Upcoming Mass Gun Control hearings...


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Nice speech! I'm glad that the S&W crowd showed up the way they did. As for Savage **** them! They didn't want to give us the time of day. YHM was hit or miss which bothered me a bit. Overall S&W was all over it and made the point. Plus I'm very thankful for the shirts they gave me. I submitted and read off the citizens petition. 81 pages of signatures compiled and we collected a few more today.

It was actually great to engage some of the antis. They would start trying to egg us on (while holding the Protect our children and the second amendment banner) and say they will get us to their side or that we need to end gun violence. My response to them was we absolutely need to address gun violence. It would stop them dead in their tracks and they would start stuttering and mumbling on about it. When we agree with them that the status quo isn't acceptable and that the courts are letting violent criminals with long histories out with less time/no time than the elderly gentleman in worchester who got caught with 9 standard capacity mags they didn't know what to say. I drove him the point that it is safer to rob a store or be a pedophile in this state then it is to get caught with something as simple as a post ban 30rd mag. I didn't lose my cool with a single one of them and they didn't know how to counter me by the end. **** THEM!!![mg]
I will say I talked to some of the groups from the inner city and they seemed interested in working with us to get more fair licensing and harsher punishments for criminals.

All and all I am encouraged.


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I will say I talked to some of the groups from the inner city and they seemed interested in working with us to get more fair licensing and harsher punishments for criminals.

All and all I am encouraged.


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Its not them making laws. Its the elected officials. No one wants criminals to have guns. But taking them away from us, doesn't take them away from criminals. That's where the disconnect lies. There is gun crime in England. Laws didn't stop them.....

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Its not them making laws. Its the elected officials. No one wants criminals to have guns. But taking them away from us, doesn't take them away from criminals. That's where the disconnect lies. There is gun crime in England. Laws didn't stop them.....

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This boils down the entire days testimonies from the law enforcement that was there - let the lawful have whatever they want, put the criminals they catch in jail AND keep them there.

Completely different crowd of LE than Fall River or the first two hearings.
I just got back from Springfield, they took my testimony at 4 PM...give them credit for staying.
I read my statement about the gun legisaltion passed in RI that did NOT includue an assualt weapons/ standard capacity magazine ban and that emphasised it was a " bipartiscian bill". I also mentioned that the use of high capacaity magaines was
used in crime as 3% ( yes, I verified this statistic). Intersesting that Chairman Naughton ,' He Asked me if I "had been at Assumption ".
I answered "yes". THen he asked if I was "presenting the same testimony" . I replied "Sir,no sir". He seemed to smiling.
He doesn't miss much.
I presonally handed over my written testimony to him.
That was funny....

I did a double take then texted my wife lol. Why would the police want to have anything to do with animals at kennedy fried chicken in the middle of the night on new years? If my memory serves me correct they shot it up over a spilled soda. There is no hope for these people as they value spilled soda more than human life.
I stayed to the end Alot of what I would cover had been. Almost puked at all the moon bats, good thing i skipped lunch! State Police Officer laid the floor out flat with his testimony. As he said they can give you stats and numbers I can give you first hand. The board was listening to him and he may have swayed a couple of them. Now I just have to not have moon bat nightmares. I did point out that there are no 7 rd mags for most guns and asked if Devil Patrick stole this from Bloomburg.[smile]
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I stayed to the end Alot of what I would cover had been. Almost puked at all the moon bats, good thing i skipped lunch! State Police Officer laid the floor out flat with his testimony. As he said they can give you stats and numbers I can give you first hand. The board was listening to him and he may have swayed a couple of them. Now I just have to not have moon bat nightmares. I did point out that there are no 7 rd mags for most guns and asked if Devil Patrick stole this from Bloomburg.[smile]

I heard that one. Nice dig. The mmonbats from the League of Woman voters drove me the craziest. The one that was talking about “race bells” in her head was absurd at best
The argument I love to tell libs & gun grabbers is that creating these laws does just the inverse of their intention. It stops the lawful from obtaining the banned item but not the criminal (we all know this). The criminal, intent on doing you harm, is really going to care if you throw a banned magazine charge at him?

I usually tell them that these foolish restriction laws do nothing but create a huge black market. It actually assists the criminal enterprise. To end it I ask them two questions; how long has heroin & cocaine been illegal? Do the druggies have any problem getting some? Pass these laws and add guns & parts to that list. You just fattened the pocket of a criminal while thw lawful go without means to defend themselves. we get 7, they get 12/15/17 etc. Nice work lib. They have a tough time with that one....I can only hope that the panel listened with logic. Fat chance
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The argument I love to tell libs & gun grabbers is that creating these laws does just the inverse of their intention. It stops the lawful from obtaining the banned item but not the criminal (we all know this). The criminal, intent on doing you harm, is really going to care if you throw a banned magazine charge at him?

I usually tell them that these foolish restriction laws do nothing but create a huge black market. It actually assists the criminal enterprise. To end it I ask them two questions; how long has heroin & cocaine been illegal? Do the druggies have any problem getting some? Pass these laws and add guns & parts to that list. You just fattened the pocket of a criminal while thw lawful go without means to defend themselves. we get 7, they get 12/15/17 etc. Nice work lib. They have a tough time with that one....I can only hope that the panel listened with logic. Fat chance

All great points. The laws do create the inverse of their intentions. I tried to articulate that in my testimony by equating the increased murder rate with the huge drop in the # of lawful gun owners from '98 to '11.

The State Trooper that spoke before me made a lot of the similar points by using drugs as an example. I believe his words were something like "Heroine doesn't grow in this hemisphere, yet anyone can get a bag of it for $7 less than a mile from here".
Based on what the Committee said today it sounds like the bill to eliminate the FID requirement for pepper spray is going to pass.
My favorite today was Linsky's claim that the local Police Chiefs have very little discretion when it comes to licensing.
FID cards may issue and apply the same suitability BS. I almost hope that passes as there is no way that stands up to Constitutional scrutiny.
Based on what the Committee said today it sounds like the bill to eliminate the FID requirement for pepper spray is going to pass.

I'm in CT. My wife often goes to MA to visit her family. Do you know if that pending bill would eliminate the stupid non resident crap regarding pepper spray?

Would the Traitor in Chief's buddy, your governor, sign it.... or is his signature not needed?

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Let's not get a hard on here over pepper spray guys. Do you care if they throw you (the dogs) a bone while they (the thief) rob the house and the cookie jar? I really couldn't give a flying **** about pepper spray right now because they aren't looking to regulate it further. Focus on what's important and beat back this shit.
Thanks to all that went. Their players are all the same-same groups, same people. They will see that in Boston, at the final hearing. I think that, if everyone goes to the one on bacon hill, they will see we are diverse, and see that the anti numbers are what they really are. An insignificant minority, who have the same people show up each time.


Most of have jobs, I know, and these 10 AM meetings are next to impossible to attend, and have been quite a ways away from home. But if we can use whatever excuses we used to get off work for the Boston rally on April 3 again on the day of the testimony at the State House, it would be a spectacular end to this BS. I will be there, I hope all others will too!
Please, the term is Goat Lover. A f'r is only involved in his jollies; a lover desires to take long showers in the wee hours of the morning.
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I also find it interesting how they all claim that they don't want to keep lawful citizens from owning guns - then the go on the ban list and why no one needs that many bullets in a magazine to hunt.

It was also funny how they all loved S&W and what a great corporate citizen they are - and we like all the money you donate - but we still want to ban almost everything you make.

BIG SHOWING by S&W - should have figured.

1. Did anyone come out and tell them the 2nd Amendment is NOT about hunting?

2. Did anyone from S&W ever mention leaving Massachusetts?

I will say I talked to some of the groups from the inner city and they seemed interested in working with us to get more fair licensing and harsher punishments for criminals.

All and all I am encouraged.

Don't be. They are just as much useless as everyone else attending. The committee will vote as they are told to vote.

Its not them making laws. Its the elected officials. No one wants criminals to have guns. But taking them away from us, doesn't take them away from criminals. That's where the disconnect lies. ...

It is the leaders of the house and the senate who make the laws. The rest of them just go through the motions.

...I can only hope that the panel listened with logic. Fat chance

See reply just above this one.

Based on what the Committee said today it sounds like the bill to eliminate the FID requirement for pepper spray is going to pass.

Based on what Chairman Naughton said, that one is out of Committee and he expects it will pass. Time will tell.

If it ever gets to the point where it will see a vote, it probably will. Now we need someone to present it for a vote. I called Senator Moore's office (in Springfield at these hearings today), and Rep. Frost's office today to tell them to GET ACTIVE. It is one thing to say they support us, which they do; meaning they would vote the right way. It is altogether another thing to actually speak out or speak up on behalf of gun owners. I asked them to do just this today. In fact, I told Moore's aide to text him at the meeting to do this if he wants our votes going forward.

Let's not get a hard on here over pepper spray guys. Do you care if they throw you (the dogs) a bone while they (the thief) rob the house and the cookie jar? I really couldn't give a flying **** about pepper spray right now because they aren't looking to regulate it further. Focus on what's important and beat back this shit.

We need to get the pepper spray out of the gun laws, period. I have been fighting for this for a long time. Baby steps, folks. Rep. Ferguson is a great person, and this is her first big bill in this area. If it goes well, which it looks to be doing, there will be more and better to follow. Call your Senators and Representatives now, tomorrow, the next day, and the next and so on and on, until they get this voted and fixed. Then tell them to stick their neck out and support gun owners. Tell them it will cost them votes if they don't. And don't make it an idle threat. MAKE it cost them if they don't. Look what happened with Rep. Cole in Peabody. It is going to happen with Claros in Worcester also. KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!!!!!
Anyone want to give a summary on what this statie said that was so wonderful for those that couldnt be there?
Let's not get a hard on here over pepper spray guys. Do you care if they throw you (the dogs) a bone while they (the thief) rob the house and the cookie jar? I really couldn't give a flying **** about pepper spray right now because they aren't looking to regulate it further. Focus on what's important and beat back this shit.

I don't care all that much about pepper spray, either. It's just good to see common sense win out for once.
Thanks to all those that attended. Really, seriously great speakers today.

Unfortunately, I was late due to Pike traffic / accidents and then had to wait outside until there was room... but managed to get in by 11:00. I took few notes / comments from each testimony to share with you - (my status and level ratings are my opinion alone, but the rest is right from the folks themselves.)

11:06 - Springfield Community Organizer
Status: Concerned
Level: Somewhat reasonable
Notes: Wanted "common sense" legislation we ALL could live with.

11:11 - James - Smith & Wesson Exec
Status: Pro 2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Gave great examples of the good friend of the community S&W is - # of employees, contributions to the area.
Asked for 4 things:
- Improve Mental Health in Ma
- Improve School Safety
- Standardize LTC's in Ma
- Fix N.I.C.S in Ma

11:30 - Professor KJ - Mechanical Engineering
Status: Neutral
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Spoke of the benefits of having S&W as a neighbor - employ and pay for further education of his students, and the wonderful equipment contributions to the University.

11:37 - Panel - Religious Leaders
1. Bishop
Status: Anti
Level: Rabid
Notes: Wants these "common sense" laws -
- Limit all "assault weapons"
- Universal Background Checks
- 1 Gun a month to eradicate gun trafficking
- Mental Health Checks

2. Pastor - Chair of local NAACP
Status: Anti
Level: Rabid
Notes: Wants reduction of urban violence, "assault weapon" ban, limits to mag sizes

3. Rabbi
Status: Anti
Level: Rabid
Notes: Wants Mass to be toughest in country on prohibitions of all guns.

4.Evangelical Reverend
Status: Anti
Level: Cuckoo
Notes: Went right to Sandy Hook, NRA too powerful. Quoted 2A up to the "regulated militia" portion only. Said we were all numb to the violence, and wanted to know how many guns do we all really need?

5. Priest
Status: Anti
Level: Saddened
Notes: She conducts funerals... too many young. Too much violence, access to guns.

6. Rector - Westfield
Status: Anti
Level: Cuckoo
Notes: Too powerful guns, too easy to get. Why license autos but not guns. A student of hers was from Newtown, and that student was still traumatized despite her family being safe. Guns prevent God's will from being done. The Legislative Panel is blessed and can bring peace. Mass will be very grateful for tough gun laws - God will smile.

12:05 - Ray
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: One of his first comments, "guess that last panel did not know we have an "assault weapons" ban in Mass". Pointed out currently strict licensing, 10 round limit. Pointed out - cannot legislate problems away, LTC folks are not the issue. Asked for NO NEW LAWS.

12:12 - Don - Western Mass Rep
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: LTC folks abhor gun crimes - as they get blamed and take the brunt. Unfair.

12:14 - Panel
1. Bill
Status: Hard to tell, likely Anti, but just explained how violence effected his family
Level: Sad - was hard for him to speak at times
Notes: Grandson was killed by scumbag who open fire in a barbershop, down the street from the Hearing. Sandy Hook and all gun violence very sad. Please include some Mental Health check for licensing.

2. Emily - Bill's daughter
Status: Somewhat neutral...
Level: Sad, concerned
Notes: Son was killed at barbershop. Concerned for her other older teen kids. Wants crappy legislators that promise to be tough on crime, but are not, kicked out. Wants Mental Health & Universal Background Checks for licensing.

12:30 - Peter
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Mass has tough Draconian gun laws. FBI Stats on rifles used in crimes - non existent. Quotes from PoliceOne.com poll - LEOs opinions on tougher laws... will not diminish crime rates. Spoke of parenting and culture issues. Said politician's promises of twenty years ago regarding how great those guns laws were going to be was a LIE.

12:32 - Joseph
Status: Pro2A
Level: Not kidding around
Notes: Will Not Comply. Will not grovel for Rights. Had enough of Mass "catch & release" of criminals. What will happen when citizens refuse to comply? Legislation CANNOT violate Constitution. Basically - Molon Labe

12:37 - Panel - Couple of Family's with plenty of young kids
Speaker 1 -
Status: Anti
Level: Wants reasonable laws
Notes: Child was killed. Did not agree with DA's testimony that 38% of issues was parenting. Dislikes "catch & release", need to prosecute fully. Need accountability for crimes.

Speaker 2
Status: Neutral-ish
Level: Concerned
Notes: Wants something done on illegal guns in neighborhood.

Speaker 3
Status: Neutral
Level: Concerned
Notes: Domestic violence system is shot. Enough of "catch & release" of criminals.

12:47 - Harry
Status: Pro2A
Level: Long time gun owner
Notes: Attends National Pistol / Rifle matches - thousands of guns & people - never seen one person get shot there. Worst crime ever - guy used a gallon of gas to burn down packed night club... people can still buy gas without any license.

12:50 Panel
Dan & Oathkeeper
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on!
Notes: Oathkeeper read Oath of Mass Citizens that thousands of Mass patriots signed their names to. Great stuff.

12:53 - David
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Wants Mental Health help for Mass

12:58 - Kelly
Status: Neutral
Level: Proud
Notes: S&W Employee. Proud of Smith & Wesson's commitment to community & employees.

1:00 - Philip
Status: Pro2A
Level: RIGHT ON!
Notes: Pro Declaration of Independence, Pro Constitution - NO MORE GUN LAWS - Criminals don't care.

1:03 - Panel - Local Youth
Speaker 1
Status: Anti
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Main issue - illegal guns. Need to focus on the action of people and hold them accountable for criminal behavior.

Speaker 2
Status: Anti
Level: Immature
Notes: A mess. Believed in things that were already in place, read some notes from her phone and giggled like it was a joke. Yes, a bit nervous, but did not take seriously enough.

Speaker 3
Status: Anti
Level: A mess
Notes: Upset that "someone LICENSED buys like, 15 guns, and then brings them down to neighborhood to sell illegally".

1:12 - Mike
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Enough of "catch & release" criminals. Point out to Panel the common ground with Pro2a's & Antis - we ALL want the criminals in jail.

1:16 - Didn't catch name
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Deval's Bill H.47 stinks! Enforce the current laws already!

1:19 - Nicole (SAFE Passage)
Status: Anti
Level: Domestic Violence Counselor
Notes: Abusers with guns terrorize women. Unlicensed abusers buy their guns & ammo at gun shows. Mass needs Gun Registry.................

1:27 - Don
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Panel cannot legislate morality. Gun free zones are targets. Mag limits don't matter to criminals. Admonished Panel to listen up.

* Gentleman from crowd raised hand - Rep Naughton suggested if he wanted to testify to wait his turn - gentleman said he did not want to testify, but wanted Panel to quit texting and pay attention.

1:30 - Bernice - President National Alliance Mental Illness
Status: Anti
Level: Concerned
Notes: Concerned about suicide, mental illness, drug use. Need "funding" for Mental Illness issues.

1:38 - Rep David Linsky
Status: Really?!
Level: Holy-Hell
Notes: Blah, blah... my Bill this and that.... blah, blah... my Bill addresses all evils.... blah, blah. Same stuff we have heard over and over.

1:50 - Panel - Mass Responsible Gun Owners
Speaker 1
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Concentration of violence is in urban areas, that is what needs the focus.

Speaker 2 - former female police officer, retired
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: No further intrusions on LTC holders.

Speaker 3
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Comments on H.3253 (Linsky) - Insurance liability, No Gunshow loopholes in Mass - FA10! Laws only target LTC holders.

Female Rep question to Speaker 3 - Should FID be required for pepper spray?
Speaker 3 - No
Rep Naughton - You know that was just addressed at the end of last legislative session right?
Female Rep - OH okay, I had some folks call me after the murder in Boston and they were concerned about that.

2:08 - Chamber of Commerce guy
Status: Neutral
Notes: Smith & Wesson = good community member

2:13 - Missed the name
Status: Pro2A
Level: Good Stuff
Notes: Culture & Crime are the issues. LTC is within Constitutional rights. Mass - Lenient on crime but have the most stringent gun laws - what the heck?

2:17 - Paul
Status: Pro2A
Level: Had enough
Notes: Panel is the medium in which his comments regarding Deval Patrick and David Linsky can be heard - These individuals sack our opportunities, connive to keep their jobs, conspire against the people, guilty of felony treason, usurpers of the public trust, arm the police to commit violence against the people, are without honor. Hates that Linsky hides behind the courts - "if you don't like my laws, take it up in court". The Second Amendment requires no further interpretation, it is absolutely clear. Basically - Molon Labe

2:25 - NAACP - Pipeline to leadership
Status: Anti
Level: ....
Notes - Several of these kids are the same crew that was bused to Worcester. They had a similar statement as last time. Want a ban on "assault weapons". Read their little statement and then left.

2:29 - Steve
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Read the Second Amendment, and spoke to the meaning.

2:31 - Peter
Status: Pro2A
Level: Followed gun laws for 40 years
Notes: Last legislation was a disaster after promises of greatness. People should no have to pay of for Rights - licenses. Laws need to be based on fact - People control, not gun control.

2:39 - Aaron
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Its not the LTC holders that need to be worried about.... Sounded off on several Supreme Court rulings concerning self defense.

2:45 - Panel - Mom's Demand Action
Speaker 1
Status: Anti
Level: Anti
Notes: Started with "don't want to take away anyone's Rights", want "common sense" solutions. Newtown, for the children, Mass gun laws are great but need to be stronger, 1 gun a month... Save just one child.

Speaker 2
Status: Anti
Level: Wow
Notes: Concerned for kids safety with easy access to guns. "It's like the old west". It's a public health issue - like airbags for a car... car manufacturers didn't want to do it, but they had to make safer products. Need a Gun Registry. Then... when she thinks of gun Rights, she also thinks of gun wrongs - thinks of dead kids in pools of blood, family's shattered by bullets, 33,000 deaths - then said - knives are more personal than guns, at least you can feel the persons breath and feel their body heat.

2:53 - Ron
Status: Pro2A
Level: Right on
Notes: Enforce current laws, enough with the "catch & release". Quoted Springfield major - issues are drug & gang related.

2:57 - Kathy
Status: Pro2A
Level: Reasonable
Notes: Recreational shooter for years. Spoke up because could not longer stay silent on the vilification of gun owners. Asked Panel to please ask for help from gun owners to understand how firearms operate and to answer questions, before legislating on things they don't understand.

3:00 - Had to leave to make an appointment.
Anyone want to give a summary on what this statie said that was so wonderful for those that couldnt be there?

Against 7 rd limits. Don't think that it would have an effect on anything. Doesn't think that one gun a month would do anything.

The bottom line of his testimony was that the laws weren't being enforced and that lawful gun owners aren't the problem. He even went as far to say that he was testifying to fight for the rights of the law-abiding citizen since he will likely be exempt from the new laws b/c he is LE.
Let's not get a hard on here over pepper spray guys. Do you care if they throw you (the dogs) a bone while they (the thief) rob the house and the cookie jar? I really couldn't give a flying **** about pepper spray right now because they aren't looking to regulate it further. Focus on what's important and beat back this shit.
How special for you. I have a teenage daughter that takes the MBTA home from school. She isn't 15 yet so xshe can't get an FID at all.
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