The NRA and its allies use jargon to bully gun-control supporters

This is the fun quote right here kids....

Adam Weinstein said:
...But the pro-gun side needs to give a lot more

No we f***ing don't. We've given enough of our rights away over the last 100 years. I hope a pigeon shits in your mouth.

And yes, a growing number of American gun owners, including me, find “assault weapons” easier to define, and harder to defend, with time.

Maybe you do, because your friend died at that school or whatever, but the rights of the better part of an entire THIRD of the population shouldn't rest upon you "feeling bad" about
someone having access to a particular type of gun.

What a maudlin sad sack piece of shit this guy is.

They're lucky that all they're getting is light mocking and ridicule.

I wouldn't even call it that- IMHO after a point when someone is so far off base in their argument, in terms of misuse/abuse of terms and so forth, you can end up, unintentionally mocking the shit out of someone purely as a matter of course. It's like having a debate with people about what tires are best, where the majority of one side thinks that the wheels on the car are square and not round. That's how f***ed up it is. We challenge them constantly on terminology because it's pretty obvious that there's a built in intent to spread deception, fear, hyperbole, and false information to the other 2/3rds of the public that generally doesn't understand how firearms work beyond what they see on TV and movies. All we ever wanted in the "debate" was for them to stop lying. Then they get upset when they get called out on the lies constantly- because it's quite obvious that they're trying o
convince people it's a "facts based" argument and not one based purely off "emotion" or "feels". Although that being said, I believe that thinking people would at least respect
them more if they (the useful idiot level antis at least) didn't try to pretend it was anything more than an emotional platform for them. Of course by this point the useful idiots are
getting that full on "Union Member / Scientologist" grade of brainwash going on, full bore. 90% of their arguments are shit regurgitated from the noise box or other moonbats
on faceplant. It's not "guns R scary" anymore its "guns are bad, the noisebox told me so!" - "true believer" type shit, now. Unfortunately for us their leader is not named "Jim Jones... "

Of course it's okay for gun confiscators to suggest that all NRA members should be shot. That's NOT bullying at all.

This is another thing I've been seeing more of that indicates that the derangement has reached a new level. 30 years ago a typical anti was some moonbat that enjoyed knitting and was scared of guns- but most of them probably wouldn't go THAT far... Now more of them are brainwashed ANTIFA types, etc. The level of rhetoric on the left is more intense and it is tempered by absolutely nothing.

I prefer gunspreading to gunsplaining. Sort of like Stallone and his Jatimatic in Cobra. Or just opening your standard AR to clean it.

(While researching the post, found out the company that made the gigantic laser sight for the Jatimatic was none other than (in a former name and life). . . . . . SUREFIRE!)
What I read was... "wahhhh I don't want to do any research or learn technical terms those words have too many syllables and some times the designations have numbers..... that's too hard to learn....." This is getting beyond full retard, we need a new term for this.
And, the author of the article "is currently at work on a memoir about gun culture in America." That'll be a tome of knowledge and integrity.
Its not my responsibility to explain anything to those who want to deny my Constitutional Rights. They aren't negotiable. And the blanket argument that "no one needs guns like that" is not a negotiation. I am entrenched and compromising nothing because the Constitution doesn't qualify Arms or my Right to Bear them at all, and if they want it to, then they should amend the Constitution with "except for Common Sense legislation". Good luck with the secession that follows that.
Personally I like the anti gun argument that ARs are a weapon of war. Shame the guys at Lexington-Concord didn't have them when the Red Coats came to get our guns. Lets calculate something, per Diane Feinstein logic if one or two guys had possessed the BUMP STOCK at Lexington-Concord that would have decimated the Brit Army right there.

Now the kicker is wonder what we are gonna hear when we meet them "up yonder" about what Mass has turned into.
So the people which invented nonsense jargon like:
woke, intersectionality, non-binary, trigger warning, microaggression, etc.

Are complaining that we want them to use the proper technical terms for mechanical devices which have been generally understood for sometimes a century or more?

This is why you tell loons that you don't speak nonsense and they must use proper English if they want to have a conversation.
Personally I like the anti gun argument that ARs are a weapon of war.

Me too...

Easy to follow up with the fact that my AR10 "assault weapon" was rejected by the military in favor of my M1A "hunting rifle" - to use gun grabber terms.

Such a great weapon of war that for like 8 years the AR10 and AR15 platforms were rejected by how many militaries?
If the distinctions between a revolver, semi auto and full auto dont matter then why do we have the GCA on full autos?

Just another bezos/amazon/washington compost bullshit story

Just wait, pretty soon they will be trying to ban revolvers... they fire one shot with every pull of the trigger so essentially assault weapons. o_O

Next comes free speech on the internet, nobody should be able to talk to that many people at once.
So the people which invented nonsense jargon like:
woke, intersectionality, non-binary, trigger warning, microaggression, etc.

Are complaining that we want them to use the proper technical terms for mechanical devices which have been generally understood for sometimes a century or more?

This is why you tell loons that you don't speak nonsense and they must use proper English if they want to have a conversation.

Not only that, the people who think there's 72 genders and get pissed off when you don't know what one they want to use on any given day...hell if you don't know the name they want to be called while having sex with a jellybean while being spanked by a pygmy with a pancake made from gluten free soy droppings hand rolled by a cross-eyed llama with an extra chromosome you are a horrible person.
We need to vocally reject their baseline assertion that their feelings are important and need to be protected at all costs. Fight and win that one battle and win the war.
The comments section is gold.

"I have seen this attack come back to me whenever I post an opinion of what we must do to ban assault weapons and the magazines that feed them. One or more enraged NRA gun nut and parrot starts in about my lack of knowledge about guns and ammo (an ignorance I am quite pleased with by the way). My response, and one that seems to shut them up, is to inform them that we are not writing dictionaries or lexicons here. We are talking about the blood of children and students running down the floors of school rooms and that of innocent others in offices and even parking lots and doing something about it!"

Yes, we are talking about blood of children and your proposals would do nothing to stop it because you're basing your thinking off lack of fundamental information.
this is the new talking point for the gun grabbers: don't get hung up on the terminology because it's just an NRA distraction tactic. What BS! You want to ban something and can't even describe what it is!

I tell people the AR is unique in that it is POPULAR. Honda Accord is the most stolen car in America, so if you ban Honda Accords would that decrease car theft? No.

Then that Eugene Stoner "family" quote about what Eugene would say today--what BS--the guy died in 1997, lets not pretend like anyone would know his opinion on today's issues. The NBC article claims he never even owned his own rifle or had one in his house but then goes on to describe how he built it in his garage--are you kidding with that logic!
this is the new talking point for the gun grabbers: don't get hung up on the terminology because it's just an NRA distraction tactic. What BS! You want to ban something and can't even describe what it is!

Exactly. You're advocating for banning something based on misconceptions, misunderstandings, and sometimes deliberate misinformation. The heroin/war-on-drugs analogy the writer uses is garbage. Show me 120,000,000 people with a constitutionally protected right to use heroin, where perhaps a few hundred hurt others and a few thousand hurt themselves. There's no conflation with opiates either - they've got medical value that's limited and a high abuse rate, where guns have incredible value and lawfully owned guns have a low abuse rate to the point of being negligible. Terrible analogy!

I tell people the AR is unique in that it is POPULAR. Honda Accord is the most stolen car in America, so if you ban Honda Accords would that decrease car theft? No.

Same. Worth noting about 66% of rifles sold last year were the AR platform - can add to your "pitch".

Then that Eugene Stoner "family" quote about what Eugene would say today--what BS--the guy died in 1997, lets not pretend like anyone would know his opinion on today's issues. The NBC article claims he never even owned his own rifle or had one in his house but then goes on to describe how he built it in his garage--are you kidding with that logic!

His family has been interviewed several times and have shown repeatedly that they don't even know the history of the AR-10 and AR-15. They know jack shit.
This is the fun quote right here kids....

No we f***ing don't. We've given enough of our rights away over the last 100 years. I hope a pigeon shits in your mouth.

Maybe you do, because your friend died at that school or whatever, but the rights of the better part of an entire THIRD of the population shouldn't rest upon you "feeling bad" about
someone having access to a particular type of gun.

What a maudlin sad sack piece of shit this guy is.


drgrant, you've gotta stop with the pigeon poop. I'm laughing so hard I'm dribbling! You must be angry, so tell us how you really feel. LMAO.
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Can someone please tell me how banning the AR will end these terrible school massacres. What will the gun grabbers propose when these sick individuals stop using AR's and start using pipe bombs! I say we should close down all of those awful plumbing supply houses and pass a law making it a felony to belong to international brotherhood of plumbers.
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