The Second Amendment Task Force: Donald Trump Jr. launches gun rights group, vows to fight Democratic gun control proposals


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Donald Trump Jr. launches gun rights group, vows to fight Democratic gun control proposals​

The Second Amendment Task Force plans to build its operation around Trump’s high social media visibility and following, as well as his national media appearances​

FIRST ON FOX: Donald Trump Jr. is launching a new gun rights group that he says will be a vehicle for fighting against Democratic gun control efforts.

Fox News Digital has learned that Trump Jr. will be launching the Second Amendment Task Force and will serve as the chairman of the group as it works to protect Americans’ right to bear arms.

"The Second Amendment is the whole ballgame; it's the freedom that protects all of our other freedoms. Unfortunately the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress are hellbent on eroding our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, whether it's nominating radical gun-grabbers to senior positions in the executive branch or pushing anti-gun legislation," Trump Jr. told Fox News Digital. "The Second Amendment Task Force is entirely devoted to ensuring the Left is never successful in disarming American citizens."

The Second Amendment Task Force is the first advocacy group that Trump has launched and been directly involved with. The group plans to make a push in the upcoming midterm elections this year, especially in the voter registration sphere.

Additionally, the group says it will fight against Biden administration nominees and Democrat legislative initiatives that could impinge on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

Trump Jr. was one of several high-profile Republicans who rallied opposition to David Chipman, President Biden’s controversial – and unsuccessful – nominee to lead the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). He credited that battle for inspiring his decision to launch the group.

"The idea for the group came from our successful effort to stop a radical anti-gun lobbyist from becoming the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)," Trump Jr. told Fox News Digital.

"We had to make sure that the American people knew what was going on, especially with Red State Democrats. If they're considering casting an anti-Second Amendment vote, we're going to make sure they feel the pain. This new group will help us put more structure and resources around those efforts to make sure we're as successful as we can be."

The Second Amendment Task Force plans to build its operation around Trump’s high social media visibility and following, as well as his national media appearances.

The former president’s son said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas last year that he would be "everywhere" in the 2022 midterm elections cycle.

A significant point in Don Jr.'s favor is that he genuinely doesn't need grift to have enough money. As for doing his own organization, it's the best way to ensure message control and creates a personal bond to the issue in the minds of his audience.
I’d jump on that bandwagon head first before ever giving the NRA another dollar. I like DJT and wish him the best with this.

DJT and Musk have the money, power and online presence to make them incredibly formidable allies on the side of freedom.
No freaking offense, but I hate it when people create ANOTHER group that does exactly what 8 other groups do. It's just annoying and spreads out our resources to pad someone ego and pocketbook.

I won't be sending any $ his way. There are already 3-4 organizations I support. I won't add another.
He's setting up a future run for President. Which is a good idea. We've seen the Bush dynasty of failure. A Trump dynasty, by contrast, could be a raging success for America.
Not a fan of political dynasties. This seems grifty to me when he could have teamed up with GOA or FPC
Are GOA or FPC grifty?

Or do they exist solely because the NRA/ILA is dysfunctional?

Regardless of the ulterior motives for creating this "task force",
the audience for this message is the NRA board.

Note well:
To paraphrase Lincoln regarding Grant,
we need GOA and FPC (and Comm2A) - they fight!

Nothing will switch the left into full attack on guns mode like Trump being pro 2A.

I hope those in the know at the NRA take notice when his message is heard while Wayne is shopping for suits.
Now here's someone who gets it.

No freaking offense, but I hate it when people create ANOTHER group that does exactly what 8 other groups do. It's just annoying and spreads out our resources to pad someone ego and pocketbook.
Imagine being a conservative oligarch and having a line out the door
and down the block of mendicants who all want you to bankroll the same grift,
but with them in charge. Must be funny to be a fly on the wall
when the moonbats try and pull that on the Clintons, only to be told,
"Do we look like George Soros? You pay us".

I won't be sending any $ his way. There are already 3-4 organizations I support. I won't add another.
Someone here was considering that?
Donald Trump was anti-gun. This won't go well.
He was and is. And his base doesn't quite know how to internalize that. One of the many reasons why I don't understand the cult of Orange Man.

He has a lot of real shitty takes on things. And the company he keeps, such as GEN Milley and Dr. Fauci, Christ save us.

Still bugged about those bump stocks huh?

Any supporter of the 2A should be forever horrified by that. Talk about some insane power to give to the ATF.

I’d jump on that bandwagon head first before ever giving the NRA another dollar. I like DJT and wish him the best with this.

DJT and Musk have the money, power and online presence to make them incredibly formidable allies on the side of freedom.
"He was and is. And his base doesn't quite know how to internalize that. One of the many reasons why I don't understand the cult of Orange Man.

He has a lot of real shitty takes on things. And the company he keeps, such as GEN Milley and Dr. Fauci, Christ save us."

Because he WON, exposed the media and swamp for what it is and gave the finger to the DC Fascists! He should have fired Milley but he inherited St. Fauci. While DC Republicans cowered before the liberal Media he counterattacked and called them out for what they are, a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party and their main enforcer. I like Don Jr., he's media savvy and serious and should drive the anti's crazy. The NRA is dead and no one knows SAF or GOA so a Trump Pro2A Foundation could be a bonus for us.
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He was and is. And his base doesn't quite know how to internalize that. One of the many reasons why I don't understand the cult of Orange Man.

He has a lot of real shitty takes on things. And the company he keeps, such as GEN Milley and Dr. Fauci, Christ save us.

Any supporter of the 2A should be forever horrified by that. Talk about some insane power to give to the ATF.

The only people crazier than never-Trumpers are always-Trumpers. I don't get the fascination with the guy. And I supported a LOT of what he did.
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