The John Kelly Memorial Practical Shooting Match - PLANNING THREAD

I have extra cuffs from my former life if you really want to play

Donna- Bring Mojo with you to open up the whoop-ass if its needed!

Well, I guess it's the taser for you then, Mr. Round Gun - and Mojo will just fart the Greg's into submission! Ask Matt - he knows what Mojo is capable of!
Has the slushie lady been booked?

Rob, nobody to my knowledge has set up anything regarding food... Is this the person who usually does the food for the Harvard USPSA matches? If so, that would be great if she could do the Kelly match. Can you contact her and see if she can come on July 31st to have food available for purchase by the shooters? Thanks, John
I don't know how to contact here, but I expect I she will be at several Harvard matched before that date, giving us plenty of time to invite her.
There was some interest under the GENERAL DISCUSSION category about putting on a practical shooting match to honor John Kelly similar to a 2008 match put on by Dave Bold and the crew at The Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford.

Speaking of which, I don't see their club schedule here. I like shooting the NB club. Dave needs to get that schedule up!
Can we get an update on this?

Nothing really to update... waiting for the Metrowest Tactical website to be back online (currently has 2009 information and is in the process of being re-done) and when that happens I will make up a registration form that people can download. Not sure when this will take place, if MWT website isn't up soon I'll ask Dan to put it on the Harvard Sportsmens Club website and then I can post a link on NES to it.
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