The Great UN Gun Debate

The ****ing British again ! It's not gun violence, it's human violence, you asshats !

Read this

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The rest of the World is pissed because they know the American People can never be conquered.
I love the Brits are debating what the US Senate should do or not do. They should be told to mind their own business, take care of their muslim problems and pound sand.

Matter of fact the last time they tried to tell us what to do we kicked their collective asses out of the US.
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It's not the British as a race it the same as here, liberals want to force their views on the rest of the world. There are plenty of British that loves guns and Brit Exit is all about foreign ocupencey. The U.K. is a violent place with plenty of fights, muggings and stabbings. Car, property theft etc. Going out on Friday night was known as "fight night" out side certain clubs.

The problem is that all countries have foreign policy and think they know what's best for that country. Having lived in both places.. Well there is a reason I became a US citizen, I visit but wouldn't want to live there again
It's not the British as a race it the same as here, liberals want to force their views on the rest of the world. There are plenty of British that loves guns and Brit Exit is all about foreign ocupencey. The U.K. is a violent place with plenty of fights, muggings and stabbings. Car, property theft etc. Going out on Friday night was known as "fight night" out side certain clubs.

The problem is that all countries have foreign policy and think they know what's best for that country. Having lived in both places.. Well there is a reason I became a US citizen, I visit but wouldn't want to live there again

Liberal good they're MANDATORY
I didn't know there was a debate. I thought it was, "So, how can we disarm the entire global civilian population and force our utopian ideals upon them under pain of death, or worse, UN Peacekeeper protection?"
The UN is a joke. Their global gun control bullshit is a combination of socialist countries wanting the US to go their way, and collaborators from our country who want to push backdoor gun control legislation via a globalist angle.
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