The preppers who fear global meltdown in 2024 ....

I know MD Creekmore. Bit of a douche. That said, he’s right about the world going to hell and the need to be ready. The darkest predictions are probably spot on. My thought is that another stolen election will lead to civil war. All the military age Chinese males who’ve been crossing the border into California will be asked by Quisling (Newsom) to restore order. They’re going to leapfrog over Taiwan to avoid kinetic war.
I know MD Creekmore. Bit of a douche. That said, he’s right about the world going to hell and the need to be ready. The darkest predictions are probably spot on. My thought is that another stolen election will lead to civil war. All the military age Chinese males who’ve been crossing the border into California will be asked by Quisling (Newsom) to restore order. They’re going to leapfrog over Taiwan to avoid kinetic war.
Who exactly is going to fight this civil war while TikTok is still up and running and the Pats are playing on Sunday?
Pats are playing on Sunday.
Yes. One more week. After that???
Only idiots are on Tiktok.
What else ya got?
Pray the grid don't go down or its back to the 70s.
The 1770s
Pats are playing on Sunday.
Yes. One more week. After that???
Only idiots are on Tiktok.
What else ya got?
Pray the grid don't go down or its back to the 70s.
The 1770s
Im sure people will manage to find some mindless bs to distract themselves with. Pro sports seasons pretty much all overlap no?
People have been 'prepping' for 'shtf' for, what, a decade now?

Nothing drastic will happen. It's a slow burn.
TPTB know they can accomplish what they want only by boiling the frog. There will never be an "Oh SHIT, GRAB YOUR RIFLE" moment. There will eventually be a "Solzhenitsyn" moment where we all look around and kick ourselves in the ass because its too late.
Believe me I don’t want any kind of civil war and I do believe that you’ve been correct up until now. The frog in the pot has been steadily cooking for decades, some might argue a century. This feels different though. Crisis after crisis and eventually a society reaches a tipping point.

I’ve said it before that the most historically analogous period is the Spanish Civil War. Disenfranchise, alienate, and criminalize more than half of the population and there will be a reaction. Remember, the “republicans” weren’t classical liberals who simply opposed the previous monarchy. They were hardcore urban communists, eager to destroy the hallmarks of Spanish society and replace it with revolutionary Marxism. Sounds like exactly what we’re facing today.
Pats are playing on Sunday.
Yes. One more week. After that???
Only idiots are on Tiktok.
What else ya got?
Pray the grid don't go down or its back to the 70s.
The 1770s
I am very concerned about the power grid and other infrastructure being attacked. As we have had incidents in NC of people shooting at sub stations causing power outages… then again so can a balloon in the likes etc etc.

It’s amazing how much $$$ we all pay for utilities and fuel and very little real military like security outside of maybe the nuclear power plants.. but that’s required by law I’m sure…

You think 9/11 would have woken them up but it’s all about $$
I am very concerned about the power grid and other infrastructure being attacked. As we have had incidents in NC of people shooting at sub stations causing power outages… then again so can a balloon in the likes etc etc.

It’s amazing how much $$$ we all pay for utilities and fuel and very little real military like security outside of maybe the nuclear power plants.. but that’s required by law I’m sure…

You think 9/11 would have woken them up but it’s all about $$
We were a homogenous country when the infrastructure was put in place. Even aside from race or religion, there werent huge numbers of citizens and government officials who hated the country. We had some control over who came here. Thats not the case today. EVen if it could be done for free, there's not enough police, soldiers or volunteers to guard everything that needs to be guarded and if there were, you probably couldnt trust half of them.
I mean it could be full on tinfoil hat, but when zuck,bozos,gates and Biden(at/near his Delaware property)and I'm sure these more are all building doomsday esque bunkers near the same time.
One could see that as a sign of something.
Their accountants probably told them they needed to spend an ungodly amount of money to avoid the tax hit. Who would build a doomsday bunker in f*cking Delaware.
With all that happened in 2020 and the collapse didn’t happen I lost some energy for prepping. And the thought of roving gangs that will reach every inch of southern New England in search of a can of beans when the collapse does happen.
I started prepping in 08. Now in 24 I can’t keep it up. Most of my pantry is empty save a 100 cans or better. In 2011 we had 3yrs minimum for the 2 of us. We could have locked the door and not come out for 3yrs easy. When my wife and I look around we say "we’re glad we’re old!"
Out of curiosity, who is the latest greatest long term food supplier? Mountain House is huge bucks from what I saw earlier.
With all that happened in 2020 and the collapse didn’t happen I lost some energy for prepping. And the thought of roving gangs that will reach every inch of southern New England in search of a can of beans when the collapse does happen.
Watching what happens when six inches of snow falls lends support for at least thinking how you could survive for three months without support from civilization. You can prep without going crazy.

I prefer to think of it as being prepared like a scout rather than paranoid prepping.
Their accountants probably told them they needed to spend an ungodly amount of money to avoid the tax hit. Who would build a doomsday bunker in f*cking Delaware.
If you were super wealthy and know that you are always being watched do you try to hide everything, and fail, or do you build one that gets "discovered" and another you keep secret? And where do you put the real bunker? How about a ship? Or more than one?

Jeff Bezos’ $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren Sanchez figurehead
I've got lot of Lehman's canned meat.

I’ve been buying the canned meat sampler at lately. I think it’s $88 iirc. That and anything on their Future Essentials page. I have a ton of Mountain House that I bought back in 2019 too as well as Auguson Farms. Mountain House has real meat. AF doesn’t. I use them for dairy and veggies.


Another year with this guy at the helm the possibility of hitting an iceberg is a real concern..!! Letting 8 million plus people to cross our boarders illegally has to have some ramifications..?? Like one politician said,that's equal to 4 Nebraska's....!

They‘ve allowed in a hostile foreign army. Even with all the prepping for being shut in, if gangs of people are roaming your neighborhood or rioting in your area, one Molotov cocktail thrown against your house or on your roof will end all of your prepping plans. It used to be that you stayed out of cities and maybe in your suburbs you would be isolated. Not any longer. There are tons of suburbs in MA alone with motels and hotels packed to the brim with people who come from places where the rule of law collapsed a long time ago, and they can sniff out when someone has supplies. You won’t be able to react fast enough when they come en masse to take what you have. Wait another year or so for them to build more low income housing in small towns across the country and you’ll basically have an occupying army in every county in America.
We’re heading to a world of misery where everything is in short supply.
Clothing, food, energy rationing but anyone that fires a round will be called an insurrectionist and rounded up.
The elites know they can do what ever they want to the masses like dissolve their border, devalue the currency and you’ll just continue to scroll.
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