Video of California's DoJ confiscation squad in action

Guy needed to tell his wife to stop running her mouth -
one household, one voice.

Guy needed to stop running his mouth.

Interesting conflict when little kids are present.
Need to get them off the property,
but need to keep the wife with the husband
to have a second witness.

Video is virtually content-free about what really caused this,
but anyone who has a lawyer wouldn't be providing that info anyhow.
The video cut out before the shootout between the perp and the officials. They stuck around for an hour afterward and waited for him to finish assembling it and then he went all pew pee on them.

Saw this earlier today. How many cops showed up because a guy followed the law? 10+? They think him his wife and kid were going to put up some sort of Taliban resistance? Was just sick to watch. Good on him for the way he handled it though.

very much agree. He handled it WAY better than I would have, I think.

f***ing commie pukes. Do LEO’s even see what they’re doing when they pull shit like this? What a waste of taxpayer dollars.
Back to Germany 1934!
Except this time it's get the conservatives the establishment wants gone!

And some people wonder why there were so many firearms sold this year and why there is an ammo shortage..

I sure hope if anything good comes out of the next four years is that all the police are defunded for violating citizen's rights!
They are jack boot thugs at this point!
Just like the Natzi party individuals, they will do what every they are told to stay in power and keep their jobs at the people's liberty and expense!
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This is what CA needs:
1. Another person to follow this man's footsteps and register his "assault weapon" or whatever happened to trigger this search warrant.
2. Have that person booby trap their stash with enough C-4 that it levels the neighborhood.

Thats what these thugs need to shake them from their "just following orders shit".
This is what CA needs:
1. Another person to follow this man's footsteps and register his "assault weapon" or whatever happened to trigger this search warrant.
2. Have that person booby trap their stash with enough C-4 that it levels the neighborhood.

Thats what these thugs need to shake them from their "just following orders shit".
that would just "give them reason" to go "full swat" on every search warrant.
Apparently, a search warrant was signed by a judge after the owner tried to register a firearm. They found a lower with a buffer tube on it.

I don't have any other details.

Sad times seeing this in America. "Just doing your job" my ass, Justing doing it for the pension more like it.
Proud anti American freedom hating dickheads.
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