The Boxing Ring at Fort Campbell


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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This post has been edited to remove all offensive language. I am trying...[smile]

The boxing ring at Ft Campbell

It was early summer in 1967, and I was a new cherry in the 187th PIR at Fort Campbell.
It was Saturday morning formation, and we were eager to start the weekend. The 1SG had announced that there would be boxing matches at 11:30 and then dismissed us.
As I was walking away, the 1SG stopped me and said, "Where do you think you're going cherry! The boxing ring is over there!"

"Ah, sorry First Sergeant, but I got a pass and was going into town!"

"No you're not are going into the ring and box!"

"But Sergeant, I don't know how to box." I pleaded.

"Well cherry, now is the time to learn."

Now, I was a skinny guy, about 160 lbs, and hadn't been in a fight since growing up with my brothers as a kid. I knew nothing about boxing!

So here I am, walking to this boxing ring on the edge of the parade field, with most of the platoon following behind. Obviously making sure I get there.

As I get to the ring, everybody is staring at me and chanting, "Cherry...Cherry.....Cherry!"

They start taking off my fatigue shirt and lacing the gloves on as I look up into the ring. I look up at this big, mean looking dude in the ring, a foot taller and 50 pounds heavier than me, staring at me like he wanted to eat me for lunch!

"OH SHIT!" I thought....."this is gonna hurt!" I was never so scared in my life.[rofl]

Just as I start to climb into the ring, this little SSG walks up to me and whispers in my ear......"You better get mad real quick motherXXXXXX, cause this dude wants to beat your ass!....just go a round, then I will come in and take up the slack."

Well, I am glad they didn't have video cameras then, because I probably would have ended up on youtube!

But after receiving a few punches I realized that this big dude was slow, and it got pretty easy to dodge his punches. I never got in any punches that mattered, but I got fast and dodged every punch he had. And I stopped backing up, and just weaved from side to side.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell sounded and everyone gave me a good round of applause.

The little SSG then got ready to get in the ring. He looked at me and said,
"Thanks for wearing him out for me cherry!" He smiled and then got in the ring and proceeded to beat the crap out of that big dude.

After that day, I was never afraid of anybody based on their size!

I actually started looking forward to those Saturdays, and that little SSG taught me a lot about handling myself in the ring.

I wish I could remember his name, and find him to thank him!
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Something sticks in my mind about basic training............. some thing about the quick and the dead. No mention that size matters.
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