALL CANCER IS BAD. No one is saying black lives matter more than anyone else, they are specifically fighting injustice that targets the black community that white people don't get to experience on the same scale.

Do people with breast cancer burn, loot and steal to make their point? That was a stupid analogy.
Wow. I hope you guys and everyone else reading this know that BLM is not about killing police officers and inciting racism. Yes, don't get me wrong there are some ignorant and class less people who commit violent acts against law enforcement, which I do not agree with at all. BLM is supposed to be a positive uplifting movement, it's not "crap". I've known and heard of plenty of people peacefully protesting and voicing their opinion in a peaceful manner. Think of it as the modern day Black Panther Party. Though I've never protested myself, I know it is not something meant to spread hate or violence. The ones who claim BLM and act wreckless do not represent the movement as a whole. It's about equality for everyone regardless of color or race. Please don't think everyone wearing BLM are out to harm police officers. Again, it's about equality.
Bullshit. They should be in the South Side of Chicago telling the gangbangers to stop shooting each other if they were serious. Marching and shutting down city streets in Chicago, NYC, Boston,LA,etc is not getting to the root of the problem. The greatest threat to a young Black man/Youth is another Black male, not a white guy or a cop.
Bullshit. They should be in the South Side of Chicago telling the gangbangers to stop shooting each other if they were serious. Marching and shutting down city streets in Chicago, NYC, Boston,LA,etc is not getting to the root of the problem. The greatest threat to a young Black man/Youth is another Black male, not a white guy or a cop.

I agree in the sense that black-on-black crime in inner cities is an even bigger problem. I think BLM should also address gang violence across the country and not just focus on police shooting of unarmed victims.

I do not approve of those who are looting and causing damage to cities, but the ones that are just marching, holding signs and chanting are protesting the right way (no crime/violence) and are exercising their 1st Amendment right.

People here seem to think they're all evil, poor, killers and terrorist which is stereotyping... And for the record there have been others races besides Blacks protesting (peacefully) believe it or not.
Was just at Walmart and didn't see a single piece of BLM merchandise. Was looking for it too.

I guess it isn't needed or wanted here, with only one black person in town.
Clean out your headgear, raptorman, the BLM's version of equality isn't exactly about being equal.

Wow. I hope you guys and everyone else reading this know that BLM is not about killing police officers and inciting racism. Yes, don't get me wrong there are some ignorant and class less people who commit violent acts against law enforcement, which I do not agree with at all. BLM is supposed to be a positive uplifting movement, it's not "crap". I've known and heard of plenty of people peacefully protesting and voicing their opinion in a peaceful manner. Think of it as the modern day Black Panther Party. Though I've never protested myself, I know it is not something meant to spread hate or violence. The ones who claim BLM and act wreckless do not represent the movement as a whole. It's about equality for everyone regardless of color or race. Please don't think everyone wearing BLM are out to harm police officers. Again, it's about equality.



A search on the huge retail corporation’s website shows a wide assortment of clothing and other items bearing the text “Black Lives Matter,” and there is even a Black Lives Matter monthly pocket planner for sale.

A BLM pocket planner: a place to mark down upcoming "protests" and all your FSA benefits.
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Do people with breast cancer burn, loot and steal to make their point? That was a stupid analogy.

I still can't believe how stupid gun owners can be to not see the hypocrisy in painting with a broad brush then cry when Democrats do the same to us. BLM is not about looting and stealing contrary to what racist middle-aged white men tell you on Breitbart.
"Modern day Black Panthers"

Yeah, I toned out everything you said after you dropped this. No lives matter more than others. Punishing crime because of the perp's motivation is the biggest load of PC crap and has messed up the criminal justice system. Why doesn't matter any more than how or who. Intent and outcome are all that matters.

People need to stop playing the victim card and stand up for themselves. Until that happens, tshirts, slogans, and rallies aren't going to do shit. Other people do not define who you are: You do. That is the biggest problem with this whole movement and why it won't "fix" a damn thing but will likely increase tensions.

IDGAF what you are protesting but if you run out on to the highway in front of my car to block traffic? I am not going to be on your side no matter what that side is.
Punishing crime because of the perp's motivation is the biggest load of PC crap and has messed up the criminal justice system. Why doesn't matter any more than how or who. Intent and outcome are all that matters.
Actions are bad, but unapproved thought is even worse.
Walmart recently stopped selling the "Bulletproof" logo items on the BLM clothing line (but still selling BLM clothing line) and are also selling BLUE and ALL Lives matter clothing after "hearing about it" from many. I think the whole thing is crazy and wish it would all go away.
Wow. I hope you guys and everyone else reading this know that BLM is not about killing police officers and inciting racism. Yes, don't get me wrong there are some ignorant and class less people who commit violent acts against law enforcement, which I do not agree with at all. BLM is supposed to be a positive uplifting movement, it's not "crap". I've known and heard of plenty of people peacefully protesting and voicing their opinion in a peaceful manner. Think of it as the modern day Black Panther Party. Though I've never protested myself, I know it is not something meant to spread hate or violence. The ones who claim BLM and act wreckless do not represent the movement as a whole. It's about equality for everyone regardless of color or race. Please don't think everyone wearing BLM are out to harm police officers. Again, it's about equality.

Then say it. All Lives Matter. Or in your vernacular: #AllLivesMatter
Yeah those people are just crazies man. They come out after the protesters are gone. They're not the real protesters, they're basically the party poopers. They just come to cause trouble. Then ppl remember the march as violent. No pays attention to the peaceful ppl holding signs and marching. Negativity is what ppl focus on for some reason. *cough* Like those damn anti gun people*cough cough*

That's an absolute crock. Sorry, but it is. Read the signs, listen to the chants, and you hear calls for violence. I've heard it in person, watched it on TV, and seen it online - it's not some tiny "unrelated fringe group" who shows up when the "real" BLM folks leave. I'm talking dozens to hundreds of people. I've sat on a college campus and listened to calls for violence twice now, and it's students - not "criminals and crazies" who showed up to piggyback the event (though they may fit into the former category, just not the latter).
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