Terrifying!!! Temple University students robbed in off-campus apartment armed home invasion - Police Refuse To Say What The Suspects Looked Like

My 'woke' daughter and husband went to Philly last week to escort my niece on a college visit. Got attacked by squads of local ATV & Bikers, never left the hotel....šŸ˜‚
Freedom ain't free in Ben Franklin's AO, pay the road tax

Did that make them go "hmmm......."?
Remember the 91 yr. old Black Civil Rights Activist who was robbed/mugged in Franklin Park a month ago while walking her dog? No race of perp was reveled even thou video of suspect was broadcast and clearly a Black Guy. No arrests either as far as I know.

Snitches get stitchesā€¦

The ghetto goblins turned on this old senior citizen after they ratted out the robbery.
Par for the course, they only ID "White Supremacists" who commit violent crimes.
Remember, Black Youts who commit violent crimes are "victims" of white oppression and are just acting out.
You got it all wrong. They're peacefully protesting.
My sympathy gland is broken.

How do you have 11 people in an apartment and not one of them has a weapon or the spine to fight two people?

Guns are illegal and you'll get kicked out of school. So are drugs and booze when you're underage. Why do these idiot kids only follow rules that are meant to harm them?

Perps should have executed them so they won't breed or vote.
Temple is in such a shitty neighborhood the campus does everything to downplay and cover up horrific crimes against students.
this. I did a shitload of business in Philly in the mid 80s. Got to know where and where not to go fairly quickly.
Decades ago when I lived in Rochester, NY the newspapers made a deal - they would never mention the race of a suspect unless it was part of a comprehensive description likely to help police find the individual, in return for which a community activist group agreed not to denounce the newspaper for racism.

Feral dogs always hunt in packs.
I was thinking cockroaches.
I grew up in Philly.....lucky me. Went to look at grad schools and the optometry school in Philly was right next to Temple and the Boston school was in Back Bay. That is why I am here now.
The "selling" point at the Philly school was that they had guards to walk you from the classrooms to the dorms or your car........WOW !

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/officer_Lew/status/1627110726916612100

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