Trudeau bans "assault weapons"!

Or just ban criminals, as he said most people that own guns are law abiding, so if he bans the criminals all gun owners will be law abiding. Problem solved.
Looking more like Castro every day.

Can used guns be imported into the US from Canada ???
Yes, as long as they are in compliance with daddy Bush import AWB, any nation specific import bans (China, Russia), and were never machine guns that would require deactivation first to be a parts kit. Of course you would need a licensed importer, but that’s a separate story.
It boggles the mind that the country that created hockey, Molson XXX, and Saint Catherine’s St. could produce such a cuck

That's Quebec ... Molson, Montreal Canadiens and St. Cath ... those are remnants of French Acadians before France got cucked. The rest of Canada is scottish/english sheep shit.

"Trudeau said there will be a two-year amnesty period to allow people who already own these firearms to comply with the ban. Trudeau promised to pass legislation in the coming months to provide "fair compensation" to people who own these firearms. "

lol yeah I'm sure some people will be stepping right up for that shit... [rofl]
Canada... Our 51st State...

If tyrant Lincoln didn't make a statement about impossibility to ever separate at your own will, I can see Quebec and VT/NH/Maine forming some sort of confederation. Aside from big cities, the culture of freedom loving is very similar except for language spoken and cultural background. I hope Free Quebec movement will pick up again. The rest of Canada is a worthless shithole.
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