The Big List Of Who Hates Guns

lets be clear, they're not against guns, they're against common folk owning bad guns

the guns they or their private security or publicly funded security details use are good guns

likewise, those guns you see in the movies that the anti 2A actors make are okay too [rolleyes]

This is really the key thing.

And why one of the first questions that people like this should be asked is: WHY DO YOU WANT ME DEAD?

When they say they don't understand - you need to ask them flat out why is that they advocate for making people defenseless - like those kids in CT , like all the victims of genocide - like all the people who live in places where the government has taken away the right of self defense by banning the most useful tool for that purpose?

DON'T let them get away with their crap - call them out on it.
I would think a bunch of the names on the list especially the medical companies, put money into the support of the anti gun agenda so the government would look favoring on them come a time when changes in laws were to fall on there field of work.
No more movies for me I guess. Too many anti gun actors/actresses. And my favorite movie theater chain too! Of course, I boycotted AMC when the Chinese bought them (though I did break that boycott 1 time) but no more slipping!
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