URGENT - LTC/FID Discretion Abuse List Required

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 76 / 1 / 0

I received an Email request for some info on LTC/FID Discretion Abuses today. This MAY result in some changes to make things better for us in the future.

What I need here is a list of discretion abuses or things that are perceived as abuses (general topics not cities & towns). Suitability and Restrictions imposed on applicants are ALLOWED by law, so those are NOT things we are looking for here (although it sometimes is a fine line between that and general discretion abuses).

Please do NOT mention TOWNS. It might be info you were given by someone else.

Here are some examples I've become aware of:

  • Won’t accept applications for renewal except when you meet with Chief or Licensing Officer, especially when appointments for said meetings are only available during short window once a week and oftentimes have a backlog of 4-6 weeks for said appointment
  • Won’t issue LTC-A at all or for first permit
  • Written letters of recommendation from citizens of same town or other restrictive list of “acceptable” sources
  • Delays in months for processing and blaming it on CHSB/MSP. In some cases applicant called CHSB/MSP and was told that they never received application. When faced off, the Licensing Officer suddenly “found” the paperwork still in their outbox/on their desk.
  • Holders of old, “expired” lifetime FIDs (who are finally getting around to renew) being made to take safety courses to get new FID or LTC
  • Won’t accept renewal applications until 30 days (or some other arbitrary number) prior to expiration of current LTC
  • Failure to give receipts for LTC application (which would allow the 90 grace period to run if needed)

Please add your list to this thread. NO DISCUSSION HERE, as this info needs to be sent (no names) onward quickly to perhaps effect some policies at some state level (we hope). Any banter will be deleted from this thread without warning, please use other threads for discussion of the issues.
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Social security number required despite this being illegal. License would not be processed without it being submitted. I was told this verbally, nothing was put in writing. They would not create a paper trail.

Must have gun club membership letter (must be official member) as well as three references. Also must submit utility bills as well as birth certificate.

You know which town I live in.
delays in getting LTC to applicant after processing (didn't get it until nearly a month after the issue date on the card)
Required two letters of reference.

Note: I got two stellar letters, one from a doctor and one from an Air Force fighter pilot and successful businessman, made no difference, LTC-A restricted to target only, when I asked for ALP.
My city has its own four-page list of instructions. I can send you a copy if you want. My apologies if some of these are state requirements, but I suspect the city adds its own twist to these requirements too.

1. Must supply a letter, written by you, explaining specifically your reason for applying for a License to Carry Firearms

2. Mass. Driver's License and utility bill or credit card statement with your address required

3. ALP only issued for Law enforcement or if required for employment, in which case a letter from your employer is required
Edit: See image at bottom for more ALP requirements

4. Two written references required with the references' day time phone numbers and they must be available for phone interview

5. First appointment required to submit the application

6. Second appointment required for interview

7. Make third appointment to pick-up the license, although you could probably randomly stop by for this appointment and they would sign it over to you if the clerk was available

8. If you were licensed in another city or town you must submit a letter from that police department stating there have been no problems that might indicate you are an unsuitable person for the renewal.

9. Must be a US citizen and show proof: birth cert., passport, or naturalization papers only accepted

10. Provide certificate showing you have successfully completed a state-approved firearms course which involves actual shooting (required for first time or a renewal from another city)

11. Guidance documentation for completing application states that all criminal interactions must be documented including: juvenile appearances, sealed cases, dismissed cases, and "appearacnes regardless of what you have been advised about not having to document". They reiterate the threat of prosecution in this section for non-disclosure.

12. Lastly, they were very suspicious of my residency because I was not listed on the city census. I suppose it's not an official requirement, but I'd advise anyone applying to make sure they fill out their census form too!

Edit, forgot one:

13. During the interview, there was a verbal pop quiz. I was asked in quiz like fashion, "what is a high capacity firearm?" and to "state my reasons for wanting the license."

Edit2, for ALP clarification:

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My city has its own four-page list of instructions. I can send you a copy if you want. My apologies if some of these are state requirements, but I suspect the city adds its own twist to these requirements too.

1. Must supply a letter, written by you, explaining specifically your reason for applying for a License to Carry Firearms

2. Mass. Driver's License and utility bill or credit card statement with your address required

3. ALP only issued for Law enforcement or if required for employment, in which case a letter from your employer is required

4. Two written references required with the references' day time phone numbers and they must be available for phone interview

I know these are at least on a New Bedford application. One thing I noted on the application when I got mine was a statement saying you had to give a valid reason for requesting ALP other than protection or else you would be denied. To make sure I got mine I had to have a letter from my shop stating I needed one and was given one stating Reason for issuing: "For Business Purposes Only". Others here get Hunting and Target unless you've already had one stating ALP.
Refusal to provide replacement license unless you reapply for the license again and pay the fee again.
Refusal to provide a replacement license unless you provide letters of reference and anything else the chief in the town you moved to wants before he will let you get a replacement.
Visits at home and entry without a warrant or invitation to check for the presence of firearms, ammunition, and license, based on report of the presence of said items.
Won't issue LTC-A ALP on first issue unless required for work. Must show written documentation from employer for this.

"May" issue ALP at renewal.
BTW, one other thing. The city where I am does NOT allow you to easily renew your license. You MUST provide all the same documents and go through the whole process of being fingerprinted, ID'd, etc. all over again. You must also then go take the marksmanship test at Moon Island all over again even if you are at the same residence as before.
requires (2) written references and refuses ALP to anyone but pd.

100days from application to issue. Required a call to me senator to get it to issue.
All complaints above noted and forwarded per original request. Hopefully something good will come of it in the long run.

Thanks to all that contributed, but I regret that you had info to contribute if you know what I mean!
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