The Gun Control Poll Mega Thread

Total Votes: 1772

Need just 4 more for the magic #!

BTW the "we need fewer gun laws" option is destroying both of the lesser options by a mile.

Now if only i could do that with the lottery:

  • Total Votes: 1776
  • Our gun laws are fine the way they are

  • We need stricter gun control laws

  • We need to make it easier to own and carry firearms

After going on all these polls, I realize they are just moonbat dem controlled media propaganda tools.

They are desperate to find valadation for the false claim that 80% of the people want more gun control.

still the senate votes straight down party lines, regardless of what the people or the 2A says,

with the exception of the senator from N.H. Who fells it's ok to play games with her vote to preserve her job, Which is job one .

shovel ,meet tide.
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