User servicable 9mm suppressor?

Mar 23, 2010
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I am tentatively considering getting into the NFA world and picking up a suppressor. I'm interested in getting some technical advice here on suppressors as I don't know much about them. Here's where I'm at:

  • I reload lead in all my handguns and would like to continue shooting lead, so I believe that I should find a take-apart suppressor that I can clean. Correct?
  • I really like 9mm and already have a few handguns chambered for it, with the anticipation of picking up at least another 9mm at some point. Is there any reason why I couldn't make one suppressor work on multiple 9mm handguns?
  • Obviously quietness is my main interest, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a little quietness for the ability to take apart the suppressor. This is purely a range toy so weight probably isn't a main consideration. Are there any other trade-offs I need to be aware of when I examine different suppressors?
  • It seems a wet suppressor is the way to go, correct?
  • Any specific suppressor recommendations given my criteria?
  • It seems like this is a purchase where it makes sense to buy from an in-state class III dealer rather than transferring it into NH. Any recommended class III dealers in NH with a wide selection of suppressors, maybe even one where I could try one out before buying?

P.S. What are the current wait times like for a form 4?
Talk to Brooks over at Thompson Machine. He is a VERY helpful and knowledgeable guy. All their units can be stripped down and they are inexpensive! I was looking at getting the ISIS-2 (9mm) and it runs around $400!
Because I did not actually answer your questions.. I answered a couple here.

I am tentatively considering getting into the NFA world and picking up a suppressor. I'm interested in getting some technical advice here on suppressors as I don't know much about them. Here's where I'm at:

  • I reload lead in all my handguns and would like to continue shooting lead, so I believe that I should find a take-apart suppressor that I can clean. Correct?
  • I really like 9mm and already have a few handguns chambered for it, with the anticipation of picking up at least another 9mm at some point. Is there any reason why I couldn't make one suppressor work on multiple 9mm handguns? You can use a suppressor on any firearm you want. Got a 9mm suppressor, you can use it on any 9mm handgun/rifle or .380acp or .22lr or anything else that it will fit, with the right adapter, as long as you do not use it on a caliber that it is not rated for (too much pressure , etc).
  • Obviously quietness is my main interest, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a little quietness for the ability to take apart the suppressor. This is purely a range toy so weight probably isn't a main consideration. Are there any other trade-offs I need to be aware of when I examine different suppressors? No need to sacrifice anything. Like I said, Thompson Machine makes some GREAT suppressors and for the price, you can not beat them.
  • It seems a wet suppressor is the way to go, correct? A "wet" suppressor is just a suppressor with grease or water down the tube. They all can do this for better suppression.
  • Any specific suppressor recommendations given my criteria?
  • It seems like this is a purchase where it makes sense to buy from an in-state class III dealer rather than transferring it into NH. Any recommended class III dealers in NH with a wide selection of suppressors, maybe even one where I could try one out before buying? I am not sure what transfer fees are on Class 3 but personally I can never find exactly what I want, which is why I would find what I want then have it transfered to the closest C3 dealer.

P.S. What are the current wait times like for a form 4?
The transfer fee is 200 for the tax and what ever the dealer charges, most are around 75, As for the wait I am waiting on a SBR and it has been 5.5 months, I have been told it will take 7 months. My friend in NH got a suppressor and he waited 6 months almost to the day.
I had similar questions and had them answered in great detail at Shooter's Outpost. They had suppressors in the case they took out to show me, and they were user-serviceable. Also, they had the ability to switch between calibers by swapping out the guts - so essentially you have a suppressor that can go on multiple guns/calibers just by swapping out a couple parts, and only pay one tax stamp.

Go to Shooter's Outpost and ask your questions at the NFA counter.

ETA: look into shooting .45ACP with a can. Most .45ACP ammo is sub-sonic, not the case with 9mm. Of course, if you are re-loading you can do whatever you want that way.
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I've got my eye on the AAC Tirant 9. New model, quiet, user serviceable - all around good reviews. I've seen them in some NH shops for around $800 too.
I've been watching videos where it's used on some guns I have, mainly the P99 and 92FS. Tough to tell from a video but it sounds like excellent suppression.

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I've got a YHM 9mm Cobra II.

It comes apart completely for cleaning. I use it on my M11/9 with a Lage upper whether its running 9mm or with the .22 conversion kit. Even though the exit aperture is larger than necessary, it is very quiet.

Here's a video of my brother in law with the Cobra with 9mm. Unfortunately its supersonic ammo so its not so quiet:

Here he is dumping a mag of .22. Again. Supersonic, so not that quiet.

I ended up ordering an SWR Octane 9HD2 about a month ago. I'm still waiting on the form 3, but in the meantime I've been getting my form 4 together plus ordering threaded barrels. Hopefully I'll have my suppressor by the fall.
Worth the extra wait.

Definitely. Called a few local class III dealers; all wanted right at $850. Silencershop = $540 (including piston and booster). I figured an extra month tacked onto the 6+ month wait to save $300 was a no-brainer. Gave me some time to get my form 4 together too.
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