The Sting Operation Will Put The Whole Democrats’ Ballot Fraud To An End

Those electorate votes don't always hold the win. The electoral college does not convene /vote until Dec 14. 2020. In 2016 Clinton won the popular vote, but President Trump officially won, confirmed by the electoral college vote the following month. This college is a specific number of people per state, chosen by that state's legislature. They usually vote their state's majority, but there have been "faithless votes". One can only hope.
A different view on the "Electoral College".


Lol it's more than just qanon spraying this crap.

What the heck is "qanon", some Chinese group?
If there is truth to this...
exposing a major voter fraud / cheating scandal would cause an enormous amount of chaos.
May solve some problems in the longer term, but a scandal on such a level is far more than a shot across the bow. And it would make covid about as relevant as aramaic.
This is QAnon shit. The fact that QAnon shit shows up literally everywhere now is a really bad sign for the future of conservatism.
This is straight out of the Lefts playbook. Their slip shows in front of enough people to make them nervous. They flood the zone with ridiculous stories that are somewhat related to what theyre trying to hide but also provably false. Our side inevitably picks up on some (most) of them and it spreads like wildfire for some short time. After these become known to a good amount of the public, the media does their smug little eyeroll/slow head shake routine and declares them all to be conspiracies, along with the original kernal of truth that made their sphincter pucker.
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