Vermont bill introduced that would ban possession of cell phones...

It's satire. It was done to prove a point. The author is very pro-2A. He replaced the word "gun" with "cell phone" to show how stupid it is to ban inanimate objects...

The bill was introduced by Sen. John Rodgers, D-Essex-Orleans. Rodgers said Wednesday he introduced the bill to make a point.
“I have no delusions that it’s going to pass. I wouldn’t probably vote for it myself,” he said.
He said he’s a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and the Legislature “seems bent on taking away our Second Amendment rights.”
Is a real bill introduced actually satire? Read the comments on there...I don't think it's as satirical as you think.
I love it! The comments defending cell phones mirror that of guns..."its already illegal to text and drive"...
At first I thought this was another gem from the loony left, instead it does a great job highlighting how full-retard gun control has become.
It's a real Bill. He just submitted it to show how ridiculous the Anti Gun Bills are.

It's completely absurd to tell people what they can and can't own. This is not the purpose of any Government in any state, yet they are playing Mommy and Daddy every day now.

Term limits would help put an end to this crap.
Do cell phones even work in Vermont ???

Yes, but you need a bottle of maple syrup, instead of a battery.

This was an excellent ironic move, that will, of course be ignored or misunderstood. Except by the 18 to 21-year-old Virtue Signalers that would be happy to have another freedom taken away from all, because it would make it easier for them to conform. [rolleyes]
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