Trail camera thread. Post ur trail camera photos.

Ok, Mr Impatient here, I bought a cheapy game cam at KTP over the weekend, only because I have a couple of coyotes running through my back woods all the time (I presume looking to see if my 2 rat terriers are out and tenderized). Is it typical that in bad weather like we have had over the last few nights, rain etc, that traffic is down, or is my cam just lousy? I know it has a slow response time, but it hasn't even snapped anything. My yard is a pretty high traffic area, raccoons, ground hogs, squirrels, possums, cats all come through on a regular basis, last year I laid down a sandy area to catch prints and got all of the above in one weekend.

My cam

I've determined my camera sucks. Returning it to KTP is indeed! It took a little while for the deer to feel comfortable eating from it but they are now! Speaking of, I need to go fill it again! Thanks.
Nice feeder :). I made the exact same one and even the paint job looks the same!

I put out 4 cameras last weekend. I'll let them sit 2-3 weeks and hopefully have something to post up!


Looks like he had a vol or something in its mouth

yeah. my daughters were watching it with me and we all thought it was carrying something. It came back another morning but the camera didn't respond quick enough and there was like two seconds of blurred video on the 20 second clip of the event. So not worth posting that. But I'm loving these trail cams. I get a lot of turkeys during the day. they are fun to watch when they are not startled.
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Can anyone tell me how many points this buck will be? I say at least 6.

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Hard to say from this angle and picture but unless he has no eye guards you are pretty safe with the 6 guess. The angle is tough but there is good mass and width there, I'd suspect at least 8 unless he is just a big 6 point with bad genes. just re-positioned my cameras. And tonight begins the weekend so I expect more animals to be out as they don;t have to work tomorrow. just kidding. I'm interested to see if i can do any better quality wise with the videos.

Would I be better with stills than the video?
Hard to say from this angle and picture but unless he has no eye guards you are pretty safe with the 6 guess. The angle is tough but there is good mass and width there, I'd suspect at least 8 unless he is just a big 6 point with bad genes.

Thanks for the info. I have some other cameras in that area, we'll see if I can get some better pics.
Thanks for the info. I have some other cameras in that area, we'll see if I can get some better pics.

Here is a video with I think the same two deer (the original photo was a zoom of a picture with two in it). The night video is a different deer, I believe, from a camera about a mile away.

ETA: It could be one of the two in the first day video.


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I pulled the first of 4 cameras and found some does and this guy. I have some day time pics of what I believe is him also but he's in the distance so it's hard to tell. This is about 500 yards as the crow flies from my office so I'll be trying to keep an eye on him over the summer. Definitely a shooter in my eyes. For this particular hunt every legal deer is a shooter though.

I went and took a closer look at the day time picture and zoomed in. This deer looks much nicer that the one in the picture above. I assumed they were the same deer but now I don't think so. The funny thing is I have a set of 3 pictures with this guy right on the ass of a doe chasing her. Odd to see.

A curious fellow:

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