The 1998 Massachusetts Gun Control Act Continues to be a Public Safety Threat


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Nov 21, 2007
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The 1998 Massachusetts Gun Control Act Continues to be a Public Safety Threat

May 5, 2009

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has just released its latest report through the Injury Surveillance System. The report provides the number of firearm related homicides in Massachusetts as well as other fatal injuries.

This latest report covering the year 2007 reflects the continuing cycle of increased gun related homicides since the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1998. According to the DPH’s latest numbers, gun related homicides have increased by an astonishing 79% since the passage of the misguided legislation.

In what was heralded by its supporters as leading the nation in “common sense gun laws” that would keep citizens safe, the 1998 legislation has once again proven to be an abysmal failure and a public safety threat.

To make matters worse, if they could be, the rise in crime has been accompanied by an 85% reduction in lawfully licensed gun owners. This drastic decline has been caused by many factors including incomprehensible laws and regulations, discriminatory licensing practices, unlawful procedures, draconian disqualification standards, etc.

For years Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) has been exposing the disastrous consequences of the 1998 gun laws that have created a “Decade of Disaster”. It saddens us that the innocent citizens of Massachusetts continue to pay the price for an obvious failed social experiment.
This documented failure of the Massachusetts gun laws is just another example of the need for real reform with real results. We urge all of the citizens of the Commonwealth to contact their state legislators and urge them to reform the current laws by passing the Civil Rights and Public Safety Act.

“We need to keep guns out of the hands of violent criminals by reforming our gun laws to make them clear, comprehensive and effective. They should be tough on criminals and easy to enforce,” said Jim Wallace Executive Director of Gun Owners’ Action League. “Our gun laws should also do more to respect the individual right of every citizen of the United States to keep and bear arms. However, unlike the supporters of the failed 1998 laws, we believe we can do both.”

For more information on GOAL’s reform bill, H.2259 “The Civil Rights and Public Safety Act” please go to

ISP Report link:
I say that NES members and the members of GOAL get together and try to repeal the Civil Rights and Public Safety Acts and the Assault weapons ban in Massachusetts because they are utterly ridiculous and are just a nuisance to lawful abiding gun owners.
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Goal is nice to have around, but you are preaching to the choir here. How do you get this message out to mr/mrs common voter in the streets? Are you doing any viral marketing on forums that non gun owners frequent? Any radio ads, any newpaper ads?

I would be willing to donate to an "education" fund.
Gun control is a major threat to public safety because it only disarms the innocent but the anti-gunners could care less because as the saying goes it is not about gun control it is about control.
Maybe poison should be banned; look at the number of deaths due to poison! [rolleyes]
No, I'm not serious, just pointing out our states obsession with fixing what isn't broken and ignoring what is. [rolleyes]

I think Imma find an anti-gun forum, use a proxy server and post a link to statistics showing that this kind of gun control doesn't work.
Can't repeal a law that doesn't exist yet. Not to mention this is a pro 2A bill so we wouldn't want to repeal it.

I bet paulie walnuts (post3) meant the "Consumer protection Act" (I think that's what it was called). IIRC the Consumer Protection Act created one of the two "Lists" of approved firearms. I doubt he meant repeal the Civil Rights and Public Safety Act.

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I bet paulie walnuts (post3) meant the "Consumer protection Act" (I think that's what it was called). IIRC the Consumer Protection Act created one of the two "Lists" of approved firearms. I doubt he meant repeal the Civil Rights and Public Safety Act.


You are right I meant the Consumer protection Act and the Assault weapon ban in Mass. My bad!
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