This guy has some strong opinions about guns

Man I feel sorry for that kid.

Sounds like he would be right at home with the boston globe or new york times
Typical journalist these days
Well maybe but the more I read about that site the more convinced I was NES just doubled their viewership because of this thread. I bet Turtleboy dwarfs the Kansas Deflector
LOL He's in full tantrum mode "Take deadly arsenals out of private hands, no matter the firearm. No assault weapons. No handguns. No rifles. Melt them down and throw them somewhere deep in the ocean."

Just toss him out of a helicopter

you beat me to it
[ForestVoice] "Ah am not a smahht man." [/ForestVoice]

I didn't make it past the first full paragraph. His lack of understanding was staggering.
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