Unstake Grip Screw Bushings 1911?

Nov 14, 2005
Boston Area
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Does anyone know how to remove staked grip screw bushings on a 1911? It seems that the normal-width grip screw bushings on mine are staked, and I would like to switch to thin-width grip screw bushings. I have the bushings, and the special tools to remove the bushings, but I can't make the staked ones budge. Plus I assume even if I did remove them, I would then run into a problem after I put the new ones on, with those possibly getting loose or refusing to unscrew from the actual grip screws when I try to remove the grips later.

Has anyone replaced their 1911 grip screw bushings? If so, some advice would be appreciated. Mine are definitely staked, you can see the 4 indents on the back side from the magazine well...

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The only bushings I've replaced weren't staked. I used some loctite on the new bushings to prevent them coming off with the grip screws. I'll see if I can find info on removing staked bushings.


Only thing I could find in my saved links:

I'd avoid the drill suggestion.
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Some makers use both loctite and staking. If you have access to soldering iron, try applying heat to the bushing, this should break the bond. Para uses no bushings, just in case. Greg
It is a Colt Defender. If I look in the magazine well, I can see the 4 cross-shaped indents in the back of the bushing holes.
they sell a tool to STAKE, but haven't seen one to UNSTAKE. I mean, they have a tool for unscrewing, but I assume that will mess up threads in my aluminum frame... Not to metion, the bushings will not budge...
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